Chapter 150: The!!! of Enemies

“50,000 acres! What does your company think? ”

Wang Xiaonian opened his mouth in a tone of reluctance’, I endure the pain of cutting love.

When he heard Wang Xiaonian’s offer, Li Jufu’s head of the Sichuan-Chongqing region, ‘Manager Zhao’, asked with an iron face: “Mr. Wang, your price is too high.” ”


“Not high!”

“According to the financial accounting statements of our company, when my high-end cemetery is built, I can make so much money in a year.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled innocently.

Manager Zhao’s face darkened more and more, but at this time, he had to calmly continue negotiations with Wang Xiaonian.

“Mr. Wang, we know your true intention in buying this wasteland.”

“As long as the price you offer is reasonable, I will never counteroffer.”

“Think again.”

Manager Zhao said in a deep voice.

“Look at Li Jufu’s face, give you a 10% discount.”

“49,000 yuan!”

“How do you see?”

Wang Xiaonian said with a serious face.

“One acre of land is 1,000 yuan cheaper, and our face is really big.”

Manager Zhao couldn’t help but feel who was in his heart, but on the surface he still said very politely: “It’s still too high, Mr. Wang, we are negotiating with you with sincerity.” ”


Wang Xiaonian nodded seriously, and then bid again, “40,000 8!” ”

Manager Zhao is going crazy.

The guy in front of you is a scoundrel.

You spend more than 3,000 to buy, sell 40,000 8, and more than ten times more.

This ridiculously expensive price, Manager Zhao naturally will not agree.

“Mr. Wang, excuse me, I still have some things, first say goodbye.”

Manager Zhao said with a cold face.

“Wait, Manager Zhao.”

Wang Xiaonian hurriedly said.

Manager Zhao couldn’t help but smile in his heart, wanting to pinch me, boy, you are still far away.

Now I know the hurry!

I don’t believe that you will really build this land into a cemetery, even if you build a cemetery, with the seniority of your leather bag company, financial resources, no door.

“Manager Zhao, this is my business card.”

However, Wang Xiaonian did not lower his value at this time as Zhao Jing’s ideal, but took out a copy of his business card and handed it to Manager Zhao, saying: “In the future, our two families will be neighbors and deal with each other more.” ”

Manager Zhao’s expression was slightly stagnant.

Wang Xiaonian’s purpose in giving him the business card was not to really be a neighbor with him, but to give him time to consider.

There is one, I ate your look.

Although Manager Zhao knew that the purpose of Wang Xiaonian’s purchase of this land was to extort bamboo levers, and ninety percent of Youde would not build a cemetery, but the remaining 0.01 possibility, Manager Zhao did not dare to gamble.

“Good! Thank you. ”

Manager Zhao said after receiving Wang Xiaonian’s business card.

Shortly after Manager Zhao left, Wang Xiaonian drank all the coffee on the table, wiped a playful smile from the corner of his mouth, and secretly said in his heart: “See who can survive whom?” ”

This business negotiation!

Whoever is in a hurry first means that he will lose the initiative.

Although the incarnation of the “universal charge” is imminent, I can still afford to wait for these days.

Moreover, I will first get the design scheme of “universal charging” and apply for a patent before speaking.

【Chuxue Technology Co., Ltd.】

Inside the chairman’s office.

Several executives are arguing about whether to mass-produce a ‘Walkman.

Although MP3s are now available on the market, the Walkman still dominates.

Ordinary people listen to songs, buy tapes, and use Walkmans.

Students learn English with the same Walkman.

MP3 is still a luxury at this stage, not something that the average working class can consume.

A high-level party believes that MP3 is the trend of the times and should be used as the main direction.

The other side believes that the Walkman audience is larger.

Listen to several high-level arguments.

As the female boss, Yang Chuxue did not participate in it, but looked at the ‘wooden version of Wei Zhentian’ that she bought for 100,000 yuan.

Unlike ordinary big beauties, this beauty president is also very interested in such handmade works in addition to liking electronic products, otherwise he would not have bought them at 100,000.

Half an hour later, Yang Chuxue, as the chairman of the electronics factory, smiled and said to several high-level arguing leaders: “Today’s discussion will end here, at next week’s meeting, you two will come up with plans to discuss.” ”



The executives nodded and quickly withdrew from Yang Chuxue’s president’s office.

“Mr. Yang, the man who bid with us for land yesterday was found by the Li family.”

At this time, Yang Chuxue’s secretary said with a smile.

“Persuaded by the Li family to build a temple of incense?”

Yang Chuxue smiled disapprovingly.


The secretary shook his head, “Oh! ”

This made Yang Chuxue, who was fiddling with the mighty heavens, stunned, and there was a little strange look in her eyes, and she couldn’t believe that someone could resist the sugar-coated shells of the Li family.

“Listen to the top brass of the Li family say that this person plans to build a cemetery.”

The secretary said with some tears and laughter.

These words made Yang Chuxue even more shocked, and he couldn’t help but smile.

This person was really treacherous, and even planned to shave the wool of the Li family. Yang Chuxue, the president of the beautiful woman, immediately had insight into the true intention of this move.

“Is that all right?”

Yang Chuxue asked again.

“Not yet!”

The secretary shook his head and said, “The other party’s asking price is too high, and the Li family does not agree.” ”

When the secretary said the asking price, Yang Chuxue couldn’t help but shake his head.

After the Li family came to the mainland to develop, it has always been smooth sailing, and I did not expect to meet such a hun person today.

“There is follow-up news on this matter, tell me a word.”

Yang Chuxue smiled.

“Okay, Mr. Yang.”

“That, one more thing.”

The secretary suddenly spat up.

“Susu, there is something to say.”

Yang Chuxue smiled lightly.

“Mr. Yang, it seems that the Transformers in front of you were bought from this person.”

Secretary Su Su couldn’t help but feel funny.

These words made Yang Chuxue, who was not shocked by the incident, also look shocked.

The man who bid with himself at the auction was him.

Looking at the Wei Zhentian in front of him, Yang Chuxue felt as if he was fighting an enemy.

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