Chapter 297 Made Out of Nothing has come true!

Deep Blue Group really does not play according to the routine.

Everything is done quietly by yourself, and everything is done silently before the news comes out.

During this period, no news was revealed.

Other companies, just secretly develop new products, may not initially reveal any news to avoid being known.

But when the product is about to be ready, when it is about to go on the market, there will always be some news.

Or “accidentally” leak secrets!

Anyway, in the back, I will find ways to increase the exposure and popularity of my new products and attract the attention of potential customers.

When the product is on the market, a product launch meeting is held to make a detailed introduction.

Deep Blue Group… It seems that the cards are never played according to the routine.

New products are on the market, the press conference is not held, the official announcement is made, and you will investigate yourself.

Of course…… It is definitely not so cold, but most of them are checked by themselves, and only then do they find out the idle information and data.

Anyway, Deep Blue Group does not play cards according to the routine.

The “flying saucer” developed this time was also photographed by employees and uploaded to the Internet during the test, which attracted everyone’s attention.

At first, no one believed it at all, thinking it was fake.

Even…… At the beginning, the employees of Deep Blue Group did not know the existence of this thing.

It is enough to see that the secrecy measures of the Deep Blue Group are quite successful.

Although the Deep Blue Group did not come out of the statement, everyone looked at the proposals made by An Jing at the two sessions in the past two years, and knew that this was something that An Jing had made.

“I also beg An Jing and Deep Blue Group to give “UFO” a decent way to go public, and hold a press conference!! ”

“Last year, Deep Blue Commercial Aircraft had an ultra-long-range intercontinental airliner project; This year also launched the second generation of new materials, proving that the research and development of new materials last year must also be carried out… In addition to these two, you are actually developing “flying saucers”? ”

“What can the Deep Blue Group say besides being powerful?”

“I am also in favor of giving “flying saucers” a decent way to die … No, a decent, scenic way to list! ”

“Is there any data and information about the UFO? Which big guy has any news? ”

“Here @Tech Big…”

“There is no relevant news, only that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology have sent professional teams to Deep Blue Group to follow the R&D team to do the first pass test, which shows that the research and development of “flying saucer” is basically perfect, and it is ready for production and marketing!” ”

“Is there any data related to flying saucers, will this thing replace the high-speed rail bullet train when it is manufactured?”

“It is impossible to replace high-speed rail bullet trains, just think about how much money China has invested in high-speed rail bullet trains!”

“There is relevant data, “flying saucer” is a low-altitude aircraft, round, 21.8 meters in diameter, divided into two layers, can seat 80-100 people; There are three boarding stairs, the first elevator, and a top speed of 290 km/h…”

“Where did you see the data?!”

“Easy to search the encyclopedia!”

“This should be true, it may be an entry made by people within the Deep Blue Group, and everyone can see the relevant entry in the easy search search: low-altitude aircraft.”

“Yisearch is from Anshi Technology; Technology and Deep Blue Group are both quiet, it should not be wrong! ”

“The UFO can reach a top speed of 290 km/h? This, or flying in the sky, flying in a straight line, may be an hour between the two cities! ”

“This may be more convenient than high-speed rail!”

“The flying saucer has been developed, I don’t know, at least the traffic pressure may be relieved a lot.”

“I only know that after the development of flying saucers, there may be more options for buying a house in the future, but I don’t know if the holidays in big cities will fall?” Or the suburbs of popular cities, and the holidays in cities near popular cities will rise? ”


Housing prices are always the focus of everyone’s attention.

“UFO” has been getting news these days.

It can be said that the real hammer was developed by Deep Blue Group.

It is a low-altitude vehicle.

In addition to the “flying saucer” itself being discussed, the most discussed in terms of housing prices.

Hot topics in the past few days, easy to search on the search list.

It is “Deep Blue Group creates flying saucers”, “the impact of flying saucers on housing prices” and other topics.

This is obviously also thought of by the official.

The Cabinet Finance Group, as well as relevant experts, professors, and relevant research teams, are discussing the various good effects that the listing of low-altitude aircraft may bring;

And the bad effects!

All to consider.


When the majority of netizens are hotly discussing.

On the Deep Blue Group, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology followed the research and development to do testing, and also sent various procedures to Deep Blue Group.

At the same time, Deep Blue Auto held a new product launch conference in Rong’an New District.

This press conference, the news related to low-altitude aircraft on the Internet, will also be announced at this conference.

It has not been officially confirmed by the Deep Blue Group.

In fact, it is something made out of nothing!

Many netizens @ Pingwu Anjing.

There are really too many people who pay attention to the “flying saucer” thing.

More than 10 million users are in @Jing’s bib, as well as the official bib of Deep Blue Group and its subsidiaries.

Wu Yumeng also asked An Jing.

An Jing attended a meeting in Yanjing during this time to discuss the matter of low-altitude aircraft.

The matter of low-altitude aircraft, the press conference is actually considered.

Last year, I knew that Deep Blue Group had a lot of big moves and important things to release, and the idea of holding a new product launch meeting.

Low-altitude vehicles are naturally in it.

The original plan was to release the low-altitude vehicle after a while, hold a press conference, and at least set the news of the pilot in all aspects.

But so many people pay attention and are still so anxious.

An Jing also asked the company’s people to arrange it, and directly followed the press conference of Deep Blue Auto to announce it.

In fact, this is just to publish some specific data and related news.

It won’t be a hassle.

Wu Yumeng got the news from An Jing and also gave netizens a definite answer.

Such a thing made out of nothing was made true.

So in May, Deep Blue Auto held a new product launch party, and too many people made an appointment.

The originally planned venue for the press conference seemed a bit inadequate.

But it’s not enough and can’t help, it’s impossible to move the launch to other places, right?

Where can the layout of a press conference venue be done in a short time?

There is no ten days and a half month to set up and set up… Even if it is urgent, it will take many days.

The press conference will be held as usual, netizens cannot make reservations, and can only watch the live broadcast online.

It’s about the same for online viewing.

May 1st.

Deep Blue Group Park.

The stage after the new product launch event of Deep Blue Materials Group continues to be used after transformation.

At the press conference, the new cars listed this year were placed at the door, and everyone could take pictures.

This year’s model has not changed much in appearance and has been exhibited at major auto shows.

There are existing cars at the press conference, and there is no exposure.

Compared with last year’s model, everyone knows that only the material of the new car has been updated, and it may be equipped with real driverless technology. _

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