The 184th Nobel Prize judges hurt in the shell!

In addition to software, hardware also needs to be developed.

Hardware research, Anjing is advancing in the villa’s private laboratory.

Hardware design comes with a lot of things.

For example, sensors seem to be commonplace, infrared receiving devices used in infrared remote control systems for televisions, air conditioners, and fans, automatic exposure devices in cameras, temperature sensors used in refrigerators and rice pickers, gas sensors on range hoods, and water level sensors in automatic washing machines.

Sensors can help your machine understand the environment it is in, climbing a mountain?

Or is it going downhill?

Did you fall?

For flying machines, it is also crucial to control attitude!

Sensors are the main paths and means for precision instruments to obtain various information in nature, and are the three pillars of modern information technology: sensor technology, communication technology, computer technology, and sensors involve a wide range of fields.

Top sensors, domestic has always been a weakness, most of the equipment: cars, and even mobile phone sensors, are mostly imported.

The sensors used in Deep Blue cars are military products.

In terms of unmanned driving, the requirements for sensors are very high, after all, they rely on programs to operate.

Any little delay, or a step slower, judgment of the position of other vehicles, pedestrians… The slightest mistake can lead to a big mistake.

In addition to sensors, like many chips, also need to be developed.

In terms of chips, not only computers, mobile phones, these will use chips.

Chips are also used in many fields: toys, remote controls, televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners… Most electrical appliances are used.

If you want to realize car unmanned, you definitely need to design a better artificial intelligence chip and use it with driverless technology.

Now, Anjing has done the engineering framework for unmanned driving and software and handed it over to the research and development personnel of Deep Blue Lab.

He himself went on to work on hardware stuff.

Advanced computer skills bring more than just software, but also hardware proficiency.

An Jing is very knowledgeable and proficient in computer equipment, computer materials, and other hardware things.

Chips, too!

If you want to produce chips, lithography machines are indispensable.

High-end lithography machines, even 14nm lithography machines, cannot be bought in China, and will not be sold abroad.

Even if 16nm is a bit difficult to get, 24nm is available.

But 24nm is useless.

Anjing is currently the foundation of designing the architecture and instruction set of the chip.

Lithography machines, etching machines, ion implantation, film growth, CM, metallization and other manufacturing equipment all need to be manufactured here.

Even the follow-up processes: thinning, cutting, patching, wire bonding, molding and other equipment, as well as raw materials, need to be developed by Anjing.

This project is not small.

There are also related equipment and materials in the world.

But really top-notch equipment, you can’t buy it at all… Raw materials also mostly need to be imported.

For other companies, it is very difficult to manufacture hardware devices such as lithography machines.

High-end lithography machine is a product embargoed on Huaxia.

If you want to buy, you can’t buy it.

Every lithography machine has a positioning system, and it is impossible to transport it to Huaxia.

Deep Blue Precision can create a lithography machine, but it is very high.

In the laboratory of the Jing villa, better equipment.

It is not a problem to build a lithography machine with higher precision and better process technology.

Lithography machine, lithography machine… To put it bluntly, it is the use of light sources to portray images.

The chip processing accuracy is too high, what is the concept of a dozen nanometers?

The processing accuracy is one ten-thousandth of a hair.

What processing equipment can process this thing?

Only light is used to process, using exposure methods similar to “film photos” and “old-fashioned projectors”, using light projection, and processing on wafers.

This is the lithography machine!

This has very high requirements for the accuracy of the light source, lens, etc., and cannot be built at all in China.

It can be built in a quiet villa.

But this thing has little to do with the products that Deep Blue Industrial Group is doing now, and there is no need to attract firepower.

What An Jing wants is to stabilize the Deep Blue Industrial Group in the industrial field.

I got the military-industrial license.

You can produce fighter jets, missiles, and so on, let’s talk about semiconductors, chips, pharmaceuticals and so on.

“It’s okay to just play in a private lab.”

Deep Blue Industrial Group does not enter this field for the time being, Anjing can first research and development, and reserve technology there.

When the Deep Blue Industrial Group stabilizes in the field of industrial and military industry, it can be launched, develop horizontally, and enter semiconductors, medicine, the Internet and other fields.

Design hardware things first, and then find other companies to do them.

When the time is ripe, let Deep Blue Precision manufacture it itself, which is very simple.

The private laboratory at the Quiet Villa is not very large, but it is not small either.

It’s okay to isolate a space and try to make chips.

In this regard, An Jing can do it himself.

In the laboratory, there are various equipment robotic arms, to create a dust-free laboratory, to install a ventilation, purification system is not trivial?

An Jing has the god-level skill of a mechanic, don’t underestimate his hands-on ability.

It’s just that he came by himself, and it was definitely not as fast as the decoration team.

There is no hurry in this matter, just take your time.

Write essays every day.

Go to Deep Blue Lab to advance the problem of driverless technology.

Research hardware stuff in private labs.

Build a top-notch dust-free laboratory, and then manufacture a batch of chip-making instruments to study the chip.

On weekends, the stock market is closed.

The investment fund has a weekend holiday, and Wu Yumeng will be on the villa side, accompanying An Jing and going out to play together.

Don’t stay in the lab to do research, just relax.

In July, An Jing also published two papers in Nature.

Anjing’s previous new findings are of great concern to scholars around the world.

The paper he sent to Nature in July did not need to be signed by President Zhang Yongzheng, and his own name could be hanged.

“Nature” attaches great importance to An Jing’s manuscript.

His paper was sent to Nature and immediately entered the review stage.

After being reviewed by professors and reviewers from world-renowned universities, it has been approved and then published in Nature.

It can be described as a one-stop service, very fast.

The main thing is that Anjing’s new findings are of interest to both the editors of Nature and the scholars who serve as reviewers for Nature.

Just wait for An Jing to supplement the paper.

Anjing’s influence in the academic field is increasing, and so is its status.

With An Jing’s supplementary paper, his discoveries in the field of materials have also been recognized and studied by more people.

This can indeed win the favor of many top experts and scholars.

At the time of the selection of the Nobel Prize, whether it is the previous Nobel Prize winners, members of the jury, professors of designated universities, specially invited professors… These people who are qualified to recommend candidates for the Nobel Prize are, after all, experts and scholars.

Anjing’s discovery was confirmed, became indisputable, and his influence and status increased.

The odds of winning the Nobel Prize are indeed increasing!

At this time, the Nobel Prize judges are really under pressure!

Anjing’s discovery is definitely the greatest achievement in the past ten years… But he’s only 9 years old?!

Do you really want to award him the Nobel Prize in Physics?

If it is not awarded to him, the questioning of the Nobel Prize will reach a peak.

What is everyone’s opinion on the Nobel Prize now?

“Winning the Nobel Prize”!

“Nobel Prize Queue”!

Everyone thinks that the “Nobel Prize” has reached the point where it is necessary to queue up to see who survives whom.

Stay up to the end, line up until you, and you can get the Nobel Prize.

Died without surviving … You will die before the queue arrives, and naturally you will not be awarded the Nobel Prize.

This is everyone’s view of the Nobel Prize now.

If you want to change this perception, you should give the Anjing Nobel Prize in physics.

I want to deepen this impression and make the Nobel Prize more questionable… There will be no awards to Anjing.

The judges of the Nobel Prize already have a pain in their brains. _

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