Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 281 : Gray can never be concealed

As a rich man, in Xiangjiang, it is wind to wind and rain to rain. How can they be used by others?

It is absolutely impossible for them to use what others can and can be used by others, and even if you expose a little intention, they will kill you.

However, these people did not even join in.

In the final analysis, it is because of interest.

However, no one denies that Lin Feng's intention is indeed very sinister. He painted a large pie and waited for you to eat it. If you want to eat it, okay, let me use it? It doesn't matter if you don't eat it, some people want this big pie.

I don't force anyone!

This is Lin Feng's attitude, but people still have to be fooled by him, join in, and be willing to be used, which is really shocking.

Like now, the use is still going on, and it will be used in the future, but no one says a word.

Because after they were used, they felt very worthwhile.

It is conceivable that once Lin Feng's slogan is really like, what will happen?

It is unimaginable, really 18 unimaginable, even at that time, they only hold 0.11% of the shares of JFB, that is an unmatched wealth.

A mobile phone, go all over the world!

In other words, if you go out and travel all over the world, you don't need to bring anything, just bring your mobile phone.

cell phone. When you go out. It must be brought. But if you can't pay with your mobile phone, you need to bring other things, such as cash, some bank cards and so on.

But now, you don’t need to bring anything, just a mobile phone, you can buy whatever you want.

It's just that everyone knows at the same time that it is very, very difficult to really do this, and it is impossible to do it without even decades.

But it is not without hope, and they did not think about reaching the limit. In fact, as long as they can complete a few items, they are satisfied.



As long as these two points can be completed, it is actually enough. As for those markets, it does not matter that cash transactions cannot be popularized.

You can’t let those stall sellers install a cash register system, and then get a three-dimensional code, you scan it when you check out, and after a period of time, the stall owner ran to the bank to check out and withdraw the money. come out.

This is very unrealistic, but as the shopping plaza has more and more complete items, one day, ordinary traditional markets will be replaced, which is certain.

Then traffic is left.

Take the plane, hit the soil, take the bus, take the subway, take the train!

This is not difficult to achieve, because many payment systems have already been formed. You can buy air tickets now, you can book tickets online, and then pay online, and now JetPay-online payment is activated.

As long as the website of the airline ticket booking company negotiates with the payment company and introduces the payment system, it can be realized. This is also true for the train.

All that's left now is to take a short bus, taxi, and subway.

"Taxi company, subway company, bus company." Lin Feng reported these three names in one go. Everyone knows that this meeting is the development strategy meeting of Jiefubao Company. It is very, very important, and it is also one of the businesses that Jiefubao Company urgently needs to develop. In the future, there may be more business, but now that the company has just started, it still needs to take its time, not to mention that they are doing this now, and the speed itself is very fast. beautiful.

It's easy to get caught up in the big steps.

Don't break the egg. "I can't talk over there."

Xu Rongmao shook his head, somewhat helpless.

In fact, he was very lucky to be able to join JFPA, because his influence is getting smaller and smaller on Xiangjiang's side. It stands to reason that he is not fit to join in. It’s just that because of Lin Feng’s relationship, everyone knows that the Xu family seems to be less and less influential, but as an old-brand Xiangjiang top family, if you really want to do something, everyone needs to give him three Thin noodles.

In Xiangjiang, there are really not too many things that the Xu family can't do.

"Whether it is a taxi company or a bus company, where their background is, it is difficult for us to intervene." Huo Zhenting said.

The Huo Family Patriarch, the four major families of Xiangjiang, can mobilize the power of the entire family in one sentence. Can he be a simple person to move?

Now even the head of his family, one of the four major families, has a headache. It seems that it is really difficult. "If you can't get in touch with them, it's best not to get in touch with them. However, if JFBO wants to develop, it will inevitably have to get in touch with them. This is Xiangjiang, and that background is inseparable."

Li Jiacheng sighed a little. He came to Xiangjiang when he was very young, grew up in Xiangjiang, started a business in Xiangjiang, and rose in Xiangjiang. How could he not know the background of Xiangjiang.

At certain peak times, the gangs in Xiangjiang recruited people to the school, and the generation of people now just grew up, that is to say.

You are in Xiangjiang, don't look at someone in a gentle dress, suit and tie, maybe they are a member of a certain gang.

"We are serious businessmen, and contact with them is only a business cooperation.

Lin Feng knew what Li Jiacheng wanted to say, and he solemnly said: "I also have a certain understanding of Xiangjiang, but I want to declare here that JFPA is a legitimate commercial company and no distinction is allowed. The color of the color intervenes, otherwise, I will definitely not be polite.

Speaking of which, in Xiangjiang, all walks of life are full of certain black colors.

However, whether it is the entertainment industry or the real estate industry, or the silver 147 industry, it has a black color. In short, it seems that it is inseparable from black.

In fact, this world is like this. Even in China, there are some black colors. The difference is that it is not as powerful as Xiangjiang. Xiangjiang exists in every industry, and China is a part of the industry.

However, Lin Feng just doesn't touch those, and he is also very aware that the shareholders present are more or less exposed to black, so he made some warnings. As for whether the warnings mentioned are useful or not, no one will doubt that it is useless.

No one underestimated Lin Feng, even if he had no background, no one underestimated him.

However, it was just a small episode, and Lin Feng quickly turned to the topic.

In this world, there seems to be nothing but white and black.

Some people may say there is still a ash!

However, people in the gray zone do not have a good result, and few darker ones have good results, which can start and end well.

Even in the more special Xiangjiang, none of them have good results. However, with the development of the age, more and more of them seem to have good results.

Because many people know how to bleach at a certain level, Xiangjiang has many examples of this.

Isn’t that the case with the local companies and bus companies? A transfer station that they bleached has gradually been commercialized...

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