Su Can looked at Bill on the stage and felt speechless.

He already almost knew what kind of storm Bill would cause when he said this news on the forum........

That was absolutely world-shaking.

In the corner of the third row of the venue.

Boss Ma looked at Pony in confusion and asked:"The richest man in the world is in our country, not in America. Pony. Did I hear it wrong?

Pon opened his mouth in shock and said:"Jack, you heard it right, Bill. That’s indeed what he said!"

"OMG! Who is this person! In the business world, it is almost unheard of that such a No. 1 person exists."

Boss Ma was shocked.

Pon thought for a moment doubtfully and said:"I don't know either. Logically speaking, if he is the richest man in the world, he must have a lot of properties, at least a dozen listed companies. Otherwise, all of his A company must have a market value of more than 200 billion U.S. dollars"

"A market value of $200 billion? We don’t have such big companies in our country. Boss Ma shook his head.

Pon said:"Yes!" Even Li Chaoren, the richest man in China, probably does not have such a high personal wealth!"

"So who is this person? Boss Ma frowned, then his eyes suddenly brightened and he said:"pony. We seem to have forgotten what Bill just said."

"What words?"

Pon pushed up his glasses frame, showing a thoughtful look, and then his eyes brightened.

"Godfather of the Internet........"

Pon looked at Boss Ma, and Boss Ma also looked over. The two looked at each other, and both saw the look in each other's eyes, and said in unison.

Boss Ma said excitedly:"The Godfather of the Internet, this identity must be an Internet person, and there is absolutely no one else in China who can have this title except that person."

"Yes, no one is worthy but him."

Pon nodded.

Even Zhang Sohu, Cao Sina and others who were successful a few years before them were not the godfathers of the Internet in their minds at all. They were that person.

In China, the big guys who invested in half of the domestic Internet

"Mr. Su, and only Mr. Su."

Boss Ma said in a deep voice.

"That's right."

Pon and I nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the hearts of both of them were filled with nervousness and excitement, because they seemed to have discovered a huge secret.

Not many people knew about this secret, and only a few Many people know it.

And the two of them are one of them.

This feeling makes people feel thrilling, exciting, and nervous.

On the other side,

Zhang Ming and Su Zeming are also here. Although this kind of Internet conference is very large, it is not for them For example, if you want to get a few tickets, it is very easy to get them without Su Can's help..

"Zeming, do you think what Bill said is true? He is not the richest man in the world. The richest man in the world is in our country........."

Zhang Ming said with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Although our country's economy has achieved world-renowned achievements over the past two decades, it is difficult to produce such a super rich man!"

"You know, the person Bill is talking about has twice his assets, and must have a personal net worth of at least 40 billion US dollars!"

"This much money is equivalent to two to three hundred billion RMB."

Zhang Ming only felt his head buzzing. He couldn't imagine that this person could have such a huge wealth.

"If I knew the richest man, I would really like to have the opportunity to meet him."

Zhang Ming said expectantly


When Su Zeming heard Zhang Man's words, he curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a weird bitter smile.

You have actually seen the richest man in the world.

Su Zeming thought to himself.

Others don't know what Bill said, but as Su Zeming, the eldest son of Su, he naturally You know who Uncle Bill is talking about.

Who else is there besides his father? No one is richer than his father. His father is really rich.

But Zhang Ming doesn’t know That's all. If he knew, he would probably be shocked.

Not only did he meet the world's richest man, he also had dinner with him, and called him Uncle Su. Not only that, he also received more than a dozen red envelopes from the world's richest man. years.........

Now, he is sitting next to the son of the world's richest man, and he is a shareholder of the same company as the son of the world's richest man.

Yes, that's it.

Seeing Zhang Ming's yearning look, Su Zeming couldn't bear to tell him the truth, so just let him go on like this! well!

The young man from the richest family in the world is not so easy to do.

Su Zeming thought of himself and felt a huge pressure coming over him. He had no choice but to let the people in his family be too good.

His mother is the global president of HSBC and his father is the richest man in the world.

This person is stronger than the other person.

What can he do? He is also very helpless!

Others only knew that he was a super rich young man, the eldest young man above the four eldest young men in Yanjing, but no one knew the pain in his heart.

He doesn't even have the chance to go out to work. It's impossible to work in this life.

At most, it is just starting a business and setting up a company.

If the company cannot achieve tens of billions before it is thirty years old, and cannot achieve a market value of hundreds of billions or more before it is forty years old.

It is estimated that he will have to go home and inherit his father's huge family fortune of hundreds of billions or even trillions of RMB.

This is so unfree.

Su Zeming was also helpless! There is no way!

The baby is feeling miserable, but the baby can’t say it.......

From the moment he was born, he was destined to inherit so much family property. This was something he could not change throughout his life.

That day, during the lunch break of the Internet Conference, the midday news of CCTV 13 and CC1 broadcast Bill’s words at the Internet Conference.

Among them, there is a news video of Bill being interviewed by reporters in the audience after the opening ceremony of the Internet Conference.

When a reporter asked Bill on the stage, was it true that the world's richest man was in China?

Bill told them with great certainty that the man was indeed among Huaia, which made this statement even more credible.

Therefore, when the news was broadcast, people across the country were shocked.

Countless people were shocked and stunned.

The news made me dizzy, buzzing, and frightened.

The world's richest man is in the country?

Our country gave birth to the world’s richest man?

All of a sudden, the news spread like an explosion, spreading everywhere where there was a TV.

Almost everyone in China knows it.

The people were shocked........

Not only that, even the officials were shocked and dumbfounded.

It can be said that people across the country were shocked. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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