Chapter 298 Everyone’s Looking forward to the press conference!

“Coming, coming, sit down!!”

“Don’t even argue!!”

“The little sister of the Deep Blue Group is so beautiful!”

“I also want to go to the Deep Blue Group, but unfortunately I can’t get in…”

“Applying for Deep Blue University should have a high chance of entering the Deep Blue Group!”

“Looking forward to driverless technology, you can test it when the time comes!”

“No money, can’t afford a dark blue car!”

“Set a small goal this year: buy a navy B-1…”

“Set a small target, every flying saucer”! ”

“Forget about the flying saucer, you have a pilot’s license, otherwise you won’t be able to drive it!”

“Can’t people buy it, hire a pilot to drive it?”

“It is!”

“I grass… Who stinks feet! ”

“Whoever touches me, pervert!”

“Don’t argue, the press conference is about to start…”

Yihu video on.

The press conference of Deep Blue Cars is still live.

Although the press conference has not yet started, the live broadcast has already begun.

You can even see that on the stage of the press conference, there are very beautiful staff sisters arranging some things.

The various barrages are very joyful.

It’s still around 9:30

The press conference began.

Since it is the press conference of Deep Blue Auto, the protagonists of this conference must be Deep Blue Car and Zhuang Xiaoguang.

For Deep Blue Group, netizens still know better, not only Anjing.

Yang Peng, CEO of Deep Blue Group;

The heads of other subsidiaries, everyone has more or less some understanding.

“Welcome gentlemen, ladies, friends on the scene, and friends who watch the live broadcast through other channels, and pay attention to the new car launch of Deep Blue Auto…”

“This year, Deep Blue will release: Deep Blue Off-Road, B-1, C-1, D-, D-1 Extended Edition, a total of five new cars…”

5 cars, did not run.

These five cars are all introduced at this conference, very detailed kind… It’s just that the timing of the listing is different.

This year’s new car uses a new generation of materials released by Deep Blue Materials Group this year.

In addition, the performance of the engine has also been improved, but fuel consumption has been further reduced.

This year’s model, the appearance has not changed much, but the overall is a very big upgrade.

“It is recommended to skip this stage…”

“I just want to see the UFO, I don’t want to know about cars! ”

“I’ll sleep for a while, and then you can call me…”

“This is originally the press conference of Deep Blue Automobile, and I will definitely do a related introduction to the car, right?!”

“I can’t afford a car!”

“Deep Blue these cars are very good, and this year’s upgrade is also very large, but the price has not increased, but for the average person, it is still unaffordable.”

“Just buy a hundred thousand for transportation first, and then consider changing to dark blue when you get a trace in the future!”

“Everyone knows the improvement of the model, after all, Deep Blue Materials Group has released a new generation of materials, this is all guessed, I want to see driverless technology!”

“Look at UFOs, UFOs…!!!”


In the live broadcast room of Yihu’s website, many people said that they were bored when they heard Zhuang Xiaoguang’s introduction to Deep Blue Automobile.

Most people are attracted to “flying saucers”.

Well, “flying saucer” is what everyone calls low-altitude aircraft.

After introducing the five cars, the relevant models, related configurations, relevant upgrades, and the price of the first pass.

With Zhuang Xiaoguang’s introduction, they appeared on the huge display screen on the side.

Everyone can see it clearly.

After the five cars were introduced, Zhuang Xiaoguang said: “I also know that everyone is very anxious, because there are many people, they are not coming for our five new cars, and I have tried my best to speed up the introduction of new cars…”

“As the person in charge of the company, I am only a company manager, and I have to eat properly, and these introductions must be indispensable;”

“The next release is known to many people!”

“Hmm… Not a flying saucer, not a low-altitude vehicle, but it also has a certain relationship with low-altitude aircraft! ”

“- Unmanned technology!”

Driverless technology has long been no shocking technology.

Many technology companies and automobile companies are developing related technologies, and even putting them into use.

Much earlier than the Deep Blue car.

But the driverless technology of Deep Blue cars is indeed very strong, which is something for users who have used several Deep Blue cars.

Even other car companies, technology companies know about it.

In addition, when Zhuang Xiaoguang said about unmanned technology, he said that this technology is related to low-altitude aircraft, which made everyone interested?

Do you say… Low-altitude vehicles, also unmanned ?!

That’s a bit awesome!!

Zhuang Xiaoguang said: “Many companies are developing driverless technology, and many companies have put it into use. ”

“Our company, the research and development of driverless technology has also been for a long time, last year’s new car equipped with the “assisted driving” function, because the driverless technology is constantly too perfect, all aspects of the network is not perfect, there is no real driverless technology. ”

“This year, everything has been perfected, and this year’s new car… And last year, all Deep Blue models in the 2021 model year were able to use driverless technology after upgrading their systems. ”

“How advanced is our driverless technology? How smart is it? How powerful is it? Watch a test video! ”

After Zhuang Xiaoguang finished speaking, he walked aside.

A video starts playing on the big screen.

In the video, it is the Deep Blue Lab that starts to do unmanned technology tests, and does tests at the test site on the Deep Blue Car side… Some bumps, to maturity later, to road tests later!

All kinds of data are given!

Last year, users of all new models of Deep Blue used the assisted driving function for a long time, achieving 0 accidents!

At the end of the video, there is a video of a low-altitude vehicle being tested using unmanned technology.

A close-up view of the entire aircraft, a complete video, exterior, interior, and even the cockpit.

For the first time, it was presented to everyone.

I didn’t expect that the “flying saucer” video circulating on the Internet before was actually unmanned!!!

“This is too strong, isn’t it!?!

Looking at the video circulating on the Internet, I thought that the “flying saucer” was not much big, but now it seems that this flying saucer is really not small, there are actually two layers, look at the position inside, it is really not small! ”

“The encyclopedia of easy search does not say, more than 20 meters in diameter, larger than many houses, is very spacious!”

“This is a mobile palace!”

“Such a flying machine, actually using unmanned to test, deep blue’s unmanned technology is really strong!”

An Jing’s bib said, “flying saucer” will be unveiled at the press conference of Deep Blue Car, won’t it be this? ”

“Wouldn’t you?? Such a video? Less than 20 seconds? ”

“If that’s the case, I want to kill An Jing!”


Netizens saw the perfect results of various car simulation tests of driverless technology, various road tests, and the perfect handling of unexpected things in the video.

By the end of the appearance of a low-altitude aircraft, such a “flying saucer” is actually unmanned ?!

Everyone is lamenting that Deep Blue Group’s unmanned driving technology is invincible.

Some netizens are suspicious, An Jing said that “flying saucers” will appear at this conference… Wouldn’t it be such a video that is less than 20 seconds old?

Although it is only a 20-second video appearance.

But it’s also an appearance, right? _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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