Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 270 : Longteng's knife is not blunt

"All of you here are business elites carefully selected by major shareholders. I think this should be very simple for you."

A smile appeared on Lin Feng's face, and he said faintly: "The only thing that can be regarded as difficult is the subway company and the bus company."

Hong Kong’s buses are also called buses.

In the previous Xiangjiang movies, in the scenes of black forces duel, the bus is always indispensable, because it is the gang that controls the bus.

It can be said that every bus company is inseparable from those figures, and others simply ignore it. You come to talk to them about cooperation. It is normal for them not to kill you. If you go too far, they will beat you up, it depends on what you do.

"President, these people are really

Among the crowd, a senior executive of "February 27" hesitated a little, and did not say the latter words for a long time.

In fact, everyone understands what he wants to say. It is nothing more than that there has never been a clear boundary between Hong Kong, and what you see may not be what you touch.

"I understand what you mean."

Lin Feng nodded and said faintly: "In this realm, those guys may have been famous but our Jiefubao is not a soft persimmon. Whoever wants to squeeze can squeeze it.

"So, you can rest assured, as long as you follow the formal steps to come to the door to discuss, I guarantee that no one will dare to touch you.

Longteng Anbao has blossomed all over the world, and now the number has reached tens of thousands, second only to Heishui. Even if Xiangjiang is really so dirty, he is not afraid of anything.

Of course, if the people from Jiefubao speak badly or have crooked minds, then Lin Feng will not tolerate it either.

The most important thing is that these senior managers who came in to become the company have background and ability behind them, and they are very arrogant and difficult to discipline.

That is to say, facing Lin Feng, the executive president and chairman, they did not show their arrogance, because the pride in their hearts, in front of Lin Feng, is not enough to see what they are arrogant at all.

But when they go outside, they are totally different. They are facing some people with a lower identity and background than them. Their mouths and faces may burst out in no time, and they look like Laozi is No. 1 in the world.

Lin Feng has seen a lot of people like this. When he meets someone with a higher identity than them, he is like a pug. When he meets a person with a lower identity and background, Laozi is No. 1 in the world. The changes before and after are too great.

It is this kind of person who tends to provoke some low-key people easily.


Hearing this, everyone's face turned straight and responded immediately.

"Okay, that's it for business promotion questions."

Lin Feng waved his hand, and then raised two fingers: "The second thing is to fill and recruit people in various departments. It's a very simple thing."

"Our company is definitely not only limited to a Xiangjiang market, there will be other initiatives in the future, such as promotion in other countries in Asia."

"Don't doubt the ambition of Longteng Group. It is a company that takes a national route. It will not take long for the second-generation Nirvana series of mobile phones to be launched, and then they will begin to be promoted in Asian countries. Prepared nervously again.

Lin Feng paused and said a digression, but it did not affect the connection with the topic: "These all require preparation, and more employees will be needed at that time, but the most important thing in front of us is the big country. .

"The first-generation Niele series of mobile phones will be launched in less than three months, and JFPA must keep up with JFPA's footsteps."

"When the Nirvana series of mobile phones began to be promoted, they started to prepare. After the Nirvana series of mobile phones occupied a certain market, they quickly spread their steps and expanded the business scope of Jiefubao."

"I have absolute confidence in the Nirvana series of mobile phones. If there is no absolute confidence, this Jiefubao company will not be established so soon. All the shareholders of the company are not fools. They are willing to join in, but they are optimistic about the Nirvana series. The future of mobile phones."

Are those shareholders fools?

The answer is no. If they are fools, how could they have achieved what they are today? Everything is said to be that they are not fools. It is because they are optimistic about Jiepay Company and the profitability of Jiepay Company that they have tried their best Join in

Up to 3 billion per share!

Do you think that's a joke? If JetPay fails, their losses will be very large.

Although, each of them has a net worth of up to RMB 3 billion per share, and it is still a more valuable RMB, which is far more than the Hong Kong dollar of their net worth. In case of failure, for them, absolutely It's the existence that hurts the roots and moves the bones.

Conversely, once the JFBO company succeeds, their net worth will skyrocket. Another thing that is valued by all of them is influence-

Dan Jiefubao has traveled all over the world. As Jiefubao's shareholders, no matter how many shareholders they hold in the future, even if it is 0.1%, they are also shareholders-and they are very powerful.

As long as they are shareholders, they can rise with the company's tide, and no matter how bad they are, selling their shares in the future can be regarded as the most successful investment. All of these are good for them. If it weren’t for selling their shares, they would be able to expand along with the company’s influence and their own influence. Only with greater influence can they gain a foothold in this society, because at a certain moment, some people want to move you. At that time, I have to consider the consequences of moving you.

This is the best way to preserve life and wealth in 4.8.

Huge wealth is in the eyes of some people. You are nothing at all. Without sufficient influence, the wealth in your hands is only temporarily stored in your pocket. People want to take it away at any time.

Lin Feng is the best example. Even if the Longteng Group he founded is very influential, isn't it because someone wants to move him?

Although it is only a few local families that can't be up to the table, what happens if you go to a higher level?

That is, Lin Feng dared to work hard, and only then did he have a follow-up impact. He saved his wealth and saved his dedicated enterprise.

Although people like Xiangjiang are not good at crops, they are still weak in countries all over the world.

Just like Li Jiacheng, Great Britain wants to move him or move him casually.

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