Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 282 : The subway is the trend of future development

"There is no problem on the subway. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible to handle it. However, taxi companies and bus companies are just a problem.

Lin Feng quickly turned the question back to the topic. The subway company he referred to was indeed no problem, because some construction companies were undertaking the construction of the subway.

Isn't Li Jiacheng's main business in Hong Kong real estate? His company has undertaken the construction of the subway. Therefore, when he didn't mention the subway company before, Li Jiacheng didn't speak, and he couldn't just talk about taxi companies and Batu companies.

"The subway company, I can still speak, and there are several of you who are able to speak, although they don't have the absolute right to speak."

"However, several people are united together. That is no problem at all. The difficulty remains with those two. Their roots are too deep."

Li Jiacheng really broke in, but he actually had a headache.

In the businessmen in Xiangjiang, there are no people who don't get a little bit of black, otherwise their company will definitely have troubles in two days.

Don't doubt those little gangsters Nenah, they can't do anything to you, but they make you feel uncomfortable every day, they absolutely can do it.

Little trouble, no harm!

That's what those little gangsters watch and listen to. You are a rich man, so you won't care about a few little gangsters, you have a share.

With this kind of thinking, those little gangsters can make trouble all day long, calling you from time to time. A little trouble.

At this time, the only thing you can do is to have a relationship with those big guys, and then there will be nothing at all.

In fact, this is the case in Xiangjiang, you open a shop. If you are setting up a stall, you need to touch the black side. Don't touch the edge, don't expect your business to go on.

However, Lin Feng has already said that if you don't get involved in the dark, then you can't talk directly with those big guys, you can only talk with serious business methods.

Talking directly with those big guys, there is only one result, that is, let them intervene in. They also look at money and don't recognize people. Do you think they call brothers and brothers every day, they are real brothers, are they really loyal?

If you believed this, you would be dead.

What they are after is money. Jiefubao's big fire and showcasing the limelight, who doesn't want to get a little bit of it.

Lin Feng even thought of a possibility, that is, those big guys opened their mouths directly on the lion, and said: We will take a stake in Jiefubao Company!

If such a request is made, should it be agreed or rejected?

There is only one result, and that is rejection!

This is Lin Feng's choice, but as long as this choice is made, there is no possibility of cooperation. This is absolute and certain.

Because those people sometimes become unreasonable, and if you say nothing is of no use, they just follow you.

"I don't think so, let's get the subway company there first."

Xu Rongmao thought for a while and put forward his thoughts↓ "Let's take the subway step by step. With the opening of the subway, many passengers will be transported. Under normal circumstances, more than 80% of people still choose to take the subway.

"A small number of people choose to take a taxi or a bus. Let's take care of the subway. The remaining two dollars. Can we take it slowly." "Yes, step by step."

Huo Zhenting actually didn't have a good idea. He felt that the idea was good, so he was very appreciative.

"My thoughts are the same."

Lin Feng also nodded, but then he smiled bitterly: "However, this is a problem that can't be circumvented at all times. It can be done slowly,-step by step is no problem."

"However, it is always going to be carried out. Even if a large part of the subway now chooses to ride, it does not mean that everyone will ride."

"According to the development trend of this society, taxis and buses cannot be eliminated directly and will remain, because the subway alone cannot satisfy the possibility of transporting all passengers."

Yes, you can drag it, you can do it step by step, but you can't get around it.

What to do at this time?

There is only one way, and that is to solve it.

If you don't solve the problem, you just bypass it. That's not his style.

In fact, this is also the style of most people, but they feel that this matter is very troublesome, and they really don't want to touch it.

"I don't think so. Let's talk to them in a serious business first. If you don't agree, then think of another way."

Li Jiacheng took a deep look at Lin Feng, and then slowly said: "The situation in Xiangjiang is there. It is impossible to completely bypass those people. If there is no way in the end, my old face is still a bit useful. , It’s up to me to come out and talk to them."

,"okay then.

Lin Feng can only choose to compromise, but he has no other way of not compromising.

Don't think that he doesn't know, he just knows what the world is like too much, so he has this contradiction.

Unwilling to get in touch with black, and agreeing to Li Jiacheng to contact them, this is very contradictory, but it is just knowing that there is no benefit in getting in touch with black.

It seems that the explanation is unreasonable, but it is actually because of the contradiction between original intention and reality.

But then again, if it can be solved by normal commercial means, he is very happy, and all the shareholders are also very happy.

Jiefubao is a company that aspires to develop into a world-renowned company. This company will become stronger and stronger in the future. In the whole world, it accounts for a large proportion of (Zhao’s) data, so it can’t be too big. Stain, we must have a good corporate image.

Therefore, when Lin Feng proposed not to be black, all shareholders understood and deeply agreed.

But who made Xiangjiang be like that?

After all, the result is only three words: no way!

Or maybe it's helpless.

But things have finally set the tone, and the development strategy meeting on this point has basically ended. These shareholders are not so idle. They have a lot of things to do. Naturally, Lin Feng doesn't take up too much of them. He himself has a lot of things to do.

Therefore, after the matter was settled, he publicized the meeting and then went back to the office to deal with the documents, but his whole heart floated back to Jinling, where there are also important things waiting for him, and there are good things waiting for him? .

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