At this moment, the topic of Su Yu is so hot, especially it is linked to finance.

Several top universities in China have noticed, and the top financial and economic institutions have also paid attention, and almost immediately held a meeting to discuss whether to recruit Su Yu and then what treatment to give.

It was also at the time of the discussion in those institutions that Yuzhou University suddenly issued an official micro-message, expressing its willingness to recruit Su Yu.

Yuzhou University: “After the school meeting, it was unanimously agreed to specially recruit Su Yu students to study in our school’s finance major, although our school’s finance major is not strong, but I believe that with Su Yu students will flourish, and we are still close, convenient to go home, Su Yu students, welcome to join Yuzhou University.” ”

Yuda’s official Wei simply hit the terrifying waves, which made everyone dumbfounded.

School is still two days away, and at this time, playing special tricks directly robs people, and it’s really shameless.

And this is just the beginning.

The top five domestic financial majors immediately followed, followed by Guanwei.

Zhongcai University: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to recruit Su Yu as our students, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

If the official micro of Yuzhou University is just a shameless person, then the official micro of the University of China Finance can be described as shocking.

The finance major of China University of Finance ranks fourth in the country, and it is also a multi-university institution such as 985, 211, 111, etc., which can be described as one of the top universities in China.

Every year, I don’t know how many students apply for the University of Finance, dreaming of entering the University, but they are turned away.

At this moment, Zhongcai took the initiative to hand over an olive branch to Su Yu, willing to specially recruit Su Yu to enter Zhongcai.

The two institutions of higher learning, Yuda University and Zhongcai University, successively issued invitations to Su Yu, and the other institutions of higher learning immediately couldn’t sit still, and directly followed the announcement to start the war of robbing people.

Fuda: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to recruit Su Yu students as our students, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

NTU: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to recruit Su Yu as our students, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

Jiang Cai: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to specially recruit Su Yu as a student of our school, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

Xicai: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to recruit Su Yu students as our students, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

Mocai: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to recruit Su Yu as a student of our school, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

Five of the top ten financial schools in China successively issued invitations to Su Yu, which simply surprised the melon-eating masses.

And then an invitation from a higher education institution was even more shocking.

People’s University of China: “After the decision of the collective meeting of our school, we unanimously agreed to specially recruit Su Yu students as students of our school, welcome Su Yu students, and let us make progress together.” ”

Countless netizens were collectively dumbfounded, and even the Chinese People’s Congress made a move, this is the number one financial institution in China, beating Peking University and Tsinghua University, and its strength is strong.

Some netizens ridiculed: “Su Yu is like a brilliant diamond at this time, and everyone wants to pocket it.” ”

“Aren’t Peking University and Tsinghua still making a move? I’m really not afraid that Su Yu will be recruited by other schools? ”

“I think Su Yu will choose the NPC, after all, the NPC is strong enough to beat Qingbei in the financial major, ranking first in the country, which is more conducive to Su Yu’s further study.”

“Same as above, Qingbei is no longer the former Qingbei, how long do you want to sit under the hat of the highest holy land academy in China?”

“The talents cultivated in Qingbei do not know how much they are working for foreign countries, and they have simply become affiliated institutions and talent transportation bases for foreign countries.”

For these two universities in Qingbei, they used to be the pride of the Chinese people and the sacred place of learning, but with the development of the times, the reputation of the two universities is constantly declining, which makes people sigh.

Just as netizens sighed, Peking University spoke up first.

Peking University: “We all see the financial talent of Su Yu, and after the school leadership meeting, it was decided to invite Su Yu to participate in our school’s entrance examination. ”

And Tsinghua is not far behind, almost at the same time released official micro.

Tsinghua: “We all see the financial talent of Su Yu, and after the school leadership meeting, it was decided to invite Su Yu to participate in the entrance examination of our school, and if the exam is successful, you can become a Tsinghua alumnus.” ”

The voices of the two top institutions of higher learning pushed the battle to a climax.

Even if the two universities in Qingbei are now unable to do so, they are still the ultimate goal of thousands of students, hoping to enter these two universities.

However, some netizens found blind spots, other colleges and universities are directly recruited into the school, only Qingbei still needs exams, is this deliberately emphasizing its own threshold?

Even an 18-year-old rich man with a net worth of more than 5 billion must be so strict, not to mention that this is still a well-known financial arrogant, financial demon, and rampant in the stock market.

“Qingbei’s move is wonderful, it directly opens the level with other institutions of higher learning, improves the pressing qualification, and has a deeper role.”

“If Su Yu passes the exam, then their reputation can also be higher, after all, they are so strict with geniuses and billionaires like Su Yu; If they don’t pass, then they also have a big gain, think about it, even Su Yu can’t enter the academy, and it is even more solid to sit on the throne of the holy land of the two higher education institutions. ”

“Anyway, they don’t lose anything, it depends on whether Su Yuxuan chooses them or not.”

PS: Ask for flowers evaluation ticket monthly pass reward, let me be motivated to be a donkey of the production team for a while

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