Chapter 149: People are stupid and have a lot of money, and Wang Xiaonian?!!

“Fan Demon Hime?”

“Sister Sasha, this pen name is also ugly.”

Wang Xiaonian said with the corners of his mouth twitching.

“No, I think it’s very good.” Mainly Xiao Nian you wrote is a female frequency, if you take a masculine pen name, female readers may not necessarily buy it. ”

Elin’s editor, Sasha, explained with a smile.

When Wang Xiaonian heard it, he also felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Fan Youji, such a feminine pen name, it is absolutely impossible to think of me who quickly practiced ghost back.

“All right, Sister Sasha, for the price.”

After determining the pen name, Wang Xiaonian immediately asked a question he was most concerned about, that is, the price of the novel.

“My side first plans to give you a thousand words of 30 yuan, if the novel feedback is good, I will definitely help you fight for a price increase.”

Editor Sasha said.

A thousand words 30 yuan, this price in 2003, even a little famous old author, may not be able to get this price.

Su Mengmeng can write 4,000 words a day, that is, 120 yuan, and this manuscript fee Wang Xiaonian intends to give all to Su Mengmeng.

Wang Xiaonian values the income that this book can bring in the future, not the current fee.

If this money is given to Su Mengmeng, there is no doubt that it will make her more motivated to write.

“Okay, no problem.”

“But Sister Sasha, physical copyright, film and television copyright, but it belongs to me, oh Wang Xiaonian did not forget to remind.”


The editor on the other end of the phone, Sasha, can’t help but think that this boy’s book has not yet been published, and he has thought of publishing a physical book in the future, adapting film and television.

“Of course it’s yours, so rest assured.”

Sasha laughed.


“Sister Sasha.”

Wang Xiaonian happily hung up Sasha’s phone and instead made a call to Su Mengmeng.

At this time, Su Mengmeng, who had just returned home, had a crimson face.

Just now, she received a call from her friend Fan Qin, and she also teased that she had been raised by a rich second generation, which made Su Mengmeng really not know how to explain.

To blame it, Wang Xiaonian, this little bastard is also too capable of pretending.

You are the owner of a small restaurant, and you have to print your own business card of being the chairman and founder of the CEO.

As a result, good fellow, Chen Rongrong, a good friend in college, read an article in the newspaper “Whose subordinates are this?” So brave? “, seeing that a restaurant can have 5 waiters, but also a good job, I think I lied.

“It Looks Good” is a big hotel.

In addition, Wang Xiaonian bought himself a computer and MP3…

It is even more solid to be ‘wrapped up.

At this time, Su Mengmeng saw that the culprit, Wang Xiaonian, had called.

Some helplessly picked up the phone.

But before 3 seconds, Su Mengmeng jumped up happily.

“Sophie’s Revenge” wants to sign a contract at a price of 60 yuan for a thousand words, and he can get 30 yuan of a thousand words from it.

Although the actual price is 30 thousand words, Wang Xiaonian falsely quoted twice the price in order to make Su Mengmeng feel at ease.

“Sister Sue, come on, write well, the editor said that our book has a bright future.” ”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and fed a mouthful of chicken soup.

“Hee-hee, rest assured. By the way, Xiao Nian, what is the pen name of this book? ”

Su Mengmeng asked curiously.

“That, Sister Su, it’s not too early.”

Wang Xiaonian wanted to change the subject, “Xiao Nian, I asked you what your pen name is. ”

Su Mengmeng asked again.


Wang Xiaonian wanted to change the topic again, but Su Mengmeng was relentless.




After learning Wang Xiaonian’s pen name, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but laugh.

This laughter made Wang Xiaonian, who was in the shape of a fierce man, and his old face couldn’t help but blush slightly.


This shyness actually produced a lot of pain.

“Ding, pain value +1!”

“Ding, pain +2!”

This made Wang Xiaonian after hanging up the phone can’t help but sigh, it turned out that I was a shy horse!

I feel ashamed about it.


Wang Xiaonian, who was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, went to the auction site.

Auction of a 30-acre wasteland.

“Starting at 2000.”

“For every shot, add 100.”

The beautiful host laughed on the stage.

About this 30 acres of wasteland, there are not many people interested, after all, Li Jufu of Xiangjiang wants to establish a high-end residential community nearby, and these 30 acres of land will build a shopping mall, and the cinema will be a huge profit.

