This is the time for class in the afternoon.

Wang Haoran was listening to the class carelessly, and suddenly felt that the phone on his body vibrated.

I took out my mobile phone and found that it was a reminder from Gu Yurou's Moments of Friends.

When chatting with Gu Yurou last time, Wang Haoran added her as a friend. And, in order to better understand her trend, Wang Haoran opened the update reminder of Gu Yurou's circle of friends.

When I clicked on Moments, Wang Haoran immediately saw a Moments message that Gu Yurou had just sent.

Gu Yurou's birthday.

Wang Haoran caught such a message, but just glanced at it lightly, not intending to respond.

If there is no need for Gu Yurou, the female protagonist, Wang Haoran doesn't want to take care of it.

Moreover, Gu Yurou's intention to post this Moments message is also worth pondering.

It's birthday, and deliberately sent a message in the circle of friends, with the intention of fishing.

There must be many boys in Gu Yurou's circle of friends.

After the news is sent, there should be many licking boys to give blessings or give gifts.

Wang Haoran didn't want to join in the fun either. She celebrates her birthday on her birthday, it's her own shit.

Keep your phone away. But within a few seconds, the phone vibrated again.

Wang Haoran frowned, thinking that Gu Yurou had sent a Moments message again, but after opening it, he found that it was a chat message from Shao Wanwan.

"Someone came to the Normal University to inquire about Gu Yurou and stole some photos."

Shao Wanwan pretended to be a graduate student and entered Qingling Normal University. She kept staring at Gu Yurou's movements, and when she discovered something unusual, she immediately reported to Wang Haoran.

"Do you know what it is?" Wang Haoran glanced at the message and quickly edited the message reply.

Shao Wanwan: "You told me to stare at Gu Yurou. I didn't dare to act rashly, so I didn't find the follower to ask."

Wang Haoran: "You keep staring. If you have anything special, report to me again."

After finishing the chat, Wang Haoran thought about it.

Lu Beige, the male partner, has a bit of hatred towards Gu Yurou. But last time he was able to trick Gu Yurou into Beige Film and Television Company, it proved that he knew Gu Yurou and there was no need to find someone to inquire about Gu Yurou.

Gu Yurou, the female protagonist is quite special. Her main storyline must go on smoothly, and the beginning is to be forced and pushed.

After pushing Gu Yurou, this male character, whose status changes, will be promoted to be the male lead.

However, Lu Beige, the male partner, lacks the ability of a man, and it is impossible to push Gu Yurou into the male lead.

This male partner is abolished, and it is unlikely to have anything to do with Gu Yurou.

If there is any involvement, then Lu Beige's role can only be a pure revenge villain.

But no matter what, the person who inquired about Gu Yurou's news should not be Lu Beige, but someone else.

As for who it is, Wang Haoran doesn't know, but one thing he can be sure of is that this is the male character that triggered the main storyline. His identity is either a male match or a male villain.

Because of the particularity of Gu Yurou's halo, both male partners and male villains can be promoted to male protagonists.

In addition, there is also a way for male villains to become male protagonists.

If expected, Gu Yurou's main storyline should be coming soon.

In other words, if you don't stop it, Gu Yurou will probably be pushed.

As a villain, Wang Hao doesn't want to see Gu Yurou, the female protagonist and male protagonist.

This matter must be stirred up.

Furthermore, if you stop Gu Yurou's main storyline, you can also get bonus points.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Thinking of this, Wang Haoran began to edit the message.

"Happy birthday, are you free tonight? I invite you to dinner." The message was edited and sent to Gu Yurou.

Wang Haoran waited for the reply message, one minute, two minutes... thirty minutes passed.

Gu Yurou then replied, "Something happened. You want to invite me to dinner. I'm afraid it won't work. My classmates and I have already made an appointment."

Just something? Are you busy replying to other boys' news, or are you deliberately hanging me out for a while?

Wang Haoran secretly spit out, and then began to edit the message.

"Then what about after dinner? Always have time. I invite you to watch a movie."

"After eating, I have to go to play with my classmates, it will be late." Gu Yurou replied.

"Then you are not free tonight?" Wang Haoran asked.

"You can come to my birthday party." Gu Yurou replied.

Wang Haoran: "It's not convenient. I don't know your classmates. It's embarrassing for me to go."

Gu Yurou: "What's the inconvenience, come here, there are so many people."


You just want me to be in front of so many people, and then lick it to satisfy your vanity, right?

Wang Haoran couldn't help but slander for a while.

However, thinking about stopping Gu Yurou's main storyline, I can only bear to join in the fun.

"All right, you send me an address." Wang Haoran sent a message.

"The location hasn't been decided yet. I'll decide when the time comes. I'll tell you again. By the way, don't buy gifts, just come." Gu Yurou replied.

Wang Haoran looked strange. I specifically mentioned not to bring gifts. Are you sure what you are saying is not an irony?


In a mansion.

Mu Bai swims in the pool, his body shape is undulating on the surface of the water, and his muscles look very attractive.

If there is a nympho woman here, she will definitely be excited about it.

A subordinate came back from outside and reported here:

"Brother Mu, I found it. The boy who walked close to Gu Yurou is a rich second-generation, named Wang Haoran, the son of the Wang family group."

Mu Bai swam to the pool and walked onto the shore.

A subordinate respectfully handed the towel over.

After wiping the water on his body, Mu Bai said: "It turns out to be a rich second-generation. Is the Wang Group? It is said to be worth tens of billions, but it's nothing." His tone was slightly disdainful.

He is the king of the underground forces. There are many people who work hard under him, and he is not afraid of the rich at all.

"Brother Mu, Gu Yurou will have a birthday party with his classmates today." The subordinate reported another news.

"Birthday? It's just right. I'll give her a gift." Mu Bai smiled intriguingly.

"What gift do I need to buy?" the subordinate asked.

"The gift is on me, no need to prepare." Mu Baixie laughed.

Seeing this, the man couldn't help but wonder. Mu Bai has a towel on her body, can't she always give someone a towel?

But after another thought, it seemed that I understood something again. Brother Mu, are you going to give "several hundred million" to Gu Yurou?


Wang Haoran received the positioning from Gu Yurou.

I learned that the location of Gu Yurou's birthday party was in a restaurant near Qingling Normal University.

Wang Haoran drove Pagani out.

This Pagani is exactly the one before Lin Chen.

But after Lin Chen got cold, the car has been left in the garage.

The day after Bian Suwen and Wang Haoran were sweet, he took the initiative and gave the car to Wang Haoran.

After all, Wang Haoran was asked to help before, so he lost a Bugatti.

Now that Pagani is given to Wang Haoran, it can be regarded as paying off the debt.

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