Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 289 :Limit cpu=Limit memory configuration

"Let's just drag it, anyway, it's not time yet, maybe there will be a turnaround at that time."

Lin Feng waved his hand and decided to put this trouble behind.

"Their request is to divide it into five batches at the slowest speed and complete the delivery within half a year, while the second batch does not require many units. Therefore, we still have a lot of room for rotation.

"Therefore, there may be a turning point. Of course, if the Great Britain is hot, I am afraid we have no choice but to increase the production line." ~ Jiang Feng said.

"Don't worry."

Lin Feng waved his hand. He had already decided not to pay attention to this issue, so he didn't pay attention to it any more. He focused more on other issues.

"At the moment, the first generation of Nirvana X phones has come to an end. At least, we have to treat it as an end. Even if there are a lot of orders now, it does not mean that they have stayed where they are."

“Next, I’m going to focus on the second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone. The initial design does not mean that it will not make progress. If new technologies are researched midway and a breakthrough is made, I hope to use it on the second-generation mobile phone. .

"Of course, if time permits, you can do this, if time does not allow, treat it as a technical reserve."

Nirvana S is the best treasure for Longteng to go global. If it can achieve absolute perfection as much as possible, it will definitely be the best.

"After all, let's run the memory."

Jiang Feng sighed silently, very helpless: "The running memory has made a breakthrough, but it is not that big. In other respects, we have tried our best. It does not mean that all the top places are the best."

"It is necessary to center on a main component, and then develop the matching technology around this main component, so that the most complete level can be achieved, otherwise, no matter how high the configuration is, it will not be compatible, and it will be very unsmooth."


The most important thing is the cpu.

Everything is developed around the cpu.

Determine the cpu, and then develop matching technologies for other components.

Just like a prescription, determine the main medicine, and then dispense the auxiliary medicine to help form a perfect prescription.

And these side drugs are not unimportant. On the contrary, they are very important. Both quantity and quality need to be controlled to be perfect, otherwise they are still imperfect.

Unfortunately, the second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone is initially finalized, and the running memory is still far from enough, only 8G.

12 Gs is the most perfect, but there is no breakthrough in technology, and it is still stuck on the 8G first-generation Nirvana X mobile phone, which uses an eight-core cpu, so the surrounding eight-core cpu should naturally be relevant. Matching other configurations.

So when the second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone is installed, it naturally needs to be updated and upgraded. This is something everyone knows.

12 cores?

Yes, the second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone is bound to be a 12-core cpu. There have been technological breakthroughs in the research room for a long time, and it has been tested perfectly and is very stable.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no problem with the test,-everything is stable and nothing will happen, and a single test cannot be used as proof.

The single test cpu is very stable. I am afraid that all cpus are like this. Otherwise, it is impossible to be launched on the market, can be launched on the market, and adopted by some mobile phone manufacturers, but the cpu becomes unstable and consumes too much energy.

For example, the operation of the cpu makes the battery consume more power.

Didn’t the cpu manufacturer notice this?

The answer is yes, they have fully considered these issues when designing, otherwise, this cpu manufacturer would have already closed down.

Those cpu manufacturers that are famous and prosperous in the world will consider all kinds of problems when designing a cpu.

Then come up with a perfect plan, and finally shape, produce, and then wait for those mobile phone manufacturers to come and develop other matching hardware.

Everything is based on the cpu, but other components may also be developed to be perfect, but if they can be combined, they will no longer be perfect, and many, many problems will occur.

There are many factors, but one thing everyone knows is compatibility.

Incompatibility will cause various problems.

Compatibility also has size. For example, if the compatibility reaches 80%, it is already a close to perfect ratio. If the compatibility reaches 60%, it is qualified, and it can be introduced to the market. , Absolutely perfect product

Seeking flowers 0

There has never been a manufacturer able to develop its own mobile phones to 100% compatibility. If there is such a manufacturer to speak out, it will definitely be slobbered, because it is really impossible to achieve 100% compatibility of the watch, which is 80% of the sky. Even if it is an APPLE phone, it is perfect, but their compatibility is still not 100%, and 70% is already very good.

APPLE mobile phones, but they develop their own hardware, research the technology, and then hand it over to the foundry to do it. In this way, their compatibility is often better than other mobile phones. The other is the operating system, which is also very important. Your operating system is not good, and the various components cannot be coordinated. It will still cause problems such as excessive hardware production capacity or excessive resource utilization.

This is also an aspect of compatibility.

In Lin Feng's eyes, the second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone, with a 12-core cpu, coupled with 8 G of running memory, is completely possible, but it is definitely not the best.

If you can achieve 12 g, coupled with a 12-core cpu, it is the best partner. Going up, 16-core cpu, with 14 G of running memory, if possible, if technology permits, with 16 G of running built-in, it would be better.

In short, in the final analysis, it is a collocation plan.

8 G of running memory, can you afford a 12-core cpu?

The answer is yes.

However, 8 G of running memory can never maximize the ability of a 12-core cpu.

Don't forget that version 2.0 of Tamron operating system is developed with a 12-core cpu. This version of the operating system will definitely be much stronger than version 1.0 of Tamron operating system.

It will also be much larger. When running, the proportion of memory occupied by me is much higher, and 8 G of running memory can give full play to the computing power, but can't maximize the computing power of that 12-core cpu.

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