But the price of 2000 acres of land in 2003 is really expensive, and the general land, an acre down to support 1,000 yuan.

When the host said the starting price of 2,000 yuan, many businessmen stopped.




When the price reached 2200, it stopped.

Many people think that this price is a bit inflated, and they do not plan to continue.

“2200, 1 time!”

“2200, 2 times!”

Just as the host was about to make up his mind, a voice sounded.


Wang Xiaonian raised his hand and said.

This scene makes people a little stunned, this price is still added to the top?

Are people stupid with a lot of money?

“[Nian Nian Yu Yu Construction Co., Ltd.] 2300!”

“Anything else?”

The host laughed.

【Nian Nian Yu Yu】 is the company name registered by Yu Xiaonian: 【Nian Nian You Fish Technology Co., Ltd.】

【Nian Nian Yu Yu Construction Co., Ltd.】

There is no deep meaning, there are fish every year, and there is money to be made every year.

Listening to the whispered discussion of the people around him, although Wang Xiaonian’s face was furrowed with frowns, his heart was happy to blossom.

Yes, I’m stupid and rich, don’t fight with me.


However, just as Wang Xiaonian was determined to win, another voice sounded.

The person who raised the card was Yang Chuxue of [Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd.].

Wang Xiaonian, whose memory is not too good, after learning the identity of the bidder, he couldn’t help but wonder, such a familiar name.

But this piece of land, Wang Xiaonian must take it.

At present, Wang Xiaonian only has more than 100,000 cash and 30 acres of land, he can still keep up with it for the time being.


Wang Xiaonian raised the price without saying a word, “2800!” ”

Yang Chuxue motioned for her secretary to raise a sign and quote a price of 2800?

This price made Wang Xiaonian can’t help but feel some pain in his flesh.

After buying it himself, he plans to sell it to Li Jufu for 20,000 / acre.

This [Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd.] is completely compressing my profits.

“Ding, pain value +50!”

I rub!

This time it came 500 yuan.

That’s afraid of a hammer.

“2900!” Wang Xiaonian shouted again.

“3000!” The other person shouted.


This price made the real estate merchants present marvel.

2,000 yuan is actually a bit of an inflated amount.

Not to mention 3000.

Yang Chuxue of this [Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd.] is a Miss Qianjin from Xiangjiang [Yang’s], and she can also understand this local tycoon behavior.

But what’s going on with this [annual building]?

It’s like a leather bag company.

How can there be such a confidence?

“Mr. Yang, if the boy raises the price again, will we still follow?”

After the secretary finished quoting the price again, he looked at Yang Chuxue on the side.

Yang Chuxue did not speak, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Wang Xiaonian who was not far away, “3300!” ”

Soon Wang Xiaonian will quote again that this offer will use all the cash on Wang Xiaonian’s body, but this is not Wang Xiaonian’s final reserve price.

“Mr. Yang.”

The secretary asked.

Yang Chuxue looked at Wang Xiaonian’s resolute gaze and could read that this person was bound to win this land, no matter how much price it spent, he would take it.

“Forget it!”

Yang Chuxue, who was going to buy it and build a hotel, waved his hand “3300!” ”

“Third time!”


The host’s excited voice sounded, and he secretly said in his heart: This auction alone, the commission is quite a lot.

At this moment, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately, although the price was a bit expensive, it was not enough for me to go to the bank for a loan.

After taking down the ground.

Wang Xiaonian is still thinking about how to contact Li Jufu’s real estate company and let them know about his idea of building a cemetery.

As a result, to Wang Xiaonian’s surprise, the person in charge of the real estate company on this side took the initiative to find Wang Xiaonian and asked him if he would establish a shopping mall, and if he was willing to build a temple, Li Jufu Real Estate would bear a certain cost.

After all, the establishment of a scented temple will make the high-end residential community more high-end, but the result is to make the person in charge stunned.

“Mr. Wang, aren’t you kidding me?”

The person in charge said in a deep voice, “No, I am going to publish a news tomorrow that I want to build the most luxurious cemetery.” ”

Wang Xiaonian said.

The head of the Li family in the Sichuan-Chongqing area sighed for a moment and said, “Mr. Wang, make a price.” ”

“Hey hey.”

The corners of Wang Xiaonian’s mouth couldn’t help but show a smile.

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