Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 218 : All screens are jumping clowns!

That night, Cook did not avoid any suspicion at all. He appeared at Jinling International Airport with fanfare and took the nearest ordinary plane to the Yanjing APPLE R&D Center.

On the same day, he announced in Yanjing that he would increase investment in China.

On the Internet, the video of Cook being interviewed quickly spread, and various rumors followed.

"The story that Longteng Group and APPLE have to tell? 》

"Is it national pride or interest first?"

"Why is Longteng Group so humble? 》

"APPLE and Longteng Group reached a cooperation? Artificial intelligence or will it be bad? 》


As expected by Feng Jiang, the remarks made by Apple CEO Cook when he left Longteng Group were brief, but the controversy they caused was not small at all.

Many people speculate that Cook came to China this time because he was invited by Longteng Group.

APPLE and Longteng Group have reached a cooperation, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future. The news was uploaded on the Internet, and as always, the slander appeared again, and this time the storm seemed to be more violent than ever. 477 There are so many mobile phone companies in China that can cooperate, but I didn’t expect that Longteng Group went back to find APPLE for cooperation. .

Netizens who don't know the truth begin a new round of attacks again. "Papa Apple? Long Teng bowed his head to court."

"I just wanted to buy a Niele S, now I think about it, it feels a bit disgusting."

"The trash dragon, lost the face of the Chinese people."

The scolding on the Internet also followed the news, and the uproar.

In just six months after its establishment, Longteng Group has become a domestic giant, yet it refuses to sell stocks and raise funds, which has attracted the envy of many people.

Therefore, if there is a little turmoil, some people want to bring a wave of rhythm, hoping to overthrow this giant and share it.

Soon, the black fans and the navy captured the official Weibo of Longteng Group as well, and there was a lot of scolding.

Even if there are good words, they are sprayed as a scavenging party

In the office of the CEO of Longteng Group, Jiang Feng's face was extremely ugly, and he was caught by the loophole.

. A little bit of literacy caused a lot of turmoil. "Mr. Hui, someone from Apple is calling.

Just as Jiang Feng was thinking about how to respond, the phone on the desk rang.

"Come in." Jiang Feng said.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Cook asked me to tell me that I am sorry that his mistake of speech caused such trouble to your company." As soon as the call came over, a strong male voice came. Jiang Feng's face was calm, and a painless apology made him suffer.

"It's okay, say hello to Mr. Cook for me."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Feng hung up the phone, and then asked to dial Yu Lei's number: "Lao Yu, quickly let the public relations department clarify that the company has not reached a cooperation with Apple.

"In addition, contact our group's lawyers team, send all those who are crazy on the Internet with a lawyer's letter, and directly sue them.

Behind every craze caused by the Longteng Group, there are always some people who come out to fish in troubled waters, especially some so-called big V public knowledge, which is simply disgusting. There is no other way to deal with this kind of people except to go to prison.


In the morning, in the face of numerous abuses, the Longteng Group official meager updated a short period of "Our group has officially clarified the rumors, and has not reached a cooperation with APPLE."

"For some people who discredit our group, we will never let it go. See you in court."

The strong response of Longteng Group immediately stirred up waves.

"Oh Huh, this wave is exciting."

"The rumors are cool for a while (bifa), blow the crematorium, hahaha

"Just serve it in one pot, making these guys arrogant and arrogant!"

"The last time so many entertainment companies and marketing accounts lost their money, this time these people are probably not enough."

As soon as the announcement came out, many authors of news reports about Longteng Group immediately offline their articles.

Most people are even more frightened, and at the same time there is a lot of regret in their hearts, but it is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Those who made the most fierce rumors, publicly known that one by one deleted articles and apologized, saying that they did not know, but were misled.

"Tsk tusk, this is too scary!"

"Secretly tell everyone that my dog ​​has tied himself with a rope.

"I have a bold idea!"

Under the official meagerness of the Longteng Group, a lot of comments suddenly appeared, and countless people laughed at those well-known and big-v behaviors.

As everyone expected, the Longteng Group's lawyer team had prepared the evidence a long time ago, so there were a lot of people suspected of smearing Longteng, and all the defendants went to court.

Inside Jinling Jiankang Garden No. 1 Villa.

Looking at the video on the interview with Cook, Lin Feng touched his chin, with a deep smile on his face. There are really not many people who dare to calculate him.

"Big bear."

Suddenly, Lin Feng called out softly.

"Boss, I am here."

Suddenly the immature voice of the bear resounded in the computer.

"Yesterday, the recordings of Cook and Wei Feng's conversation were still there, right?"

"Yes." Xiong Da said.

"Immediately take over the front-end server, without my order, no one is allowed to operate the computer.

Lin Feng said.

"Okay, boss.

Xiong Da's immature voice sounded, and then he sank into the network again.

"By the way, change the official website to a funny head, by the way, publish this funny head on the official meager, with the text Youcant!"

"Okay, boss."

Xiong Da followed Lin Feng's orders.

The official website has become a funny head, and this funny head is meager updated.

In just one minute, the layout of the Longteng Group completely changed, and some netizens who were following the Longteng Group suddenly noticed this change.

This is the case for the largest mobile phone giant in China. Even the homepage has turned into a funny head. Is it April Fool's Day?

Suddenly, there was a huge wave across the country, and countless people were discussing what has just happened to the Longteng Group.

Even the official is no exception, it is because the changes of the Longteng Group involve too many aspects, and no one dares to slack off.

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