Li Xueer was on top. After speaking for five or six minutes, the speech ended and the audience burst into applause.

Afterwards, she came off the stage, chatted with a few familiar people, and toasted some familiar people with a few glasses of wine.......

Li Xueer walked to Su Can's side

"Boss, Mr. Zhang!"

Looking at Su Can and Zhang Man, Li Xueer said respectfully

"Um! Today's party was well held!"

Zhang Man smiled slightly.

Su Can nodded.

"hey-hey! Hearing Zhang Man's praise and Su Can's approval, Li Xueer smiled happily and said,"Boss , if you want to see Bill, I've already invited him to the lounge next to him!""

"Um! Take me there! When Su

Can heard this, he nodded slightly.


Li Xueer said respectfully.

She took Su Can towards the lounge in the corner. This party was not the only one.

Next door, there are several small lounges.

This time, there were only Su Can, Li Xueer, Wang Rui and Zhong Mingqiang. Zhang Man did not follow. This was something he had already prepared.

Because Zhang Man's status is not low.

Nowadays, many people don't know that Qianfen Investment Company belongs to Wanxiang Group. If she goes, Bill will know about it.

Therefore, Su Can did not let Zhang Man go.

After walking for a while, I reached the back corner and walked into a small corridor. This was a secluded place.

And inside the banquet hall, they are two completely different places.

"Boss, this is the lounge. I asked Bill to come here just now! Li Xueer said respectfully

"well done!

Su Can nodded with satisfaction and said,"Go in!""


Li Xueer opened the door with a click.

Su Can and his party walked inside...........

This time, the richest man in the world from the previous life met the richest man in the world in this life. It can be said that the richest man met the richest man.

And only Su Can knew about this.

Bill didn't know that he had once been the richest man in the world, but in this life, it should be impossible.

Su Can is here.

It is too difficult for Bill to become the richest man in the world.

After all, even when Microsoft's market value reached its peak, its market value exceeded one trillion U.S. dollars, and his personal net worth reached more than 100 billion U.S. dollars.

Even that cannot reach the standard of the world's richest man. At most, he is ranked in the top five, and he is not considered the world's richest man at all.

As soon as Su Can entered, he saw Bill sitting on the sofa.

This is a very shy, inconspicuous man who looks like a man of science and engineering, and is as tall and thin as a bamboo pole.

This kind of appearance, if put on the street, would be very...

But who knows, this was the richest man in the world in his previous life!

Bill was sitting on the sofa and saw Li Xueer, Su Can and others walking in. Bill immediately stood up, smiled and said,"Hello, Li!"

Bill was very grateful to Li Xueer..........

When he founded Microsoft, he dropped out of school to start a business and encountered great resistance because Bill's family is not small.

After all, my father was a member of Congress and my mother was a director at Goldman Sachs.

With such a status, even if Bill didn't found Microsoft, he would still be able to inherit hundreds of millions of dollars after graduation.

Therefore, his parents were very dissatisfied with him dropping out of school, and even used their connections to prevent other angel investors from investing in Bill.

On the contrary, Microsoft is in danger.

At this time, Qianfen Investment Company appeared and was actually willing to invest in Microsoft's angel round, and also gave Microsoft a valuation that was more than double that of others.

It was those five hundred thousand dollars that brought Microsoft back to life, broke through the sadness, and grew smoothly all the way.

Today, although Microsoft has not yet reached the level of one of the top companies, its market value has reached billions of dollars.

This market value is almost the same as the assets of the Bill family.

Therefore, no one can stop Bill from doing what he wants to do, which makes Bill very happy in his heart.

Bill naturally respects Li Xueer very much and is grateful for her help in times of need.


Li Xueer smiled slightly, looked at Bill, and shook hands slightly with Bill.

"Please sit down.........

Then, a group of people sat down

"Today, I invite you to come here to the lounge because someone wants to meet you!"Li Xueer watched Su Can sit down and then looked at Bill and said


Bill was slightly surprised and looked at Su Can, because after Su Can and Li Xue'er came in, he found that Li Xue'er was particularly respectful to Su Can.

Several times, he looked at Su Can, vaguely showing the intention of asking..

This made Bill feel doubtful in his heart.

Now, when Li Xueer said this, Bill naturally looked at Su Can, feeling that this matter must have something to do with Su Can. Maybe, this is the person!

"Is it this gentleman?"

Bill looked at Su Can and asked

"That's right, it's this Su......."Li Xueer nodded slightly, looked at Su Can, and began to explain.

"it's me!"

At this moment, Su Can interrupted Li Xue'er, smiled slightly, and said:"I am Li Xue'er's boss!"


When Bill heard this, he looked at Su Can and Li Xue'er in shock.

His eyes widened and he looked at Su Can and Li Xue'er through his glasses, showing an unbelievable look..........

How can it be?

Qianfen Investment Company, which is very famous in Silicon Valley and even Wall Street, and is known as the god-level pitcher of the Internet, actually has a big boss behind it.

How can this be?

Why, for so many years, no news has ever come out.

Even top investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers have not discovered this secret.

Bill's heart was filled with turmoil and shock. He felt that this was the biggest news he had heard this year.

The one who was as shocked as Bill was Li Xueer.


Li Xueer's throat squirmed and she kept swallowing her saliva.

Obviously, she was also shocked. In the past, when she was Zhang Man's secretary in the Wanxiang Group, she accidentally knew that there was a mysterious big boss behind the Wanxiang Group. That big boss.

The big boss, Shenlong is very mysterious.

Even she has never seen it.

Later, Su Can went to Wanxiang Group once or twice before she knew about Su Can's existence. Later, she was told by Zhang Man arranged to go to America and founded Qianfen Investment Company.

Including this time, I can count the number of times I met Su Can with both hands..........

Naturally, we know that the big boss is a very low-key and mysterious person, and not many people know his identity.

But now?

He actually? ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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