Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 219 : Opening of the big show

"Why is Tangtang Longteng such a demon? The towering giant is such a stray!"

lonely? "

"What has changed my lofty Longteng Group? Is it the invincible silence of the world?

"Brothers woke up, this is so special that they are hacked, and they are still dying, dying.

After Longlu Group's official website was occupied by funny expressions, the entire network set off a storm, and countless people talked about it.

As China's No. 1 technology giant, a properly global giant, this kind of son actually appeared. Isn't it scary?

At this moment, Jiang Feng, CEO of Longteng Group, has just finalized the cooperation with the four major domestic mobile phone industry giants. Before he left the office, he received a call from c00 Yu Lei.

"Huh! Old ginger, it's not good, look at the official website!"


Suddenly, Jiang Feng couldn't help being startled by Yu Lei's fierce tone. He opened the company's official website full of doubts, and saw a big funny expression occupying the homepage.


At this time, he fully realized that the group must have encountered big trouble, otherwise the official website would not be like this.

"Old ginger, what shall we do now?"

Yu Lei on the other end of the phone asked more impatiently.

Although he is the co0-chief operating officer of Longteng Group, the senior group responsible for supervising and managing daily activities, Yu Lei is helpless in the face of such technical problems.

"Don't move him for the time being, I'll go to the chairman immediately. After pondering for a while, Jiang Feng said solemnly into the phone.

Now that the group’s official website has such a big problem, even the homepage above has become a funny face in capitals, but Lin Feng, the chief of the revolution, has never come forward.

This has to be thought-provoking!

Perhaps, all of this was under Lin Feng's control, and Jiang Feng faintly gave birth to a shocking thought. Just as Jiang Feng guessed, in the private laboratory near the scientific research center of Longteng Group headquarters. "Xiong Da, take a part of the recording of the conversation about Neliang S, and make this recording and the conversation between us and Cook into a document.

Sitting on the office chair, Lin Feng stroked his chin, his eyes gleaming with dark and deep light.

Coming and not going to be indecent, since Apple CEO Cook likes to play so much, let him have a good time"! "Yes, boss.

After a while, Xiong Da continued: "The recording has been processed, and the CEO of the boss group Jiang Feng is outside the door, apparently preparing to come to the laboratory.

"Okay, you go down first."

After hearing this, Lin Feng nodded and said lightly.


With the disappearance of Xiong Da's immature voice, all electronic products have returned to their original state, and the operation page is still on the computer screen.

At the same time, in the Cyber ​​Security Department of Longteng Group, hundreds of people up and down were busy, but they never found any clues about their opponents.

From the director, all the way to the lowest-level researchers, no one is not full of gloomy emotions on their faces.

No matter how you continue, let alone them, the entire group will suffer heavy losses.

After all, one of the country's strongest technology giants, able to enter the world, is suddenly hacked by hackers. Who can care?

At this moment, the group's official website suddenly returned to normal, including the computer and mobile phone industries that had previously lost control. "what's the situation?"

All the personnel of the Cyber ​​Security Department were stunned, they did nothing!

At 8:30 that evening, CE0 Jiang Feng passed the laboratory's identity verification, and slowly walked into the paradise of science and technology that belonged exclusively to Lin Feng.

Some high-precision instruments operated by artificial intelligence were placed everywhere, but he didn't seem to be interested in it at all, just blindly walked towards the deepest place.

Within a few minutes.

"Chairman, our group just

As soon as he entered the office, Man Feng couldn't wait to say.

"Well, I know, what I did, there is nothing more to do now, you can announce the news to the outside world, and tell the people about the situation one to five to ten."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said lightly.


Looking at the young man in front of Gujing Wubo, Jiang Feng's face changed slightly, and he was silent for a while before he answered, "Yes, I will go down and do it right away."

The attitude of Chairman Lin Feng has verified some of his guesses.

After watching Jiang Feng leave, Lin Feng commanded impressively: "Xiong Da, wrap up the recording just now and put it on the internal and external websites, highlighting the conversation between me and Cook.

……Please ask for flowers. "Yes, boss."

An hour later, Jiang Feng, CEO of Longteng Group, directly issued an announcement, explaining to all the people that today's event was led by Longteng Group himself.

As soon as the news appeared, it instantly attracted the attention of all the people. The Longsheng Group, which was on the cusp of the storm, suddenly became as difficult to find as a hedgehog.

No one doesn't pay attention to that funny face. Youcant's occupy everyone's mind. Translated into Chinese, it means you can't do the three words.

Who can't do it anyway? Is it Longteng? No, this should be said to be APPLE. But why does the funny face on the homepage disappear after just staying for less than 10 minutes? Shouldn't it be put on for a while to attract everyone's attention?

At this moment, several voice files appeared on major social platforms at home and abroad through the Internet. ...

It was Europe and the United States that first caused the uproar, because at this moment, Europe and the United States are in the daytime, while East Asian countries such as China are in the dark, and there are not as many online users as they are. "Oh, FUCK, it's all Chinese characters, it's so difficult!"

"What is written on it?"

"My God, what is this

In just ten minutes, the first post on Facebook became this, and the news continues to spread.

"Before coming, we asked BrandFinance to make a value assessment for your company.

20 billion U.S. dollars.

"Puff ha ha ha! Mr. Cook is joking with me! 20 billion US dollars, ha ha, even an additional 200 billion may not be able to buy our group."

"If your company is willing, our group can spend 50 billion U.S. dollars to acquire APPLE. The documents are opened. It is a dialogue between Longteng Group and APPLE CEO Cook.

No one would have thought that Cook wanted to acquire Longteng Group this time, and it was still worth 50 billion US dollars, which is simply incredible!

Except for China, netizens all over the world are not too cold about it.

Because in the eyes of foreigners, the world's best mobile phone brand is APPLE. A Chinese company can be worth 50 billion US dollars, which is a lot.

But in China, this incident not only triggered a news boom, but also set off a storm of buying domestic products and boycotting APPLE.

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