"Well, in that case, Mr. Gu will wait for the news! There is definitely news in three days!

After listening to Gu Chen's words, the other party readily agreed after thinking for a moment.

"Well, thank you Mr. Yu!"

After some politeness, Gu Chen hung up the phone.

So Gu Chen's next mood was smooth, he didn't expect that a boss he knew had such energy.

So he continued to walk around a few times and went home.

At night, lying on the bed from childhood to large, Gu Chen did not expect things to be like this.

At this time, he sent a small message.

Gu Xiao: "I heard that your kid came back today?"

Gu Chen: "Yes!"

Gu Xiao: "Then you are not interesting enough, you won't say hello when you come back, if you don't listen to my mother, you don't know!"

Gu Chen: "It's a bit too much today!" Gathering tomorrow?

Gu Xiao: "Yes, but you have to wait for me to get off work, I heard that your kid has opened a company now?"

Gu Chen: "Small company, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Gu Xiao: "Good!"

So Gu Chen ended the chat.

Thinking of his small job, he was amused, from a naughty child to a young age and now a teacher in a blink of an eye? This has to say that life is impermanent.


Gu Chen, who woke up early in the morning, directly changed into a set of sportswear and prepared to go out for morning exercise.

"Xiao Chen, why did you get up so early?"

Gu's mother also got up early, and when she saw Gu Chen, she suddenly had a surprised expression.

"Mom, I'll go in the morning!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Good morning run! Exercise! Then there you go! I'll make breakfast later! Gu Mu said with a smile.


So Gu Chen went out of the house and jogged along the community road.

Although this is the old town, the environment has always been very nice.

However, getting up for a morning run is not only Gu Chen, along the way, Gu Chen saw many people earlier than him.

Gu Chen didn't care about the others and continued his own rhythm.

I have to say that Gu Chen's physical fitness now has definitely reached the level of a soldier king.

Not long after, Gu Chen met a Miaoman figure appear in front of him, and he also came out for a morning jog.

However, Gu Chen only admired it for a while, and then surpassed the other party.

However, the other party was a little surprised to see Gu Chen surpass her.

She runs here every morning, and almost everyone knows her, only Gu Chen doesn't know her.

I thought it was to pursue myself again, to attract attention.

Immediately, he had no good impression of Gu Chen.

After all, she often encountered it before, which made her very disgusted, but generally pursued her by some hollowed-out men, who could not stand it after running for a while, and would leave automatically.

I didn't expect another one to appear.

She wanted to see how long Gu Chen could hold out.

Soon she found that it was not a person in front of him, and the speed had not changed at all after running for so long, and it had pulled her down a long way.

A turn disappeared, causing her to stop and be stunned.

It turned out that she was doing it herself, and people didn't come to pursue her at all, but a real morning jog, and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed when she thought of this.

Gu Chen in front did not find the other party's thoughts and continued his morning jog.

Gu Chen ran a whole circle directly around the community, not to mention more than ten kilometers.

However, his breath was a little confused, and his face was slightly white.

"Comfortable! It's still good air from home!

Gu Chen then walked down slowly.

When passing by a nearby house, he suddenly found the woman he met on the road before, and he was slightly surprised.

The other party also found him, and the two looked at each other, and there was no love at first sight as the legend.

Gu Chen quickly withdrew his gaze and nodded.

There was something strange in my heart, how could there be a girl of the same age as him in this family before?

"How did I not know that I had a young lady next door?"

Then he walked forward, and the family in front of him was his house.

The woman looked in Gu Chen's direction and found that he lived next to her, her small mouth was slightly open, what a coincidence!

"How did I not know that I had a little brother next door?"

Then he didn't care about anything else, went back to each house, and found his mother.

"It's back!"

Gu's mother was watering flowers in front of the courtyard, and when she saw a sweaty sportswear, she said with a smile.


Then Gu Chen went directly back to the bedroom and took a bath!

"That's right! How many days are you going to stay this time? While

eating breakfast, Father Gu finally got up, looked at his son who was dry, and asked.


Gu Chen said, and then finished the rice in the bowl and said: "By the way, dad, do you want to continue working, didn't I say before, I plan to open another real estate company." Seeing

Father Gu nodding, Gu Chen continued, "But! I didn't find a suitable manager, no, I see you are bored at home, why not try? "

That's what he's coming back for.

"Ahem! You boy, exploitation has come to your old man! Listening

to Gu Chen's words, Father Gu coughed for a while, and then did not have a good airway.

But he was moved by Gu Chen's words.

He has not yet reached fifty, and now he is at home to retire, and he is really dying comfortably during this time.

