Zhang Tianle looked at "I said I am one, I am one", and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "You have already given money to the hexagram, so you don't need to give me any more gifts."

"No! Master, you saved my father's life. This money must be given, otherwise my dad will think that his life is worth 3,000 yuan! This is something my dad won't allow. "

I say I am one, I am one" when he says this, it is a vibrating word.

The sailors in the live broadcast room were shocked by her local tyrant behavior.

One spaceship is 10,000 pieces.

This just hit the microphone and smashed a million.

And it's still throwing money at it.

Because of the money-throwing behavior of the local tyrant "I said I am one, I am one", Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room was directly topped by the top of the live broadcast room list.

It has also received key support from the platform.

Originally, Zhang Tianle was on the hot search at two ends in three days, which caused the Xianyin platform to focus on his live broadcast room.

It's just that his live broadcast content is a bit sensitive and not suitable for mass promotion.

But what they never expected was that a local tyrant would directly spend a million dollars!

touched the preset point of the algorithm at once, and instantly drained Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room.

The managers who were watching the data in the background were quite caught off guard when they saw this scene: "..."

The mood is also quite complicated.

At the last meeting, they also asked their leaders about this issue.

The leader said go with the flow.

So, now they go with the flow or not?

Seeing that "I said I am one, I am one" and continued to throw money, Zhang Tianle said with a smile: "Enough!" Even if you give me more money, I will donate seventy percent of the money to welfare institutions, and if your father really wants to be grateful, then be grateful to God and do more good deeds.

"I said I am one, I am one" shook his head: "One yard is one yard, the money given to you is for you, and what you do with it is your business." As for my dad doing those good things, he will handle it himself, and I just pay the anchor money. As

soon as these words came out.

YOYO, who was watching the live broadcast in Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room: [I was suddenly envious! ] Ah, such a beauty is on the list, I want it too! [

Really people have a lot of money! Beauty, look at me, I don't look worse than the anchor!

[There is no picture upstairs and no truth, and even if you look no worse than the anchor, can you have the anchor to pinch and calculate, and can you save the boss's father? ] And

more passers-by poured into the live broadcast room because of curiosity.

These passers-by still had doubts when they saw the name of Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room.

[Indicates that I am new here, the anchor's "master fortune teller 3000!] It is not allowed to pay 3,000 !! "Is it true? 【

Yes! Oh, yes! How can there be such a good thing in this world, it can't be a gimmick, right?

Looking at the stupid newcomers who just came, those old fans seemed to see the ignorance when they first came into the live broadcast room.

They also suspected it back then, but after being beaten by Zhang Tianle, they fell into the pit and couldn't get out.

Mainly after watching Zhang Tianle's live broadcast, it will be addictive!

Then after seeing someone else's live broadcast, it was boring.

[Upstairs you know it's new at a glance.] The anchor has not changed the title. The anchor is now not 3,000 hexagrams, but has changed to a lottery. Match people who need to tell fortunes.

[Well, it's not! Today's streamers are not short of money at all. He makes more money a day than I do in a year. The

words of this water friend made many water friends in the live broadcast room fall into contemplation.

They felt that this sailor was talking too little.

In less than fifteen minutes just now, this "I said I am one, I am one" brushed Zhang Tianle more than 1.5 million.

One and a half million!

This is even money that many people will not make in their lifetime.

At the moment, "I said I am one, I am one", who was brushing Zhang Tianle's spaceship, saw that millions of people poured into the live broadcast room in an instant.

She glanced at the number of people online: "Master, I won't take up your time. Go ahead and tell your fortunes to other friends.

Zhang Tianle nodded and turned on the lottery mode in the background.

As soon as the lottery mode was turned on, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly seemed to be pressed the stop button, and no one spoke for a full minute.

After a minute, the rotation stops with the draw mode.

Three names appeared on the lottery machine: the wind blows the crotch of the pants and the butt is cold, the smoke and rain are also tender, and it is good to gather and disperse.

Zhang Tianle glanced backstage: "Congratulations to the three of you for getting the opportunity to tell the fortune." Now please 'blow the crotch of the pants and the ass is cool' on the microphone. Zhang

Tianle applied for a microphone with "The wind blows the crotch and the ass is cool".

As soon as the microphone was connected, a young but bearded boy with an extremely haggard face appeared on the microphone.

As soon as he connected to the microphone, he said to Zhang Tianle: "Master, my mother has not been seen for three days, I want you to help me find out where my mother is."

As soon as he said this, the newcomers who had just come in the live broadcast room were speechless.

[Not! Your mother is gone, you don't call the police, you find a fortune teller, are you crazy, or am I crazy, or is the world crazy? What are you waiting for? Call the police! Let the police find someone! 【

That's right! This man is stupid, isn't he? Isn't there a priority? [

That's it! It is! His mother is gone, and he is still in the mood to watch the fairy sound live broadcast. Isn't that funny? Even if it's Bo sympathy and Bo position, it doesn't take it like this.

[Don't worry, this is the drama arranged by the anchor. I can see too much of this kind of drama, and whoever takes it seriously loses. I think this kind of drama is quite fake! [

Well, isn't the anchor's arrangement like this a disguised explanation that the police uncle can't do it? ] Bad review, I refunded. Feel free to do whatever you want. The

newcomers condemned Zhang Tianle one after another.

The old fans in the live broadcast room are not used to this group of newcomers.

[Before you speak without verification, why are you all spraying feces everywhere?] Have you ever seen a streamer tell fortune or something? The anchors haven't started yet, but you're muttering first.

[I just want to say that as long as the anchor makes a move, everyone here is my brother.] In addition, attach a link.,You'd better take a look at the fate of the anchor.,The last time I scolded the anchor.,All of them were sent in by the anchor.。 When

these sailors were talking, the wind blowing the crotch of the pants and the ass were cool and saw the statements of these sailors, and he smiled bitterly: "I actually called the police as soon as possible, and the police also went to the police as soon as possible, and helped me find it for three days." But after three days, there were still no clues, so one of the little police officers asked me to try to find the anchor to tell fortunes, and pushed the anchor's live broadcast room link to me, asking me to ask the anchor to see.

As soon as the wind blows the crotch and the butt is cold, the new sailors in the live broadcast room.


[Is it the wrong way I entered the live broadcast room, why I can understand every word he said, but I can't understand the combination. 】

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