Su Can smiled and said:"It's a good tug of war. They still have a lot of money from selling stocks. They definitely don't want to surrender and quit." With the current island capital, if they surrender and quit.

What a loss!

Not too big....

At most, it’s tens of billions of dollars. after all!

Although they lost a lot of money when they cashed out, the money was still in their hands when the stocks were sold.

If they buy stocks now, they will at most increase the market value of Weibo and Qiandu.

If they spend a little more money, they will pay it back. but!

In this world, as long as winning or losing is concerned, there is such a gambling nature. People will not think that they will lose, and it is the cooperation of several major capitals in the island country.

With such top chaebols joining forces, no one in the world can resist it, even if they only spend part of their funds.

There were not many people who could resist it.

Su Can continued:"Moreover, the stocks they rented are all from us. As long as the time is longer, the more interest they will pay."

Penguin added Qiandu and Weibo, and the stocks they rented have exceeded worth tens of billions of dollars, and in order to quickly attack Weibo and Qiandu Penguin........

They gave a higher interest rate than usual. The longer this is extended, the higher the interest rate will be, 647 and the mortgage they can take out will be of better quality.

If it takes half a year, they will get no less than 7.8 billion US dollars in interest alone.

Regardless of the small losses of 7.8 billion US dollars and tens of billions of US dollars, among securities companies, such a large amount of interest income from leasing stocks is absolutely astonishing.

"Then I'll let them take it easy!"

Zhong Mingqiang understood what Su Can meant.

Su Can nodded and said,"You have to take it easy and raise the stock price every day to sell. As long as they dare to buy and sell at a low price, we will take them all."

"When they ran out of chips, they immediately raised the stock price and sold it at a price that was more than 10% higher than the original selling price."

"No one buys it, we buy it ourselves!"

"As long as they don't admit defeat and let us operate on our own, they will lose so much that they will lose their pants sooner or later."

Playing this game depends on who has more money.

The other........

It’s the company’s performance.

There is nothing to say about the performance of Weibo and Qiandu, and the same is true for Penguin. These days, advertising fees are rising significantly.

(cccg) These companies are getting better and better every year.

As long as the company doesn't have any problems, with Su Can's large sum of money, there is no need to worry. The success of the island country will not be comparable to Su Can's capital.

Su Can wished they could come up with more capital.

The more they take.


The more you lose in the end

"By the way, how much did you earn!"

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and asked with a smile.

"Third brother, I bought Weibo and Qiandu stocks for 20 million U.S. dollars, and the prices were all in the position. Now they have increased by 20%, and I have earned more than 4 million U.S. dollars, which is 30 million yuan. about."

Zhong Mingqiang said embarrassedly.

The third brother knew that the other party wanted to short Weibo and Qiandu, so he asked him to follow Murray and buy more stocks of Weibo and Qiandu. Anyway, it was the people of the island country who sent money.

Don't let this money go to waste. No.


The team that operates this operation are all their own people, they spend their own money, and the purchasing time is at the lowest point. The profit is not a half-star.

"Twenty million dollars!"

Su Can smiled and said:"It seems that this needs to be doubled at least."

"Doubling the amount and earning 20 million US dollars is satisfying."

Zhong Mingqiang chuckled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This money is not earned in vain.

Twenty million US dollars is equivalent to more than 100 million yuan. This is not a small amount of money!

"Third brother, I plan to wait until this matter is over and get all the money back to China. All the money I earn will be used for nutritious breakfast."

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said seriously

"Ming Qiang, that’s at least 140 million yuan, so you just donated it all, leaving nothing behind, just donated 18 million yuan?"

Su Can was a little surprised.

Although 140 million is nothing to him, not even a small goal, but to Zhong Mingqiang, it is not a small amount!

Even for Lu Guoqiang, it is not a small amount. Got it........

Just donated it all.

Zhong Mingqiang shook his head and said:"This money is equivalent to free money. No matter how much you donate it, you won't feel bad. Besides, the children in the family are also trying to live up to their expectations.""

"If Zhong Xiang follows Nian'er, his future achievements will be much greater than mine. His personal net worth is almost catching up with mine, and he is not short of money."

"My youngest son and daughter took a different path. It would not be good for them to have too much money. Of course, I will leave some of my assets to them."

"However, in this life, they have no worries about food and clothing. As long as they don't make any big mistakes, I don't have to worry about anything."

"My nephews and grandchildren can live a prosperous life with my annual salary from the security company, not to mention the stock dividends."

Zhong Mingqiang heard about Su Can's instructions and went to Xiangjiang to set up a security company. This company is not one of those A-share listed companies that lose money every year.

It is a truly profitable company. After all, it is the largest security company in Asia.

Although Zhong Mingqiang He is no longer the person in charge, but in the company, he is still paid some consulting fees every year, which amounts to 1.8 million a year.........

Xiangjiang is also a city with low taxes. His money, let alone this year, will be enough to support a large family even ten years from now.

Not to mention, the annual rent he collects for his houses and shops starts at one or two million.

In addition to this, there are also dividends from Anbao Water Supply. According to his shares in the company, Zhong Mingqiang receives at least tens of millions in dividends every year.

This money is enough for many ordinary people to achieve financial freedom.

He doesn't have much ambition. His net worth must reach tens of billions, tens of billions or hundreds of billions, so he lives a very satisfied life.

"Forget it, you can donate it to nutritious breakfast, but I suggest you set up a personal foundation in your hometown and use the money as a start-up fund to help poverty alleviation and education."

Su Can gave his own suggestion.


When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Third brother, this is a good idea.........

If you don't return home rich and powerful, it's better to walk at night in brocade clothes. Although he is a low-key person, in his heart, he also hopes that he can have such a good reputation in his hometown.

And the third brother said this, but there is a chance for his dream to come true. this?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became excited..

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