Regarding the robbery battles of these institutions of higher learning, Su Yu did not know at first, and he would not pay attention to the meager all the time, and these topics did not have Aithe.

Until about three o’clock in the afternoon, Su Yu received a phone call, claiming to be the vice president of the Yuzhou University of Economics, and talked to him a lot.

In fact, let him not change schools, the school will give him the best treatment, within the ability will satisfy him, after all, Su Yu is destined to be a well-known alumnus after graduation, just now there are more than 5 billion wealth, four years later that will be repaid.

Su Yu did not directly agree to come down, but went to take a meager look to know what happened.

After thinking about it, Su Yu finally decided to go to the Modu University of Finance and Economics.

Although Modu University of Finance and Economics can only rank fourth in the finance major, the environment of Modu is different, as an international financial and economic center, Modu gathers all kinds of talents, and it is also convenient for him to invest.

For him, in fact, it doesn’t make much difference which school he goes to, anyway, there is a god-level investment system.

After deciding, Su Yu went to Yu University, Nanda University, Fuda and many other universities to reply to them, thanking them for the invitation, but he already had his favorite college, so he was really sorry.

Then Su Yu replied under the official micro of Modu University of Finance and Economics: Thank you for the invitation, come soon, join hands in the future.

As for Qingbei, Su Yuli ignored it, and asked him to take the exam? Stay and go!

Su Yu’s appearance reply made Wei Wei lively again, and countless netizens sighed that Su Yu’s vision was good, and did not give Qingbei face at all, and did not even reply.

Those universities that failed to succeed also replied again, expressing deep regret, but also wished Su Yu students a great development in the future and went straight to the sky.

Modu University of Finance and Economics: “Welcome Su Yu to join Modu Finance, the invitation letter will be sent out on the same day and will be received tomorrow, looking forward to the arrival of Su Yu, let us join in the grand event.” ”

“Hahaha, this time Qingbei can be regarded as a feather return, it is very happy!”

“That’s right, if I didn’t go, I still have to take the exam, are you thinking about peaches?”

“People Su Yu has a wealth of 5.1 billion, and he only earned it in half a year, so he doesn’t have to go to college at all, right?”

“Agree, this kind of Tianjiao + billionaire, destined to stand at the top of the pyramid, no matter in that school, four years later must be a well-known alumnus, add glory to the school, and also get a lot of donations.”

“It’s not the same now, it didn’t work before.”

“I guess that Beibei’s face must be dull at this time, sitting and waiting to be punched in the face.”


Countless netizens have supported Su Yu’s choice, for Qingbei’s embarrassed attitude, which rich man will lick his face into it.

Imperial capital, Aoki University.

In a certain office, a vice principal slapped the table heavily and said angrily: “I don’t know how to lift, do you really think that you can always be lucky?” ”

“Wait, not coming to us Aoki is his loss, he will regret it.” Another vice principal said with a sneer.

Yenching University, an office.

“How can it make sense.” A deputy secretary said coldly.

“Don’t worry, genius, let’s see less? After a few years, it will naturally fall. A vice principal said.

“Yes, watch him build tall buildings, watch him feast guests, and see his buildings collapse.” Another vice principal said with a smile.


After getting the school, Su Yu called the vice dean of Yuzhou Economic College again, saying that Yuzhou School of Economics was very good, but it was not suitable for him to further study.

That vice president can only smile bitterly and promise, now Su Yu’s identity and status are different, just make a good relationship.

Then Su Yu said to Su’s father and mother, saying that the Modu University of Finance and Economics wanted to recruit him specially, and the invitation letter would arrive tomorrow.

Father Su and Mother Su had a smile on their faces when they heard this, and Mother Su couldn’t help but say, “The son is present.”

After dinner, Su Yu returned to his room and considered whether to open several companies.

He had a general idea of the type of company, one is an investment company, and his investment will be operated through the company’s account in the future, and the investment scope of the investment company is not limited to stocks, or even to financial markets.

The tentacles can be involved in various industries, so that a huge financial empire can be formed, which is more deterrent and can improve his status, status, and influence.

It doesn’t make people think that he was just lucky to make some money in the stock market and was an upstart.

The other company is the security company, how can there be enough security to ensure his safety, or to ensure the safety of his parents?

Now he has billions of wealth, there are many red-eyed people, maybe some people have bad intentions, and they can’t do it without security protection.

After all, the barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, and his little life is worth a lot.

He also wants to build a business empire, sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars, drunken beauty, and waking up to the power of the world.

These two companies are just his ideas, one is his sword across the mall, and the other is the shield that protects him.

It’s just that now he doesn’t have the right person, and it’s not a good job to create a company, and you must have trusted subordinates to work for you.

As for the god-level investment system?

Su Yu once asked, and the system only said that this service would not be available for the time being.

As for when it will be available, the system will have to wait until the system is upgraded.

Su Yu asked again when will the system be upgraded?

The system answers: It will be upgraded automatically when the time is right.

So Su Yu is also helpless, the system is not powerful, he has no way, he can only do this temporarily.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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