"Xiao Chen, don't you have a company? How to open a company again?

At this time, Gu Mu asked curiously when she heard this.

"This is not a piece of land bought some time ago and was ready to invest, but I didn't expect that the day before yesterday, the official of Huahai City suddenly said that it would be developed there, dad, you should know why I want to open a company, right?"

When Gu Chen heard this, he came to the spirit, and he had already spoken out the prepared words.

"It's just a profit!"

After listening to Gu Chen's words, Father Gu said angrily in an instant.

At the same time, he is happy with Gu Chen's vision, he is doing this industry, plus the land is in Huahai City, and he feels excited when he thinks about it.

"Tell me, how much did you buy?"

Then he asked Xiang Gu Chen.

Gu Chen directly stretched out his palm.

He didn't say it explicitly, otherwise he was afraid that his father would be directly excited.

"500 square meters?"

"That's not right!"

"5 acres?"

Speaking of this, Father Gu's breathing was rapid.

"You'll know when you go!"

Gu Chen hurriedly snorted.

"You kid still sells Guanzi! Not bad! I have a bit of style back then! Then

he looked stunned.

"You still haven't said you're going or not?"

Gu Chen continued to ask.

"This..." Father

Gu was naturally very moved, but he looked at Mother Gu.

"Okay! Go if you want! Helping your son work? It's not a shame to say it. Gu Mu said with a blank look.

During the year, she found that her wife was not happy at all.

Father Gu, who listened, was very embarrassed, but he was very happy.

"Shame, I help my son work, those old guys can't go if they want to!"

"What about you?" Then Gu Chen asked Gu's mother again.

"You father and son are gone, want to keep me?" Gu's mother said directly.

Gu Chen and Father Gu were very happy when they heard this.

Finally, Father Gu went to contact the old man before.

And Gu Chen also went out.

Today, Friday, school is closed.

So Gu Chen went to school early.

Yongshi No. 1 People's Middle School, Gu Chen's high school alma mater.

Looking at the tall school gate, the memory of youth is in the eye.

At this time, it was after school, looking at the smile of a teenager, Gu Chen was also a memory.

Suddenly, he found that there were many juniors who were secretly peeking at him, which was really satisfying, but he quickly disappeared in the doorway.

Go inside.

After walking around, he returned to the playground and saw that someone was playing ball, so Gu Chen walked over casually.

He hasn't played in a long time.

Looking at them sweating on the court, Gu Chen seemed to see himself in the past.

"Dude, playing?" At this time, a junior suddenly said to him.


Did he not expect that the current children are so mature?

So a few people chatted while fighting.

At first, Gu Chen was still a little rusty, but after the game, he found his sense of the ball, and immediately blocked and killed God.

They adored themselves very much.

"Senior, are you so powerful? It's professional, right? They

had introduced themselves to each other before, but they didn't expect that this handsome big brother turned out to be their senior.

"No, I often fight when I enter the university!"

"College is so good!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, several people instantly showed a look of longing.

"yes! College is so good! But you still study well and strive to get into a good university next year! Gu Chen recalled and said.

Then several people chatted about the sky, most of them were Gu Chen said, they listened

, at this time, a voice broke this beautiful scene.

"Xiang Yang, Zhu Hong, Liu Zitao! What are you doing? Don't review yet! I

saw a beautiful voice coming from behind.

Hearing this voice, several senior juniors next to Gu Chen instantly shook.

Gu Chen looked back when he heard this, and was stunned, such a coincidence?

It was the little sister next door he met while running in the morning.

So several juniors all left with a puff of smoke, and the woman also walked over,

"Is that you?"

After the woman saw Gu Chen's appearance clearly, she suddenly exclaimed.

"Good! Are you a teacher here? Gu Chen frowned.


The woman smiled slightly.

"You are here?"

"Meet a friend and take a look at your alma mater by the way." Gu Chen said.

"Your friend is also a teacher here?"

"Gu Xiao! Do you know? Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Oh he! English teacher in my class!

The woman's eyes lit up, and she felt that the two were quite related.

At this time, Gu Chen's mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Sorry, I'll take a call!"

Then Gu Chen walked aside and picked up the phone, it was his hair, Gu Xiao.

"Hey, where is your boy?"

A young voice came from the other end of the phone.

"On the playground! Hurry up you boy! It's been waiting for you for half a day! Gu Chen complained.

"Okay, right there!"

Then the phone hung up.

"Then I'll go first! Bye!

At this time, as soon as Gu Chen returned, he heard the woman leave.

"Good! Bye! Gu

Chen couldn't see the beauty, and he couldn't walk.

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