Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 217 : We want the source code of ios

"Chairman Lin, if I take the liberty, I came here to buy your company

Before Cook finished speaking, Lin Feng showed a playful smile on his face: "Acquisition? If your company is willing, I don't mind buying APPLE for 300 billion US dollars." What a joke, he has not acquired Longteng Group. They have fallen to the point where they have to buy their own properties to feed themselves.

Not to mention the current profit of Longteng Group, even if it is Fengteng's investment book, there are at least 4,500 billion, and it is still US dollars.

This is actually more than APPLE's illusory market value.

"Since Chairman Lin doesn't want to sell, then we can change the way of cooperation.

After all, Cook, who has been in the shopping mall for many years, did not get annoyed by this, but went on.

"tell me the story.

Lin Feng sat lazily on the sofa and waved his hands.

Version. "

"On behalf of Apple, I hope that your company will be able to launch the 10S in the smart phone butler. At this time, Cook directly put forward the request.

"It's not that I don't want to launch the 10S terminal, but that I can't.

Lin Feng waved his hand and said lightly: "Only based on the core source code and architecture of the operating system can we design a compatible smartphone butler."

"Mr. Cook, is your company willing to open the source code of 10s to our company?"


Cook was speechless and opened the source code to the Longteng Group, which means that APP LE will completely show the core to the Longteng Group. Then, no matter what, the Longteng Group can grasp the lifeline of APPLE, which is not bad. To surrender.

The conference room fell into dead silence again, and the group focused on Cook, as if wondering if the foreigner would agree to such an excessive request.

After a while, Cook slowly raised his head and said solemnly: "Our company can open the source code to your company, but your company needs to open the source code of the smart phone housekeeper to us." "


Lin Feng didn't even think about it, so he refused.

The source code of Pangu a smart phone butler, even the Chinese military did not get it, why APPLE can get it, is it because of their 10s system that is destined to be eliminated?

Not to mention that Longteng is not interested in the source code of the 10S system, but is interested, and it is impossible to agree to such an absurd transaction.

"Chairman Lin, if this is the case, I think we may not be able to continue the following conversation, Cook said with a stern face.

"Oh? Mr. Cook has forgotten that it is not that we want to cooperate, but that your company needs to cooperate."

"We are just cooperating with your company to develop a smart phone butler that fits the 1OS system. If there is no IOS system source code and architecture, the smart phone butler can't control the phone at all, so how about inserting it.

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he picked up the tea cup next to him, took a sip, and waited quietly.

At this time, Cook's eyes are constantly flickering, and his face is not very good.

Lin Feng's request is too great, even he, it is impossible to open the source code of 10s to Lin Feng casually.

Bowing to a company that has just been established for less than a year, the blow to APPLE is not so big.

And the source code of 10S is related to deeper security issues.

It is impossible for them to unilaterally hand over such an important thing to a Chinese company, and the board of directors would not allow him to do so.

"Chairman Lin, is there no other way?" Cook asked unwillingly. "Mr. Cook, the security of your company's I0S system is too good. We can't bypass the mobile phone system and control the mobile phone. Moreover, your company has siri, which does not require our Pangu. After thinking for a long time, Cook stood up with a sigh. : "Lin, your proposal, I need to think about it

"Okay, so be it, Mr. Cook would like to visit our group headquarters?"

"No, I'll go back first, looking forward to our next meeting."

Cook reached out and shook Lin Feng.

"Jiang Feng, you can send Mr. Cook." Lin Feng smiled at Jiang Feng.


Jiang Feng smiled and nodded, and led Cook out of the company's reception room.

It didn't take long for the group to leave Longteng Group under the leadership of the staff.


Just as they had just left the building, countless reporters guarding the door snapped at Cook.

The fact that Cook entered the Longteng Group has spread in the circle of reporters.

Those reporters who left the Longteng Group came back again. At this time, more than forty reporters were outside the office building of the Longteng Group, waiting for Cook to come out.

"." President Jiang, what kind of cooperation did you reach this time? "

"Mr. Cook, what kind of cooperation did you reach with Longteng Group?

"Mr. Jiang.

A group of reporters gathered around and started asking frantically.

At this moment, Cook walked to the car door and turned to look at the reporters around him, with a slight smile on his face. "Thank you friends from the press. I am very glad to be invited to Longteng Group to discuss cooperation with them this time. I had a very pleasant exchange with them.

"Longteng Group is a great company. In the future, we will have more opportunities for cooperation.

As soon as the voice fell, Cook got into the car before the reporter could respond.

In fact, as soon as he got into the car, his expression was completely gloomy, and he walked away in the sight of many reporters.

Looking at the back of Cook's departure, Jiang Feng's face also looked ugly.

Everyone is a veteran of shopping malls. From what Cook said just now, he could hear a lot of information. Invited? With just these few words, Cook undoubtedly wanted to say that Longteng Group took the initiative to invite him, not Cook.

Even if it is the last sentence of more cooperation, there is nothing wrong on the surface, but in fact, if you think deeply, it can lead to many problems.

This guy didn't forget to pit Longteng Group even when he left with him. It was simply outrageous. Taking a deep look at the direction of Cook's departure, Jiang Feng ignored the reporters present and went straight back to the company building.

However, this did not reduce the media's speculation on Longteng Group and APPLE, which led to a series of problems.

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