Su Yu watched for a while, but he couldn’t stand the greasy taste of his parents, so he simply went back to his room.

It may be that the mentality has changed, his parents have a second spring, and they have been showing affection in front of him, and Su Yu can’t stand it.

You know, he’s still a single dog!

Back in the room, Su Yu began to think about the way forward.

Su Yu is actually not from this world, he crossed into this parallel world from another blue planet.

This parallel world is almost the same as in his previous life, although it is a pity that he has not traveled to the previous years or decades, but it is not bad now, at least the system takes care of it.

He crossed over half a year ago, and the activated system was called the god-level investment system, and after this half-year experiment, he found that this system was indeed strong against the sky.

Half a year ago, he asked Su’s father to take 10,000 yuan, saying that he would take it for investment, although Su’s father did not believe that he could make money, but still gave it, saying that young people always have to go through some hardships to really grow up.

Half a year has passed, Su Yu has not mentioned the matter of investment, and it is estimated that Su’s father Su Jingjun has forgotten about it.

In the past six months, Su Yu has invested in more than thirty bull stocks, more than twenty bear stocks, including seven or eight demon stocks, all of which have been more than ten consecutive limit boards, which has made his funds skyrocket.

At first, Su Yu was long bull stocks through financing, and later he shorted bear stocks through financing, sometimes both ends at the same time, and invested in multiple stocks at the same time.

After the funds held exceeded 100 million, Su Yu did not do margin trading.

After all, some stock plates are too small, if he refinances and finances into it, like a great white shark rushing into a small school of fish, it is not enough for him to eat, and it will also break the rules too much.

So two months ago, Su Yu’s target was those stocks with large plates, such as the direct flying creatures he now holds.

When he started, the stock price was about 92 yuan, the total share capital was 1.6 billion shares, and the market value was nearly 150 billion, and his funds entering it would not be obvious.

Now he holds 20 million shares of Direct Flying Bio, with a stock price of 255.5 yuan, a yield of 176%, and a total market value of ** yuan.

According to the information given by the god-level investment system, the holding period of Direct Fly Bio is 33 days, and the yield is as high as 210%.

That is to say, buying on the first day and exiting on the 33rd day, the capital can increase by 2.1 times, which is faster than grabbing money.

Sometimes Su Yu wondered if those financial bigwigs, Wall Street tycoons, were all thick and black.

Cutting leeks is a close way to the knife, and it will not directly cut the grass and remove the roots, so that you can cut stubble after stubble.

Then Su Yu thought that tomorrow is Sunday, and the god-level investment system will give new investment opportunities, I don’t know which stock.

The god-level investment system will automatically give an investment opportunity every seven days, fixed on Sunday, the investment time varies from three days to half a month, and the profit is between 30% and 120%.

In addition, it can trigger various hidden missions and obtain investment opportunities.

In general, hidden tasks yield much greater returns on investment opportunities than weekly investment opportunities.

The demon stock that Su Yu now holds directly to the creature, that is, obtained by the hidden mission, the yield has exceeded 155%, and the maximum can reach 210%.

As for whether Zhifei Biology can stabilize the stock price and maintain the sky-high market value after that, it is not Su Yu’s concern.

Do you want to change houses at the moment?

This was a small question that Su Yu was thinking about.

After today’s live broadcast, I believe that those powerful netizens will dig out his address, those guys who shout to learn art from teachers may really come to the door with a thick skin, as long as they can learn skills and make money, what is face?

However, Su Yu has nothing to teach, although he was a graduate of 211 Finance and Economics School in his previous life and worked as an investment consultant for an investment company for two years, it was useless.

His current investment relies on the instructions of the system, according to the operation that the system says.

What he can teach are those in books, but these people must have more experience in various stock trading skills and experience than him.

Do you want Su Yu to take them to make money together?

What do you think? Child! Let’s wash and sleep!

I have everything in my dreams!

In addition, he will go to college in other provinces in two days, these people guarantee that they can’t find him, his parents are estimated to have gone out to travel, there is no one at home, so don’t worry when he comes.

There is also that he only has 4 million in his hand, and the money is not enough to change a good house.

After thinking about it, Su Yu finally decided to buy it later when he had the opportunity.

Su Yu took out his mobile phone, who knew that a news feed immediately popped up, who knew that it was still about him, with the title [Shock! An 18-year-old boy would do this kind of thing for 10,000 yuan…].

Su Yu didn’t need to think about it to know that this news was definitely edited by the UC Shock Department, anyway, everything was shocked, and he used this to attract attention.

Su Yu clicked in and looked, sure enough, it was news about him, gave him a general introduction, and then knelt directly, offered his knees, and frantically touted how awesome Su Yu was, it was simply Xia Guo Eight Fits, and in two years Bill Gai would have to abdicate to make way for Xian.

In addition to this news, Su Yu also found that all major platforms are his hot searches, and now his topic has reached the top of the hot searches on major platforms.

I don’t know how many posts there are under his topic, and countless more are being written.

This is the hot spot effect, once a hot spot appears in the media, other media websites will immediately let people follow, write and post, seize the popularity, and improve their own popularity.

After reading it, Su Yu sighed, and there were no photos of him in these hot searches.

Su Yu thought of Yuzhou Daily again, this is a live broadcast, there must be a video, according to the current popularity, it is definitely the first in the evening news, this is not okay.

So Su Yu found the official phone number of Yuzhou Daily on the Internet and immediately dialed it.

Fortunately, the news material was still being edited over there, and Su Yu immediately asked to mosaic his face, but the other party agreed after hesitation.

Su Yu only relaxed at this time, if he exposed his appearance, how could he be a good man in the future?

PS: Mengxin kneels for flower evaluation ticket monthly ticket support, and I like to see it with great support.

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