Professor Zhang Yongzheng’s suggestions and suggestions on An Jing still have some effect.

Otherwise, An Jing believes that his age disadvantage will not win the Nobel Prize, and naturally he will not continue to supplement the paper.

In this way, the Nobel Prize judges may find that there are still flaws, there is no thorough argument, and it needs to be determined… Anyway, it can be pushed back a few years.

In August, An Jing added two more papers, which can be regarded as a complete consolidation of his discoveries and research results.

Repeatable and reproducible!

All major laboratories have carried out demonstrations.

Confirm that Anjing’s findings are real.

The impact of Anjing’s discoveries and research results has suddenly increased countless times.

Anjing’s influence and status in the field of physics and materials have brought great improvement.

He’s only 19 years old!

Really too young!

Now An Jing has thoroughly supplemented the loopholes he has discovered, but the Nobel Prize side is a little uncomfortable.

But…… This has nothing to do with Anjing.

He did everything he could, and did not let Dean Zhang and other scholars who helped him waste their efforts.

Whether you can win the award in the end depends on the judges and recommenders of the Nobel Prize.


In July.

The three sedans of Deep Blue Auto have passed the national inspection, entered the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and started small-batch production in Rong’an New District.

At the same time, across the country, three sedans of Deep Blue Auto began to be exhibited at major auto shows and even large high-end shopping malls.

From July to October, everything is arranged.

During the period when it goes on sale in October, advertising will be intensive.

Everyone also knows that Deep Blue really launched three cars and began to exhibit them everywhere.

Everyone knows the true face of the three cars.

This time, netizens sighed that Deep Blue finally took the normal road.

It is no longer a matter of not giving news at all, netizens only know some news of new cars when Deep Blue’s new car enters the network.

This time it was exposed early.

The relevant information and data of the three cars have long been announced, and the safety test is still dark blue quality, which is synonymous with “car safety”.

As for the price of the three cars, as always, it was not announced.

The price will not be announced until September, and it will go on sale nationwide in October.

In August, some 4S stores cooperated with Deep Blue have already had existing cars on display, accepting user experience and reservations.

This time, Deep Blue Auto is fully prepared for stocking.

In the factory building in Rong’an New Area, after the decline in dark blue off-road production, the remaining production capacity is all producing new cars, from July to October, March, to produce a lot of cars reserved.

In September, the Chuanfu New Area plant was put into use, and there was also one month to produce.

No more like a navy buggy

In the middle of August.

Deep Blue Automobile tested in Rong’an New District, conducted driverless tests.

The entire test ground, hindered and bionic people.

A full five vehicles equipped with the latest driverless technology developed by Deep Blue Labs are being tested.

An Jing and Yang Peng, as well as Zhuang Xiaoguang, as well as the technical research and development personnel of Deep Blue Lab.

Watch five cars from the sidelines for testing.

The core and framework of unmanned test drive technology, Anjing has been done.

For more than a month, Anjing also supplemented and optimized with the R&D personnel of Deep Blue Lab.

In a short enough time, driverless technology can be developed.

Not only that, in the laboratory of his villa, Anjing also made a better sensor, which is more suitable for the intelligent control chip of the driverless technology developed by the Deep Blue Lab.

Of course, this is just testing, collecting all kinds of data, and then all kinds of modifications and optimizations need to be made.

Now it has its own data center and supercomputer, and the collection and calculation of various data are very convenient.

To be able to complete the research and development of driverless technology, sensors and intelligent control chips so quickly, the supercomputing and powerful data center of Deep Blue Lab provide great help.

Otherwise, even Anjing would not have been able to complete the relevant research so quickly.

A large number of simulation and calculation tasks, with supercomputing, the progress has increased countless times.

An Jing and the researcher mainly stared at the laptop in front of them.

Yang Peng and Zhuang Xiaoguang stared at the five vehicles equipped with driverless technology on the test ground.

Five cars: supercars, cars, SUVs, trucks, buses.

All five cars are for testing, built by Deep Blue Precision, for testing purposes only, not on the road.

The driver’s seat of the vehicle is completely isolated and there is no driver.

But the five cars are driving themselves, which looks a little scary.

This represents the latest driverless technology developed by Deep Blue Lab.

All five cars had different speeds and different lanes in their respective forms, driving around the entire oversized test site.

Simulate the effect of driving on highways and urban roads.

The five cars will eventually have multiple encounters of varying degrees.

When they meet, the fast models they drive will definitely overtake;

When simulating city roads, there will also be obstacles, speed bumps, barricades, some stones, pits, traffic lights, some bionic animals, android people and other things on the road.

Some jump out of nowhere.

This requires testing the powerful identification technology of driverless vehicles, as well as sensors!!!

Whether the sensor is powerful or not, sensitive or not, is directly related to the control of the whole vehicle.

Whether recognition is strong or not is related to whether you can recognize vehicles, pedestrians, animals, obstacles, etc.

In the test, various situations arise.

The car in front brakes sharply!

Suddenly there are android people, bionic animals!

Goods that suddenly fall from the car in front … and so on, will be simulated, to see how driverless vehicles behave in the face of such unexpected situations.

In addition to these: driving, avoidance, parking, reversing, etc., these basic things, needless to say.

It is equipped with powerful driverless technology, powerful intelligent control chips, and better sensors.

In reversing, sensors sense information from the surroundings, even on a trail like the countryside.

Sensing the edges on both sides of the road, as well as the situation behind, the reversing speed and driving speed can be the same.

It is more stable, fast and efficient than when driving by a person.

Of course, reversing certainly can’t be too fast.

As for parking in the prescribed convoy, whether it is on the side or reversing into the garage, it is faster and more accurate than the person coming.

That’s the power of technology.

This kind of basic thing basically does not have problems, at least a short time, a short number of tests, it is impossible to find problems.

It takes hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of tests to find some problems.

What is to be tested now is to simulate various road conditions and emergencies, the handling of driverless technology, whether there are problems.

The entire test, from the beginning, has relevant data generated every minute and every second.

Pass it back to Anjing, and then use the powerful data center and supercomputer of Deep Blue Lab to process the data through computers.

Check whether the vehicle’s driving data is normal and needs to be improved and optimized.

Countless data comparisons, will there be delays, or deviations?

In a word…… The whole test will continue to continue, and it will continue to be tested thousands of times.

These data will be collected, collated, and counted to see whether there are defects in driverless technology and whether there are still areas for improvement. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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