[Ahh The police asked him to find the anchor? It's because this world is too mysterious, right? [

By the way, did the anchor invite him to get rid of it? ] Even the police dared to make it up! Tsk, what kind of garbage is played, it's not good-looking, it's discarded!

[The stupid guy upstairs, don't be crooked, if you don't want to see it, get out of here, I didn't let you see it, and I was still chattering a bunch of crooked before leaving, it seems that you can? [

That's it! It is! I don't know if the anchor's ability is there, but you have a kind of look down! Let's see if the anchor doesn't swell your Bilian.

When the sailors quarreled, Zhang Tianle had already run the Ying Tianxin method, and calculated it for "the wind blows the crotch and the butt is cool".

This time, he raised his eyes and looked at the "wind blowing the crotch of the pants and the ass is cold": "Your mother is dead." The

wind blew the crotch of his pants and his eyes widened: "This can't be!" Streamer, you're definitely kidding me, right? "

His mom was just gone for three days and died?

He still remembers that when his mother went out three days ago, he had a quarrel with his mother because the chicken steak she made was not delicious.

After calming down afterwards, he was also annoyed, and he thought about apologizing to his mother.

At first, he thought that his mother was angry and went back to his parents' house and ignored him.

But that night he called his uncle and asked them.

Mom didn't go back to her parents' house.

In the end, he called his mother's friends and colleagues, and the final reply was that none of them had seen his mother.

Even Aunt Wen, who my mother saw at the last time, said that she made an appointment with my mother for afternoon tea, and after drinking afternoon tea, my mother went home, saying that she wanted to bring him some chicken steaks from the chicken chop shop he often went to, and buy some mooncakes from the small workshop he loved to eat.

Then she was separated from her mother.

The police surveillance did detect that my mother went to a chicken chop shop and bought chicken steaks.

I also went to the street of the small workshop.

It's just that there is no monitoring on the street of the small workshop.

So the disappeared into the street of the little workshop.

The police also asked from house to house, but they never saw his mother.

But now the anchor told him that his mother was dead.

He really didn't want to believe it.

He preferred to believe that his mom was just mad at him and ignored him.

He didn't want his mother to die.

The new sailors in the live broadcast room; 【???

[It's getting more and more ridiculous!

[But I'd like to see how the anchor makes it up.] It's not good to make it up, make it up that his mother died. [

That's it! If you can figure out where someone died, why don't you count where his mother died? It's really funny, thinking that a word can fool us?

When the sailors were discussing, the wind blowing the crotch and the farts were also swept to the barrage of the sailors.



Since he said that the is dead, he came up with evidence!

"Since you said that my mother is dead, then you can show evidence!"

If he can't take it out, it means that he is not dead.

In response to him, Zhang Tianle's indifferent gaze and a sentence: "Okay." I'll give you the evidence, but before you go, for the safety of your life, you go to the police first, otherwise you will also be a meat dish if you go. "

The new sailor in the live broadcast room: [??? 【

Isn't it?】 Is this something that can be broadcast? 【

Ahh Streamers can't really find people, right? It's getting more and more interesting!

[Upstairs, I don't think it's getting more and more interesting, it's getting more and more judgmental, haven't you thought that if the anchor really killed someone in order to attract traffic, then he would have committed a crime! ]

[Come on, the newcomer upstairs, don't think you're Sherlock Holmes there, don't bother you to reason, tell you the truth, all this is really deduced by the anchor! ] Congratulations on discovering the Treasure Streamer!

When the sailors were discussing, the party who did not believe in evil "the wind blows the crotch and the ass is cold" had already listened to Zhang Tianle's words and called the police.

He thought that after telling the truth to the police, the police would treat him as a psychopath.

At the beginning, the police really thought that he was a little bit of a fault and persuaded him a few words.

But when he said that it was calculated from Xianyin Live Broadcast, Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room, and he asked him to call the police, these policemen said without saying a word that they would immediately come to his house to meet him.

After making the call, the "wind blows the crotch and the ass is cold" looked confused.

Why did they immediately dispatch as soon as he told the police that it was calculated from Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room?

And it seems to be serious.

At this moment, he was a little panicked.

Isn't there something about this streamer?

After all, it's the police who want him to count!

Don't...... Is his mother really dead?

While he was thinking so, the doorbell of his house was ringing.

When he looked through the cat's eye, he saw a group of police officers wearing police uniforms and waiting for them.

The wind blows the crotch of the pants and the butt is cold: "..."Looking

at this group of serious policemen, they really panicked.

He opened the door.

"Let's go." The police officer at the head greeted "the wind blows the crotch and the butt is cool", and walked to the front first, and the police officer gave a look to a police officer behind him before leaving.

The police officer stepped forward and approached "the wind blows the crotch and the ass is cold".

And he also has a mobile phone in his hand.

The content of Zhang Tianle's live broadcast room was also played on the mobile phone.

At this moment, he looked at the mobile phone in the hand of "the wind blows the crotch and the ass is cold", and his eyes are shining.

After colleagues in other places made a video with Zhang Tianle before, they obtained that except for him, all the police officers got peace charms.

Then, during the mission three days ago, the peace charm saved a team of members.

Originally, a group of them would have died heroically that night, but because of the peace charm given by Zhang Tianle, they all survived and wiped out the drug lords.

Zhang Tianle's name has also been completely and quickly spread in the police circles in the past two days.

Now he estimates that many policemen in Zhang Tianle's area have heard the news and are already on the way to the Shundao Hall where Zhang Tianle is located.

So he wanted to see if he could buy some peace charms with Zhang Tianle in the live broadcast room.

It's just that now is the time to handle the case, and it's inconvenient.

When this case is over, he will definitely snatch the mobile phone of "the wind blows the crotch and the ass is cold" as soon as possible and ask the anchor for it.

The "wind blowing the crotch and the ass is cold" who walked out of the door said to Zhang Tianle: "The police have come." You can come up with proof. "

Let's go. Go to the street of the little workshop where you went before. "

To the street of the small workshop?

What are you going to do there?

Although "the wind blows the crotch and the butt is cold" is full of questions, when he saw this group of policemen walking straight forward after Zhang Tianle said, the questions in his head were about to overflow.

He really wondered why this group of police would listen to this anchor so much.

This is simply unscientific.

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