Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 280 : The unrelenting conspiracy

Xiangjiang people have status and are extremely wealthy. Under normal circumstances, they are all commercial predators. They have countless industries in Xiangjiang, which is really the historical reason for this city, which makes this place become a more powerful reason for businessmen to speak.

Even now that Xiangjiang has returned and is part of China, it is undeniable that the businessmen here speak absolutely powerfully.

Because they have been entrenched in Xiangjiang for many years, without decades of business, it is impossible to become a huge wealth, nor can they become an influential businessman.

They have been entrenched in this city for so long, how could they have no right to speak?

The relationship they are involved in is even more intricate, affecting the whole body.

Even if it is China’s high-level people who want to make changes in the city of Xiangjiang, they must take a little bit of time, instead of reversing the changes at a glance. The big impact can be seen from the current situation.

Do you think Xiangjiang is very peaceful?

No, as more and more things are exposed by the media, you just need to pay attention to know that this city is not peaceful at all.

This is also something that makes Lin Feng very unhappy, because he is still a little bit angry. Some people didn't know if they took some medicine, and they even helped outsiders to talk. They made trouble when they said it made trouble, and there were still some scholars who participated in it.

You said that they have no brains, definitely not. If they don't have brains, they wouldn't be able to cause such a big thing.

There is only one answer, that is, there are countless benefits involved.

Do you think there will be no impact if they make trouble?

On the contrary, they have a great impact on Xiangjiang, because Xiangjiang is a financial city and a financial port.-If something happens, the stock market will be affected.

If some people made arrangements before, they could take the opportunity to make a fortune. The stock market definitely does not only need to rise to make money, on the contrary, it is also profitable to fall.

Those who speculate in futures indexes have two options, one to buy up and the other to buy down.

Buy what goes up and make money if you go up, buy what goes down, and make money if you go down.

Once they buy and fall, and then do it again, won't they make money?

This is the benefit.

Unfortunately, some people were taken advantage of, and then the people behind the scenes hid behind them, making a lot of money.

Where does the Hong Kong stock market money come from?

Those are the property of the Xiangjiang people, they are helping outsiders to get the hard-earned money of the Xiangjiang people.

Therefore, Lin Feng was very upset with some people in Xiangjiang a long time ago.

It’s just that those are not important. What’s important is the current Jiefubao company, because with the joining of these giants, their current business is almost a formed empire, involving all walks of life and everything.

Then they soon discovered that, no matter what it was, they could talk.

Hypermarkets, supermarkets!

These are all in the retail industry, and the traditional point is the shopping market.

Either the people here absolutely control a home, or they own shares in some large shopping malls, and can say something more or less, and then Lin Feng raised it, there was no problem at all.

However, this is not too much. What is too much is that even the cash register systems of those shopping malls are controlled by the people among them.

At the same time of domineering, it also shows that their joining is really a great help for JFBO.

To say that it is a help, but not too much, to say that it is a super help is a bit too much?

If you think it’s too much, then you are very wrong. If you don’t believe it, you can try it in other cities-

Try, it is absolutely impossible to do it so easily.

You can say that Xiangjiang is a small city, and it is very easy to help some things, but if you try it in other cities as much as possible, it is definitely not as smooth as you imagined.

In Xiangjiang, it can go so smoothly.

These are all calculated by Lin Feng early.

One of the most critical aspects of inviting these people to join is that they have a lot of voice in this city. JetPay’s business involves many sensitive industries, and there is no certain voice in this company. Even if it was opened, he couldn't have control over it.

Let me ask, I tried my best to come up with a super big plan, but I couldn't say something by myself. I would not be reconciled to who it was instead?

Therefore, Lin Feng invited these wealthy Hong Kong people to join in, and their participation will make this company not easy to move anyone who wants to move. If you move, you need to take into account the anger of those shareholders.

In this three-acre area of ​​Xiangjiang, once those giants get angry, it is definitely the existence of stomping and causing Xiangjiang to shake three times, and there are more than one of these people, but a few, one plus one is greater than two. Many people understand.

I can't even say that it is too much, but it really makes a lot of noise. The shareholders of JF Bao are really desperate to make Xiangjiang's economy fall back to 30 years ago in an instant.


No,-it's not an exaggeration.

It is conceivable that once these people propagate and quit Xiangjiang and transfer their company property to other places, Xiangjiang's stock market will definitely plummet the next day.

All the way down to the lowest point, that is tantamount to an economic regression.

In fact, Dongying Kingdom has shown a best example for the world.

In the 1990s, a financial turmoil caused the economy of Dongying to retreat for more than ten years. At that time, their stock market plummeted and fell to a terrifying level, and a lot of property was lost. This in itself was an economic regression. Performance.

Unfortunately, these shareholders of JFBO have such capabilities.

Therefore, the establishment of JF Bao company is definitely not whoever wants to move in 5.6, who wants to intervene-intervene in one hand, even if the high-level of the country wants to intervene, it is necessary to see whether these people agree.

As for the future, when JFPA goes out of China and travels all over the world, there is no need to say more.

If the official wants to intervene, you have to ask whether the shareholders agree. If they do not agree, you have to intervene forcibly. There is only one result, and that is your country will become notorious in the international community.

In fact, every shareholder of Jiefubao company knows these plans of Lin Feng, as if they were being used, and even a little bit of it after being sold, they stupidly helped count the money. This is not something ordinary people can hold back, but there is one thing they can't refuse, and that is interest.

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