Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 290 : Arms dealers have the most money

If there is no technological breakthrough at the moment, and the technology of running memory reaches 12G, Longteng can only use 8G, anyway, it will not have much impact, and the system will still run smoothly.

In the eyes of the outside world, this will also be the best partner and the most perfect configuration.

As for the running memory of 12 gigabytes, no one knows how powerful it is. "Research there and do your best, if it can't be completed in a short time, then forget it, use 8 G of running memory, and it will be completely finalized."

Lin Feng also knows that there is no way to force such things.

So he waved his hand and said helplessly: "We don't have much time. The second-generation Nirvana S mobile phone will definitely be promoted globally, and it is scheduled for the middle of next year."

"There is not much time for us. The domestic sales volume "250" is a big deal. If it is not produced in advance, then it will be a big trouble.

Jiang Feng didn't say a word, but nodded. This meaning couldn't be more obvious. He understood. Next, he will transfer his center of gravity to the research room on the other side of the production base.

"By the way, Chairman, there is a problem with the advance payment of the state-owned enterprise." Jiang Feng said suddenly.

"What's the problem?" Lin Feng was a little surprised.

"They said that this time the subscription was too big, 35 million units, which is indeed not small. Taking the Nirvana X5.5 they purchased as an example, our offer is 3000."

"According to our cooperation plan with official agencies, it is a half-to-half ratio. In other words, their advance payment will be 52 billion yuan, which is definitely not a small number."

Jiang Feng paused, and then said: "So, they said that they only paid one-third in advance. I also boldly called the shots and agreed to them."

52 billion, that is definitely not a small number.

This is only half of the payment, and it is also an advance payment. After 35 million Nirvana X phones are delivered, the subsequent half of the payment will be paid in full.

In other words, this time the order, the amount generated is about 105 billion.

If this number is said, I am afraid it will scare many people's attention.

f*ck, 1050 million, that's how much money, even the largest container. , That has to be how many sets of equipment compartments can be installed.

At least, for a room of 300 square meters, the 100.5 billion yuan can not fit in cash.

So an agency that can be said to be an official institution, can it really place such a large order?

If you think they are not capable of placing such orders, you are very wrong.

Even to say a word, they placed an order of 105 billion yuan. It was still drizzle, it was a drop in the bucket.

Don't forget what these state-owned enterprises do. Many of them do military projects such as guns, artillery, missiles, aircraft, and battleships.

Needless to say guns, artillery, missiles, aircraft. These two items are fine. How much can a high-performance combat aircraft be more advanced?

When they sold fighter jets in the United States, they sold them for 100 million.

China's fighter jets are indeed poor, but they are not at the price of cabbage. If one plane sells for hundreds of millions, can we sell one for tens of millions?


Well, the cost is not low, but the profit is definitely higher than imagined. To make a simple analogy, if the price of a fighter is 30 million, then its cost may be less than one million. What is the profit? Twenty-nine million.

Don't doubt, this is arms, and this is an even more lucrative industry.

In the United States, among the top ten consortia, a few consortiums have nothing to do with arms. How many more seconds are you going to touch? There is even a consortium whose main business is arms.

This suffices to show that the huge profits of arms are far greater than you think.

Needless to say, just use the military companies that manufacture and develop fighter jets. They can sell some aircraft and they can reach billions or tens of billions. What is the order of 1050 billion?

The other is missiles, which are more worthwhile. Some missiles that can be hit farther are counted in the thousands, and the cost may be lower, only tens of thousands or even tens of thousands.

Of course, China has never sold intercontinental missiles. It seems that every country will not sell intercontinental missiles, because intercontinental missiles are actually considered as strategic missiles.

Strategic missiles can also be said to be war nuclear weapons.

Any intercontinental missile can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. As long as it is installed, it will become a nuclear weapon.

Therefore, no country sells such strategic weapons.

But again, the nuclear warhead is removed, an intercontinental missile, can it be described by numbers?

Long-distance-point, not to mention hitting the other side of the earth, even if it can hit tens of millions of kilometers away, it is also a powerful killer. I am afraid that no matter how stupid a country is, it will not sell this kind of thing.

Because once you sell it to others, what should they do if they buy your missiles to hit you? Country, I can be nice with you today, and I can turn my face with you in the next moment.

Some people even describe that between country and country, it is like fighting between two children. At this moment, we will fight you to death and death, and in the next moment, we will be good friends.

It is full of countless variables, full of countless interests and changes, which are in line with interests. We are friends, and those that are not in line with interests are our enemies.

As the saying goes: There are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits.

The same is true for shopping malls.

Today, APPLE mobile phone company and the four-star mobile phone company are fighting to death, but once they have common interests, they can also cooperate together.

Longteng Group and the four-star mobile phone company are peers and enemies.

But other four-star companies are cooperating with Longteng Group. Isn't this the benefit that four-star companies see in it?

Perhaps the four-star mobile phone company still believes that the Nirvana X mobile phone company cannot challenge their position.

5. There is no way to threaten them. What does it matter if you cooperate with you? Right now, let A PPLE mobile phone company get on the ground.

After all, it's benefit.

Closer to home!

For the military's state-owned enterprises, they can easily purchase hundreds of thousands of Nirvana X mobile phones by selling their arms. What they have is money.

Of course, the money is not theirs, but the country's, and it needs approval from the upper-level. For Lin Feng, what he has to consider is whether the advance payment is only one-third, whether it is acceptable.

What if you don't accept it?

Jiang Feng agreed on his own initiative. This is his girlfriend, so he can't get angry because of this.

Furthermore, one third of the advance payment did not challenge his bottom line, so he would not object.

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