Since ancient times, as long as people have money, they will want to do good deeds and build roads and bridges.

Although Zhong Mingqiang doesn't have rights, he still yearns for this. If he gets such guidance from Su Can, how can he hold it back in his heart?

Su Can reminded:"Ming Qiang, you also need to pay attention to charity. Charity for students is the simplest and most worry-free." It is indeed the case.....

Because students are just for those few years.

But something like serious illness charity is really difficult to do.

Once you help one person, countless people will come over. In the end, even if they have a cold or fever, they will come to you to ask for help. Since ancient times, people's hearts have been unpredictable.

But students are different.

Maybe I'm still a student and my skin is a bit thin.


Support for schooling only lasts a few years

"Third brother, can you give me some more pointers? Zhong

Mingqiang swallowed and said excitedly.

Su Can smiled slowly and said,"Your hometown is not from Yanjing City, right?""

"Yes! Zhong

Mingqiang nodded and said:"My hometown was originally Beihe, but then my dad got an opportunity to work in a factory in Beijing, so our family moved here. When my grandparents were still alive, in fact, we all I went back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year."

"To this day, we still go back to our hometown occasionally."

More than just going back occasionally.......

Su Can also knew that Zhong Mingqiang built several factories in his hometown, and those factories brought some job opportunities to some local people in his hometown.

But, not much money

"It's actually very simple and doesn't need to be too troublesome. Your foundation will select poor families in your local area. After entering junior high school, if they may not be able to go to school due to poor family conditions, you will provide assistance. Above junior high school, you will give monthly How much living expenses. Su

Can thought for a moment and said:"Now that people's living conditions have improved, there are still many such poor families. It is estimated that in a county, there will be at most a few hundred people in a junior high school, and in high school, there will be even fewer people." The number of university meetings would be even smaller. A thousand people a year would be too many."

"As for these thousand people, if you give them three to five hundred a month, the most they can give you is five hundred thousand a month. Five million a year, more than one hundred million, is enough for you to spend twenty years."

As for why he is not counted as a primary school student.

That's because Su Can has been doing charity activities for primary school students for many years.

Nutritious breakfasts and nutritious lunches. Over the years, Su Can has successively invested in it, plus a large amount of official funds. Invest, the living conditions of primary school students are better now.

After hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang's eyes lit up. In this case!

It costs less than he imagined!

Moreover, it is sustainable........

"Third brother, three to five hundred for junior high school students is fine, but five hundred for college students, isn’t it a bit too little?"

Zhong Mingqiang tried to ask.

Su Can rolled his eyes, looked at Zhong Mingqiang, and said:"As the saying goes, if you want to win a job or win a job, you have to go to college, so you can work and study."

"Originally from a poor family, if they didn’t work hard when they went to college, you gave them plenty of living expenses, and you developed a character in them that they could only open their mouths when they had enough food to eat."

"At this time, instead of helping people, we are going to destroy them. As for why I don’t let you help with tuition fees, that’s because students have loans."

"Everyone can get a loan. It is the fairest loan in the world. Let them take out the loan themselves. After graduating from college, they will have money owed on their head, and they will be more secure in their work."

"Remember, there are too many people in this world who need help. You can’t help them until the end. You need to let them learn to support themselves."

"On the contrary, for junior high school students and high school students, this is a little more common. After all, they are at a growing age, and not having enough nutrition will still affect their development. Su

Can thought for a moment and said:"Also, some teenagers are naturally naughty and playful. If you want to help, don't give money directly, put it directly into the student meal card.""

"correct! Su

Can added:"If the money in this meal card cannot be spent by the student by the end of the semester, it must be able to be refunded directly from the student's account.""

He was worried that some people were reluctant to eat and drink.

After graduation, the money in the meal card became more and more.

As for other loopholes in it, Su Can asked Zhong Mingqiang to figure out how to fill it.

In fact, any help is There may be a lot of loopholes, and there may even be related accounts, but once this happens, strict accountability will be initiated.

That’s okay........

After all, Zhong Mingqiang's net worth is here. Generally, those who have such crooked thoughts are not considered to be big figures, at most they are like a small person.

It is impossible for the local county to offend such a big boss for the sake of those little people!

Moreover. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This kind of poverty alleviation and student assistance can reduce a lot of financial expenditures for the local finance, and at the same time, it can also promote some economic development.

Don't think it's not.

You see, a thousand students spend hundreds of dollars more every month. This adds up to millions a year, and these millions are spent on food and drink.

This can bring a lot of local agricultural products.

It can also help many people get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Third brother is right!"

Zhong Mingqiang's eyes widened and he said:"Also, in order to prevent some people from seeking power for personal gain, we assign people to investigate every year."

"By that time, even if there are some flaws, the impact will not be too big, and it will still be able to help most people who really need help."

His heart suddenly became active.

Su Can nodded slightly.........

"Third brother, after I allocate this money from Weibo, I will establish this student aid foundation immediately!"Zhong Mingqiang said excitedly.

He couldn't help it and wanted to start it immediately.

What a pity!

It's holiday time now.

Not only that, it still takes some time to establish various foundations. For ordinary people, it is difficult to establish such a foundation. It is difficult to set up a charitable foundation.

But for him, it is not difficult.

The only thing left is to start the project immediately after the money arrives.

There is no problem at all.

Su Can shook his head and said:"In addition to helping ordinary people Poor students, you can also give a big prize to reward those students who study hard and have excellent grades, so that more students will work harder to study, either for the reward or for their own future."

"For example, if a scholarship is set up, how much money will be awarded to each person who is admitted to a 985 or above university, and if someone is admitted to Qingbei, the reward will be 100,000 to 80,000 yuan."

Three to five million........

There are many such rewards in later generations.

Just like Su Can, there is a city in Guangdong Province. There is a boss who rewards people like this. If you are admitted to Qingbei, the rewards are hundreds of thousands of talents..

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