Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 271 : There is no need to fight here, just fight

"Each of your departments has to deal with the fact that Xiangjiang's market development is far from enough. Up to now, it is still recruiting, but it needs to prepare for the next step. Therefore, the recruitment continues and it will continue to expand. "

Lin Feng continued his topic: "The Personnel Department, you must get the same charter as soon as possible. Once the number of people in each department is listed, you must recruit them responsively.

"The Personnel Department has huge powers, but it is also a key department that cooperates with all departments. It must not lose the chain or make mistakes. Once it makes a mistake, who is responsible is whose responsibility."

"Here, I once again emphasize that JFCO does not allow private fights. If you have political disagreements, you can make a noise. I don't care about it. However, if you play small tricks, you need to conspiracy to frame the other party, and I know, I can judge. Your future."

"Don't doubt, I can still do it in this three-acre area of ​​Xiangjiang. I believe that the shareholders behind you can't stop me from wanting to do something."

Lin Feng paused, and then continued: "Similarly, the new subordinates you recruited need to make it clear to them that the office 18 politics is not allowed here."

"Political opinions are not good, different styles, you can look down on the other party, but you are not allowed to break the company's regulations, everything is for the company's development."


Lin Feng mentioned this matter again: "You are all young. You are so young and you have taken this position. There are reasons for your abilities, but more of it is my request."

"I think there are more capable people than you, but you still came to this position and were recommended by the company’s shareholders. It’s not that the company’s shareholders are unwilling to recommend other more capable people, but because of mine. Requirements, younger.

"Young means aggressiveness and lack of experience."

"It doesn't matter. JFPA is a new company. What it needs is momentum, not some old fried dough sticks."

"If you have no experience, you can make mistakes, you can forgive, don’t you say, young people make mistakes, God will forgive them, but here, you can make mistakes, but you can’t be muddled. The consequence of muddling is to clean up things. How far is it to me? How far to roll. "The ability to execute is also what I ask for. "

"You need to have your own ability, and you also need to have the ability to execute and the ability to listen."

"A command is an order. When you say what you want to accomplish, you will do your best to complete it. It will test your ability. If you do not complete it, your ability will not work."

"Of course, I am not unreasonable. There are some things that can't be done. Then I won't let you do it, but there are some things that can be done.

"Because you didn't work hard and didn't complete it, then I'm sorry, you should go back to where you used to work. As for whether you still have your position after you go back, that's beyond my control.

"Youth, ability, execution, and ability to follow orders!"

Lin Feng's gaze swept across the faces of a group of people, before finally emphasizing: "This is what I want from you. Very domineering!

But is it not showing his strength?

At the same time, it is something that everyone can't ignore. This is a warning, a very solemn warning.

It is impossible to finish everything in one meeting!

Lin Feng can only focus on the key points, because if he wants to finish everything, I am afraid that it will be impossible without a day.

Therefore, he will only talk about the key points. For other things, he will only send emails through the internal mail system, and then the people below can execute them according to the content of his emails.

This is a modern way of working. I'm afraid it's not that simple in the past.

China’s tradition is like this, three days of small meetings, five days of one meeting, it seems that many people spend in the meeting, but now with the development of the network, it has become much better.

If not, how could Lin Feng be the chairman of Jiefubao and the CEO of Jiefubao? How could people not be in Xiangjiang?

It is definitely not an easy task to remotely direct the operation of a company. It is precisely because of the network that he can be separated.

In fact, regardless of whether it is the Down Technology Company or the Nirvana series company, he uses this method. Of course, this method also has its drawbacks, such as decentralization.

Decentralization is an art work. After all, others are not often in the company's headquarters, and there are some urgent documents that need to be signed, and others are not there. So what should I do?

There was only one result, which was to hand over the documents to other high-level officials for signature. This would inevitably endow those high-level officials with greater powers. In case those high-level officials have any disagreements, it will be very troublesome.

Jiefubao will do the same. A vice-president has a lot of power, and many documents will become effective after he signs it. However, the financial aspect was stuck to death.

The chief financial officer looks at the signature. However, when the amount exceeds a certain amount, the signature of the vice president is also invalid.

Like the current Jiefubao company, once the amount exceeds three million, the signature of the vice president is invalid, and Lin Feng's signature is required.

In addition, if the amount exceeds 10 million, it is not only valid for Lin Feng's signature alone. Instead, one more person is needed, that is, the vice chairman of Jiefubao, that is, Li Jiacheng or Ma Huateng.

Only two people's signatures can allocate 10 million funds.

837 This is a restriction on Lin Feng's power, and it is also what Lin Feng himself requested. He is innocent and not afraid of anything, but sometimes, it still needs checks and balances. He was sure he wouldn't mess around, but he didn't know how he thought about it.

Give yourself a balance. Let people have nothing to say, and can reduce a lot of conflicts. This is what he really thinks.

For three consecutive days, Lin Feng stayed in the Jiefubao company.

JFPA officially set sail and opened for business. All the previous preparations have been completed and lightning strikes are now started. There is no problem at all. Even if many departments of the company are short of people, it can operate normally without problems.

That is, three days ago, after the unveiling ceremony, at zero o'clock, the application platform of the Tamron operating system issued an announcement to maintain and upgrade.

This move made everyone understand that JFPay is about to start operations, because many applications have opened their payment channels. This is definitely not a small project, so a new version is bound to be released.

So many new versions of applications are released at once, and it is normal for other platforms to maintain and update them.

Sure enough, in the next day, the Tamron operating system’s application platform was presented to everyone with a brand new look, and many applications in it also released new versions.

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