Wang Haoran drove Pagani to the restaurant Gu Yurou said.

After parking the car, he came to the designated box.

At this time, there were already some men and women gathered in the box.

Several boys gave the prepared gifts to Gu Yurou.

When Wang Haoran walked in, everyone cast their gazes.

The girls' eyes lit up, and their hearts continued to become idiots. The boys are unhappy.

"You are here." Gu Yurou smiled and said to Wang Haoran with a lot of gifts in her hands, but soon noticed that Wang Haoran was empty-handed. A moment of displeasure flashed across his eyes, he really didn't bring a gift...

Wang Haoran slightly changed Gu Yurou's expression, and he felt amused in his eyes.

Obviously you said, don't bring gifts, and now I come empty-handed, you are not happy anymore.

Women are really duplicity animals.

However, Wang Haoran was not here to please Gu Yurou at all, but just wanted to see if the male character who triggered Gu Yurou's main storyline was here.

But after scanning the box, he didn't even see a decent handsome guy.

Wang Haoran was suddenly disappointed.

In female-frequency novels, let alone male counterparts and male villains, even a slightly more important male character is a handsome guy.

In front of a group of boys, none of them are good-looking, they are definitely soy sauce, which can be ignored directly.

"Yurou, this won't be your boyfriend, isn't it? You're so handsome!" A girl secretly looked at Wang Hao and then said to Gu Yurou enviously.

"Don't get me wrong, we are just ordinary friends." Gu Yurou said in a light tone, and quickly cleared the relationship.

In her opinion, Wang Haoran didn't even bring a gift, which clearly did not take herself to heart.

Gu Yurou was unhappy and didn't want to pay attention to Wang Haoran for the time being.

Wang Haoran was here, and no one knew anyone except Gu Yurou.

When Gu Yurou didn't talk to him, Wang Haoran also appeared lonely.

After Gu Yuruan's classmates chatted for a while, everyone was almost there. I pressed the summoning bell in the box and called the waiter to come and order.

Not long after, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open.

However, the person who walked in was not a waiter, but a tall, handsome man with a cold face.

"Wow, so handsome..."

Many girls in the box suddenly showed an idiot-like expression.

Wang Haoran couldn't help narrowing his eyes. The person who was waiting finally appeared.

"Are you?" Gu Yurou looked suspicious after seeing this strange man.

The man looked at Gu Yurou deeply, and the scene of being beaten appeared in his mind, and a burst of hatred continued to rise in his heart. But on the surface, it is well covered up.

"Don't you recognize me?" The man responded to Gu Yurou's words.

"Sorry, who are you?" Gu Yurou couldn't remember this person anymore.

"Mu Bai." The man replied.

Hearing this, Gu Yurou seemed to remember something, and a look of panic and surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

The panic was naturally because he harassed himself in high school, and his father found someone to beat him up and was kicked out of the school afterwards. Counting it all up, it's a bit of a grudge.

I was surprised because I felt that Mu Bai had changed a lot. It was completely non-mainstream back then, and his hair often covered half of his face. Now the hair has been cut short, it looks clean and tidy, the features and contours are very delicate, a bit charming.

"Why, isn't it welcome?" Mu Bai said when Gu Yurou hadn't said a word for a long time.

"Please sit down." Gu Yurou didn't know what Mu Bai had come to do for him, but because of his handsomeness, he said politely.

Wang Haoran was by the side, looking at Mu Bai all the time.

Although it is not clear that this Mu Bai and Gu Yurou had something to do with each other, he used perspective and saw Mu Bai's abnormality.

This Mu Bai just looked at Gu Yurou, the brother actually stood up!

Wang Haoran was speechless, and at the same time, he felt a breath of routine.

If the guess is not bad, this Mu Bai and Lu Beige should have the same idea, that is, to push Gu Yurou, but also strong and push.

As for whether Mu Bai is a male partner or a villain, this is second.

Because only one push, Mu Bai can be promoted to the male lead.

No matter what hatred Mu Bai had against Gu Yurou in the past, after pushing him, no matter how big the hatred was, he would become a loyal dog licking. From now on, he would disdain other women and only like Gu Yurou alone.

"I don't like the way you look at people."

Mu Bai was about to sit down, but he noticed that Wang Haoran was looking at him, he was a little unhappy at the moment, and he reminded him with a warning.

