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“Everyone has also watched the video of driverless technology, and must have a general understanding of our company’s driverless technology… Then I’ll go down first, and this is the end of Deep Blue’s new product launch. ”


Whether it’s the audience, the media reporter.

Or netizens who watched this live broadcast through other channels are full of question marks.

You said that driverless technology has been continuously improved, and the new models launched this year will be equipped with unmanned technology.

Then we were shown a short test story for driverless technology, and then … There will be no then.

That’s the end of the press conference?!

So perfunctory!

What about the specific introduction of driverless technology?

Say that the low-altitude aircraft will be unveiled at this conference?

Is the feeling really in the unmanned technology research and development test video, that 20 seconds of time, is that the low-altitude aircraft will “appear”?

It is indeed an appearance!

Before everyone just saw some videos and photos from a distance, there were no recent photos at all, and I didn’t know what the low-altitude aircraft looked like.

Now I see the video of the introduction of the relevant tests of unmanned technology, and see that low-altitude vehicles actually have unmanned workers;

See the specific exterior, specific interior, division, and even cockpit of the low-altitude aircraft.

These are indeed debuts.

But this is also too perfunctory?!

Just when everyone looked puzzled;

In the webcast room, a question mark flew by, and many people’s hands were on the keyboard, ready to spray.

Only when I saw Zhuang Xiaoguang walking off the stage, on the side of the stage, An Jing, who was wearing a black jacket and dressed more formally, took over Zhuang Xiaoguang! ! !

An Jing appeared in person?

This was something I hadn’t thought of before.

Many people already know that An Jing attended the meeting in Yanjing, and he did not expect that An Jing would personally attend this new product launch conference.

At the scene of the press conference, seeing An Jing appear, many reporters and spectators at the scene began to applaud.

Very loud kind.

The live broadcast room of the press conference on the home page of Yihu.

Many people have their hands on the keyboard, or the mobile phone input method is brought up… Some even entered the open text, saw An Jing appeared, deleted it, and typed it one after another:

“Hold the grass, Anjing-san?!”

“I’m shocked, An Jing’s classmate attending the new product launch?”

“Now listening to Zhuang Xiaoguang’s words, there seems to be no problem, the car’s products have been released, driverless technology deep blue cars may be in use, maybe it does not belong to deep blue?!”

“Zhuang Xiaoguang has already introduced the models that will be released this year, announced the launch time and price, and the introduction of unmanned driving technology is not normal for others to hand over to others?!”

“Isn’t my classmate An Jing attending the meeting in Yanjing? How to come to the launch event?! ”

“If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time An Jing has hosted a press conference?”

“There used to be, right? When it comes to Chuanfu New District! ”

“That’s the new production line of Deep Blue Auto in Chuanfu New District, it’s the production ceremony, it’s not a new product launch.”

“An Jing’s costume is really a bit of a “leader”, a jacket? ”

“Obviously, this should be coming back from the conference, or waiting for the conference to be over, and then going to the meeting.”

“It seems that my classmate An Jing is very busy!”

“An Jing personally appeared, and should introduce the relevant information of the low-altitude aircraft in detail.”


An Jing did want to attend the meeting in the afternoon, but in the morning he actually missed a meeting and rushed over.

When he debuted, feeling such a warm applause at the scene, An Jing also said very gratefully: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming from your busy schedule to participate in the new product launch of Deep Blue.” ”

“Just now, Mr. Zhuang introduced the detailed information of the deep blue car, and also said that the unmanned driving technology piece…”

“Regarding driverless technology, the video just now also introduced the relevant testing process.”

“Of course, the testing process shown in the video is only a small part of countless tests.”

“The testing of driverless technology began a long time ago…”

“Our driverless technology, the technology we use, may be a little different from other companies.”

“In the underlying architecture, the technology we use is inherently more intelligent and more suitable for unmanned driving.”

“In the past year, Deep Blue has been perfecting relevant technologies, and at the same time has invested heavily in purchasing its own satellites and building multiple data centers to escort unmanned technology!”

“Today, driverless technology is quite mature in all aspects.”

“On the low-altitude aircraft that has just been tested, we also use unmanned technology to complete the relevant tests, which can further reduce the risk that pilots may bring when they do flight tests…”

“Low-altitude aircraft, everyone may have some understanding, I didn’t expect everyone to pay so much attention.”

“Some time ago, not long after the aircraft test, the relevant videos and photos were exposed, there may be tens of millions of netizens @ me, ask me about the relevant information, I will also tell you today about the relevant information of the low-altitude aircraft, data, and some news on the market…”

“The size of the low-altitude aircraft is 21.8 meters, divided into two floors, and the cockpit can be designed according to customer needs;”

“When designed, it can seat 80-100 people, of course it is more compact, or if you are standing, you can seat more people;”


An Jing said about the relevant design and data information of low-altitude aircraft.

With his introduction, the huge display screen next to him also showed relevant pictures or video information.

At the press conference, everyone listened, recorded, licensed, and videotaped.

There is no physical object on the scene, and it is impossible to move it over with a diameter of more than 20 meters, so you can only watch videos.

Then An Jing talked about the problems of all aspects of listing:

“The low-altitude vehicle is currently being tested and has received all the formalities and is ready for production and marketing;”

“However, considering the safety issues and the listing of low-altitude aircraft, which may bring a series of impacts, the group is discussing with relevant departments and research teams…”

“Coupled with the initial capacity problem, it will not be sold to individuals or enterprises for the time being, and it will not be exported for the time being;”

“The initial decision is to test in pilot cities to see the impact of low-altitude aircraft before it will be rolled out across the country.”

“When production capacity is increased, it will consider selling or exporting to individuals and enterprises.”

“At present, the pilot cities are still under discussion, so everyone can pay attention to the follow-up news!”

“What you want to know, basically understand, this conference is over, and thank you for coming to the deep blue press conference.”

An Jing spoke for about half an hour and made a very detailed introduction.

Everything about low-altitude vehicles has been said … Of course, some core technologies and data are impossible to say.

After the press conference, there is actually another link, that is, interaction.

There are questions from journalists, or questions from visitors, as well as taking group photos, going to the exhibition hall to try out, or visiting various products. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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