However, the half-sky statement is based on past lives.

In this life, Su Can was reborn, and Bill and Jobs together accounted for at most one-tenth of the Internet world.

It is too difficult to achieve half the sky.

Because of this Internet business, Su Can alone can occupy more than half of the

"Fortunately, now that the Internet has emerged, as an emerging industry, few people know the value of this industry until the mid-1990s."

Su Can said lightly.

"However, even in the 1990s, the Internet crisis led to the Internet bubble. Some companies with a market value of tens of billions of dollars suddenly dropped to hundreds of millions of dollars. The market value dropped dozens of times, and the entire Internet industry entered a cold winter........"

Su Can remembered that the market value of Microsoft was once as high as hundreds of billions of dollars, but after the Internet bubble.

It dropped by more than half.

This is a very scary thing

"This is where you can plan!"Su Can raised the corner of his mouth, showed a faint smile, and looked at Bill and Jobsi.

Su Can had already begun to plan how to deceive these two people.

If this deception is successful, in future generations, it can be regarded as a good thing for the country. , in some technologies, a lot of important technologies have been added

"Fortunately, the Internet has not yet risen to an important position in national strategy these days, even if this industry has taken root in the United States and formed a large-scale"

"But, it's still too weak"

"If in future generations, anyone pays attention to Microsoft and Apple, it is estimated that the United States will step forward in a matter of minutes and cause a lot of confusion."

"But now, because no one pays attention to it, it gives Su Can the possibility of success."


Su Can raised the corner of his mouth and showed a faint smile.

He looked at Jobsi and Bill, as if these two people were the prey on Su Can's mouth, and could be devoured at any time.........


At this moment, Bill over there suddenly felt his hair stand on end.

"what happened?"

Qiao Busi was horrified. He only felt that he was being targeted by something. This feeling made Qiao Busi feel horrified in his heart.

"Stephen, do you feel it too?"

Bill looked at Jobsi, and he could feel that Jobsi felt the same as him.

"Yes, I felt it too! Jobsi nodded slightly and said,"I don't know what's going on. I feel like we are being watched!""

"who is it? Bill wondered.

Jobsi shook his head and said,"I don't know, but there are so many rich people here, and there are too many people with higher status than us. Why are they staring at us?""

"Is it an illusion?"

Qiao Busi said in disbelief.

"impossible! Bill shook his head and said:"If only one person feels this way, it may be an illusion, but we both have that feeling."........."

"See who it is?"

When Steve Jobs heard Bill's words, he turned around and glanced at everyone in the venue.

Bill also looked over.

Su Can looked at the two people and was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Bill and Steve Jobs' sixth sense was actually So powerful.

I was just planning to set up a trap to trick these two people.

But I didn't expect that they were keenly aware of the difference and looked for the eyes that were watching them.

"No wonder! Su

Can thought to himself:"These two people are the proud men of the world. The reason for their success is not only luck, background, strength and vision, but also some things that ordinary people can't have.""

If this was placed in a fantasy novel, this would be like a child of fate, or a child of a certain star.

Obviously, the same is true for Jobsi and Bill.

However, the more this happened, the more Su Can felt Interesting.

After all, since his net worth reached tens of billions, his money has been growing rapidly every day, reaching a terrifying point.

He no longer has much interest in making money...........

But now, Jobsi and Bill have aroused Su Can's interest, and these two people are also one of the people Su Can recognizes.

Su Can caught Jobs and Bill looking over at them from the corner of his eye, but didn't pay attention. After looking at them for a while, Su Can took them back.

Zhang Man and Wang Rui, who were standing next to them, did not notice that Su Can was plotting against Bill and Jobs.

If you knew it, you would be shocked.

You know, Su Can's net worth is tens of billions. In another year, it will reach hundreds of billions. It is not a problem to become the world's richest man.

As for Bill and Jobs, at this time, they are nothing. They are just called the pride of young people, young entrepreneurial leaders.

But Zhang Man knows that if his boss Su Can is really With such a name, he has enough status to be a young entrepreneurial leader in the world.

Even for business leaders around the world, that is not impossible.

Because he has that strength.

In the future, if you have a net worth of 100 billion and the wealth of the world's richest man, can you still not become a global business leader?

So, who dares to do it?

At the same time, Bill and Jobs glanced at Su Can, Zhang Man and others, and found nothing unusual, so they quickly passed by.

After watching for a while, the two of them gave up completely...........

"Bill, did you find anything?"

Looking at Bill, Job showed a trace of disappointment on his face and asked

"I don't!"

Bill shook his head. He saw the look on Job's face, that of finding nothing and being extremely disappointed.

"Do we really feel wrong?"

Bill wondered.

At this time, Job also had such a thought in his mind and said:"Maybe we really feel wrong, no one is watching us!"

If there is, just now, the two of them have been watching for so long, so they should have made some discoveries! However

, it is obvious that there is no discovery at all.


This is simply their illusion. What caused it was not that anyone was staring at him.

But, was there really no one?

Bill and Job felt confused in their hearts. They only felt that they were hanging in their hearts, not completely letting go, and felt doubts.

"boss! Cher is about to go on stage to speak."

At this moment, Zhang Man stretched out his thin fingers and headed in one direction.

Su Can followed the direction that Zhang Man pointed, saw Li Xueer, and headed towards the stage, which meant that this party was official. here we go........

Wang Rui next to her looked at Li Xueer, who looked particularly arrogant and noble in her evening dress, with a look of envy and yearning in her eyes.

That woman doesn't want to hold the power and watch the storm with a smile. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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