"Hi everyone, I'm Bill!"

Bill said in pure Mandarin.

As soon as he spoke, many people in the audience were shocked, especially the young entrepreneurs. Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Damn it! It turns out that Bill really speaks Chinese!"

"Listen, although you are just introducing yourself, what you say is not awkward at all, it is very pure!"

"This is probably said often........"

"Hey, I am a great warrior!"

"Even Bill has learned what we say, that’s awesome."

"I'm curious, when did Bill learn it? It seems he didn't have ten years of experience, and he's not as good as he said."

"Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors?"

"Rumor has it that Bill started learning Mandarin more than ten years ago"

"I'm very curious, what is the reason for Bill to learn Mandarin? Is it because he is obsessed with our five thousand years of history and culture?"

"I'm curious too."

After hearing Bill's words, many people present became excited and boiled instantly. Countless people were pleasantly surprised. It was like a surprising easter egg in a movie.

This was simply an unexpected surprise.

Only Su Can and Several people around him were not surprised at all that Bill spoke Mandarin. They had all seen Bill speak Chinese.

Feeling the fuss of the people around him, Murray smiled helplessly.

What does it mean for Bill to speak Mandarin?

Have you ever seen Bill holding a fork ? Is there anyone who eats fat intestines and drinks Lafite from 1982 and speaks in pure Mandarin?

He has seen......

Bill looked at the excitement of the people in the audience. He smiled and said:"My Mandarin is not very good. I learned it from a teacher in Huaxia. I have been learning it for ten years now.""

"I am deeply honored to be invited to attend the World Internet Conference held in Yanjingcheng and to speak on the stage."

"However, for the host to call me the richest man in the world, this name is acceptable in America. After all, it is just a rich list on the table."

"However, in this Huaxia, I would never dare to call myself this, because the real richest man in the world is in Huaxia."

"He is a friend of mine. According to a rough estimate, his net worth is at least twice as much as mine."

"Therefore, he should be the richest man in the world, not me. He can also be said to be the godfather of the Internet. In fact, for Microsoft to have the status it has today, he played a very important role and gave me a lot of inspiration. I am very grateful to this friend."

"It's a pity that he is so low-key that few people in the world know about him. He should be invited to today's Internet Conference........"

When Bill dropped his words, it was like dropping a bomb, instantly exploding into a huge wave on the calm water.

No, it should be a big tsunami.

Everyone at the scene was shocked, dumbfounded, dumbfounded, eyes as wide as bells, all in shock.


Following this, there was a continuous gasp.

Everyone present, including the officials, were shocked.

Not only that, the media, whether domestic or foreign, and all the major reporters around the world were shocked by what Bill said. Frightened.

They were all frightened.

The scene even became silent for a moment, and everyone's minds were short-circuited, and their eyes were blank.

The next moment, the scene was boiling, and the whole place exploded. General

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Say important things three times"

"Is Bill crazy?"

"OMG! If what Bill said is true, it will definitely be big news that will shock the whole world!"

"My friends and I were all scared........."

"impossible! This is fake, I can't believe it"

"Although Bill is my idol, I can’t believe what Bill said."

"The richest man in the world is not Bill, but a person from our country? How is this possible? It's unbelievable."

"yes! And Bill also said that the man's net worth was twice as high as his."

"Oh my God! If it were twice as high, it would mean a net worth of tens of billions of dollars!"

"Yes, although Bill's current net worth has dropped from sixty to seventy billion U.S. dollars after the Internet bubble to about twenty billion U.S. dollars now, if he doubled his net worth, he would still have a net worth of at least forty billion U.S. dollars."

"Forty billion dollars? Equivalent to more than 200 billion RMB"

"wipe! Do any of our domestic listed companies have such a high market value?"

Shocked, appalled, horrified, unbelievable. This is an Internet conference, and countless people have shocked thoughts in their hearts.

They really can't believe it.

How is this possible? Can such an awesome person exist in China?

Everyone at the scene is stupid

The reporters and media were all going crazy. They were holding cameras, looking at Bill on the stage, taking pictures crazily, and pressing the shutter.

As media people, they have a sensitivity beyond ordinary people.

Especially Those foreign reporters know that if this news is published, the sensation it will cause around the world will definitely be world-class.

This is no less popular than the news about the Olympic Games........

Even, at some point, the attention of this news may have reached the highest level in history.

Because he is the richest man in the world?

"Come on, write down what Bill said."

"Omaiga, I thought this Internet conference was just an ordinary memory. Even if there was Bill, he was just talking about the same old words. Who knew that Bill suddenly broke such big news?"

"Yeah, that's shocking."

"Bill is not the richest man in the world?"

"I can’t believe it. I plan to call my editor-in-chief directly later and wake him up from his sleep. If he scolds me, I will scold Fake directly."

"When this news is published, it will definitely be the biggest news of the year."

The reporters went crazy and looked at Bill with wide eyes. Murray, who was sitting in the fourth row, looked at Su Can next to him. After Bill said that, he knew who Bill was talking about..

That is my boss Su Can.

In China, except for my boss, no one dares to say that he is the richest man in the world. Only my boss has that qualification.

"This bastard actually sold me out."

Su Can looked at Bill on the stage and accidentally betrayed him. Su Can had a helpless look on his face.

Who is the richest man in the world?

He is not interested in money at all, okay?........

From the time he started his business to now, he has never received a penny of salary, and he has not even received a dime in salary. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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