When Wang Haoran heard it, he suddenly felt a little funny. Is the female-frequency male partner so tall? It's not a girl, you can't even watch it?

"I don't like the tone of your speech either." Wang Haoran responded.

"Are you looking for death?" Mu Bai's eyes flashed coldly.

Wang Haoran frowned and couldn't help standing up.

"If you have something to say, don't fight!" Gu Yurou hurriedly walked between the two of them when they saw that something was wrong, and persuaded them.

Around, there is a kind of girl who is envious, only thinking that these two handsome guys are jealous for Gu Yurou's struggle.

"Forgive you for the time being." Mu Bai came for Gu Yurou, the business hasn't been done yet, so he didn't want to make any extravagances, and planned to deal with the person in front of him afterwards.

Wang Haoran is not a mouth contestant, and doesn't want to beep with him, too lazy to respond. However, he made up his mind to kill this Mu Bai.

"Wang Haoran, sit down. Mu Bai, sit here." Gu Yurou said to the left and right separately, planning to separate the two by herself.

When Wang Haoran heard it, she suddenly felt weird. How can I inexplicably put Gu Yurou in the story of the female channel?

"His name is Wang Haoran?" Mu Bai asked with a change of expression after hearing Gu Yurou's words.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Gu Yurou was puzzled.

"No problem." Mu Bai smiled meaningfully.

At this time, the waiter who was summoned came over.

Gu Yurou took the order and asked Wang Haoran and Mu Bai specifically what they were eating, and neither of them was left indifferent.

Wang Haoran was not surprised by her operation.

After all, the female protagonist, this is completely a routine operation.

Of course, this does not mean that it is Gu Yurou, the female protagonist who is too bitchy, but the plot routine is like this. Before the male protagonist decides, she is wavering and her mind is very erratic.

If the male lead is set, Gu Yurou must stand firmly on the male lead.

Just to become the hero of Gu Yurou's main storyline, the conditions are more special, that is, pushing, even if it is strong, pushing is all right.

As for whether Gu Yurou will report to the police, I am not worried at all.

Gu Yurou's main storyline started from being forced and pushed. Therefore, there is a weird setting in this female protagonist.

That is, no matter how you are bullied, you just don't report to the police! Even as he continued to be bullied, he gradually fell in love with this person.

To put it bluntly, it is a little bit of abuse, abuse, and tendency.

However, it is the norm to abuse the host in female frequency novels. Some female readers prefer to read abusive essays. The more abused they are, the more they will be able to read them. They are not happy to read them if they are not abused.

Huh? Can I do something with this special setting?

In Wang Haoran's mind, a surprising thought suddenly popped up.

Gu Yurou's protagonist has a very strong aura, which is five thousand and eight, which is higher than Yan Yuntian's initial protagonist's aura.

Lu Beige's loss of power can't trigger the main storyline. Gu Yurou's protagonist has a halo, which attracts Mu Bai so quickly.

Although he could easily send Mu Bai to death, what about after he was killed? There will be a second, third, and countless number of Mu Bai over.

When the time comes, will you not be bored to death?

But if, I directly trigger Gu Yurou's main storyline. Then Gu Yurou would definitely move to the right position and stand in line. In the future, he would not lose his mind, but would become faithful.

After that, wouldn't Gu Yurou attract people who push the team?

Of course, the trigger plot that Wang Haoran thought was a false trigger. Because if you really push, you will become the male protagonist (lick the dog).

However, he is not sure whether the fraud will be effective.

However, with the idea of ​​getting real knowledge from practice, Wang Haoran decided to give it a try.

Anyway, nothing is lost.

Moreover, he had used Yun Churan with this kind of fraud operation before, and he was quite experienced.

It must be okay to fool Gu Yurou.

In addition, there are still a lot of medicines that were prepared to deceive Yun Churan. It is easy to fake another crime scene.

As to whether it can pretend to be a female protagonist, it's all God's will.

After the dishes came, everyone began to eat.

Gu Yurou drank a lot of drinks, halfway through the meal, suddenly left the box in a hurry.

As soon as she left, Mu Bai followed out.

Wang Haoran immediately got up from his seat and followed after a certain distance.

Because he was super excited to see Mu Bai through perspective, and he obviously couldn't wait to attack Gu Yurou.

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