No. 284 by the way, dig a clerk teacher

Last year, 2021, was the year of academician selection.

Academician Wang Jian’an, Academician Zheng Kaiyuan, Dean of An Jing, and many other academicians have recommended An Jing as a candidate;

But because An Jing was too young, he was still not selected…

Although the Nobel Prize was given to An Jing, there was no problem with the research results achieved by An Jing… I just wasn’t chosen.

It’s not just that Anjing wasn’t elected!

Among the many candidates, Anjing did not vote more than two-thirds because of age;

But Anjing’s research results are there, and even the Nobel Prize is recognized.

He did not elect an academician, the research results of other candidates, why did he become an academician?

So the other candidates, because the research results were not as good as Jingjing, all failed.

This is the only academician selection year in recent years, and no scholar has been elected as an academician.

This incident alarmed even the cabinet.

The leaders of the cabinet made it clear that as early as 13 years, they issued an announcement calling for reforming the selection and management system of academicians, increasing the proportion of young and middle-aged talents, and implementing the retirement and withdrawal system of academicians.

Now the average age of academicians is very high, and increasing the proportion of young talents is a clear requirement.

And so many people voted against because of Anjing’s age?

This is obviously a conservative and old idea, which has been very clearly criticized by the Prime Minister.

However, the results of the academician selection have come out, and there is no one who has been elected as an academician, and that’s all.

It is expected that in the year after, An Jing’s becoming an academician should be nailed to the fact that it is ironclad.

“I really haven’t paid much attention to this matter~” An Jing shook his head and said.

“I believe that!”

Of course, Academician Wang Jianan knew how busy An Jing was at that time: the research and development, manufacturing, testing and testing of ultra-long-range intercontinental passenger aircraft;

manufacturing testing of the new generation fighter – J-35;

and design work at Deep Blue University;

Deep Blue Group Thing;

A flying machine under development by Deep Blue Labs;

So busy, plus An Jing has won the Nobel Prize, and he is the richest Chinese in the world.

Such a title as academician, for An Jing, really does not pay much attention.

Leaving the military airport, Academician Wang Jianan also introduced to An Jing, the commander of the Xijing Military Department, General Yang Shenghua.

and the pilot of this test flight – Lieutenant Colonel Wan Wenyan.

The 35-year-old lieutenant colonel is very young.

The last time the J-20 fighter carried the engine of the J-35 for testing, it was he who served as the test pilot.

More than 5 new fighters have completed test flights in the hands of Wan Wenyan and have rich experience.

“This J-35 battle is the last time Lieutenant Colonel Wan Wenyan will serve as a test flight of a new fighter, and then General Wan Wenyan will be transferred from the front line to train flight personnel for the Air Force.”

The commander of the Xijing Military Department told An Jing about Lieutenant Colonel Wan Wenyan.

After An Jing listened, his heart moved, and Lieutenant Colonel Wen Yan said: “After Lieutenant Colonel Wan is transferred from the front line, he can go to our Deep Blue University to serve as a pilot teacher.” ”

“Our Deep Blue University directly trains pilots for the military department, and we need talents like you!”

“I said Classmate An Jing, most of your deep blue has not been built, so you are addicted to digging people, right?”

Academician Wang Jianan immediately buried: “Our 103 institutes have been dug up by you to have a few professors; I also asked Professor Tao here in Xijing, and he also said that you dug up the people in his institute, so you should stop. ”

An Jing said righteously: “I am also for the education of the motherland, and I need excellent teachers!” Like Lieutenant Colonel Wan Wenyan, I must fight for it, right? ”

“An Jingtong… If Chief An needs it, I will follow the arrangement at any time. ”

Wan Wenyan admired and respected An Jing very much.

Age is not an issue.

From the carrier-based fighter created by 103, to the upgrade and optimization technology of aircraft engines, to special alloys, to J-35 fighters, ultra-long-range passenger aircraft…

All of them are proof of Anjing’s research and development capabilities and its own strength.

Wan Wenyan also believes that Anjing’s establishment of Deep Blue University is definitely not just to cultivate talents for the company.

For the sake of education, I want to build a top private university.

Wan Wenyan also called An Jing classmate before.

Now An Jing is already a major general in the military department, his commander, so he changed his words.

“Okay, Lieutenant Colonel Wan has expressed his position, and Commander Yang can’t refuse!”

An Jing immediately asked the leaders of the Xijing Military Department for someone.

General Yang Shenghua of the Xijing Military Department was a little helpless, so he didn’t mention this matter when he knew it.

At this time, he could only smile and say: “Okay, as long as Lieutenant Colonel Wan Wenyan does not object, I will arrange it, Deep Blue University is also for the military department to train pilots and aviation talents, anyway, they all need to be supported.” ”

An Jing did not expect that this time he came to visit the test flight and dug a top pilot teacher by the way.


Xijing, a military base, is very secretive.

Secret test flights suitable for fighters.

Many new fighters in Huaxia were completed here.

When Anjing came over, the J-35 fighter underwent two months of testing and testing, and there was absolutely no problem.

The J-35 fighter was pulled over by Deep Blue Commercial Flying.

All the parts and components on the aircraft, various control systems, are assembled, installed, debugged and tested by CSMAC.

Relevant tests were carried out here in Xijing to ensure that the test flight would be carried out without fail.

However, Academician Wang Jian’an, let An Jing take a look.

See if there are any problems and insure some.

“No problem!”

An Jing did not giggle anymore, but very seriously and very familiarly inspected the entire J-35 fighter,

Make sure there is nothing wrong.

At about 430 p.m., the aircraft made a test flight on the runway.


The J-35 is equipped with an L-1 afterburner turbofan engine.

Compared with the original J-20 equipped with an engine, it must be somewhat inferior.

But the J-35’s takeoff is still very explosive.

The takeoff of the plane went very smoothly.

At the moment of liftoff, An Jing and Academician Wang Jianan, as well as Chief Yang Shenghua, were applauding.

The completion of the liftoff marked at least half of the successful test flight of the J-35.

Testing of the relevant flight data then began.

The whole testing process is not completed in a day.

The main thing today is to complete takeoff and landing, and other maximum test ceilings and maximum flight speeds;

In the coming days, the maximum cruising, combat radius may be tested;

Then it will carry weapons, test the J-35 with a full load of the weapon system, how fast is the flight data? What about cruising capability? What about stealth?

Deep Blue Commercial Aircraft delivered the J-35B fighter.

This fighter belongs to the stealth fighter that the Marine Corps can assemble, and when it is designed and manufactured, it has greatly improved its stealth ability.

For this, part of the performance is also sacrificed.

In the case of carrying weapons, there must be some impact on stealth capabilities.

However, the weapon systems of the J-35B fighter are all internal mounting systems, which can greatly reduce the possibility of being detected by radar after loading weapons.

Of course, in the case of internal mounting, the weapons that can be carried are naturally relatively small, but it is still far more than the number of weapons that the F35 can carry. _

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