The October sun is just right and the breeze is not dry.

Gu Chen leaned on the basketball hoop and looked at the distant back, when an uninvited guest came to him and blocked his vision.

"You kid can! How long did it take to hook up with the beautiful teacher at our school? A mean voice came out.

"That is! You don't look at who I am either!

Gu Chen said a word, got up, and the two hammered each other.

"Good, good! Being a teacher is different! Then Gu Chen said with a smile after looking around.

"Nonsense! Is there something going on with coming back this time? Gu Xiao asked.

"Hmm! I want to ask my parents to go to Huahai!

"That's fine! Uncles and aunts should also be blessed! Hearing

this, Gu Xiao was very happy for his hair.

"Hmm! Will you be a teacher in the future? Gu Chen asked.

"Look again! My old man is really happy to see me as a teacher, so I can only be in front of me first! Gu Xiao shrugged.

"Okay! Don't want to be looking for me!

Gu Chen waved his big hand.

"Haha! Good!

So the two went around the school again, and the imprint they left was still there.

By the way, I tasted lunch, which was still the taste of the year.

After that, he was about to leave, and when he reached the door, he suddenly surrounded many students and parents.

The two looked at each other and hurried over.

"Xuanxuan, be my girlfriend?"

Only a voice was heard.

Gu Chen and the two saw a formally dressed man holding a bouquet of bright roses, leaning against a white BMW, looking at a woman in front of him affectionately.

Seeing the excitement, it was not a big deal, and they all shouted to agree with him.

The scene was extremely lively for a while.

Since this is outside the school, the security guard at the gate will not evict either.

"Is she?"

Gu Chen and the two immediately recognized the heroine among them, it was the woman who had a two-sided relationship with Gu Chen before, and she was also Gu Xiao's colleague, Qin Xuanxuan.

"Zhang Heng, how long have I been telling you, I don't like you! Can you please not be so annoying! I

saw that the woman's face was ugly, and she directly refused.

At this time, Gu Xiao couldn't stand it, he thought that his good brother Gu Chen also took a fancy to him.

So he stood up directly, facing the student next to him, and scolded; "What to do! What are you doing here! Are you idle when you don't go home during the holidays? I don't want to reflect with the school after the holiday, cancel the holiday! The

surrounding students were already watching with relish, but suddenly a teacher came, and suddenly the birds and beasts scattered, and they rushed away.

Qin Xuanxuan suddenly showed a sense of gratitude.

The BMW man on the opposite side had an ugly face, and he specifically picked this opportunity to force the other party to agree.

"Who are you boy? Nosy? Immediately stared at Gu Xiao viciously, gritting his teeth.

"I'm a teacher at this school, what's wrong?"

Gu Xiao was not afraid of the other party.

"Good! Very good! You kid wait for me!

He glanced at Gu Chen, felt that there was no chance of victory in one dozen and two, put down a cruel word and got into the car directly.

"Teacher Gu, thank you just now!" Seeing the BMW man leaving, Qin Xuanxuan immediately thanked him.

"It's okay, he's stuck in traffic here." Gu Xiao waved his hand.

"But I got you in trouble? His family is very powerful! You have to be careful!

Qin Xuanxuan immediately apologized.

"It's okay! There is my brother! Who knew that Gu Xiao didn't care at all, and said with a big grin.

Causing Gu Chen to vomit blood.

You kid hero saves beauty, but co-author asked me to wipe your ass!

At this time, Qin Xuanxuan looked at Gu Chen, a little embarrassed.

"What's the way that kid came from?" However, Gu Chen didn't care at all and asked.

"That person's name is Zhang Heng, his family has opened a material company, and he is also a little famous in the local area, backed by the Taiyu Group, and supplied to the local Bandai Group. And his old man is a retired education department leader, and the principal of our school is his student.

Qin Xuanxuan said the news she knew.

Taiyu Group is not famous in Yongshi City, but Bandai Group is very famous, but it can't control the school, Gu Xiao is not worried, the only thing that worries is that the principal of the school is a student.

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen's essence flashed.

Co-authoring or holding my things to the enemy!

"Don't worry! Leave it to me! Gu Chen said directly.

"Dust, you..." Gu

Xiao was a little unconvinced when he heard this, he was just joking before.

"Don't worry! Let's go! Does Miss Qin need to be together? Gu Chen gave a reassuring look and said.

"Are you going home?"


Qin Xuanxuan hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

So a few people came to Gu Chen's car.

"Huh? Dust, don't you tell me it's your car?

Looking at the handsome body in front of him, Gu Xiao was suddenly excited.

Gu Chen smiled slightly, took out the key and pressed it gently, and the car emitted a beautiful double flash.

"Gee, it seems that you can still mix in Huahai! Let me take a shot! Then

he didn't care about Gu Chen and sat directly in the driver's seat.

"Miss Qin, let's go!"

Then the door opened.

"Thank you!"

Qin Xuanxuan also looked at Gu Chen quite curiously, she didn't expect Gu Chen to be able to drive such a good car at such a young age.

Her family is also extraordinary, her vision will not be bad, knowing that this car is many times more expensive than the BMW man before!

Gu Xiao excitedly turned around a few times before returning to the old city, it is worth saying that the three of them all live in the old city.

Gu Chen went directly to Gu Xiao's house, the two had been friends for generations, and they had dinner at his house before returning.

Back home, Father Gu had already returned, sitting in the living room watching TV.

"I went to visit specifically today, and only a few people have entered Bandai, most of them are doing odd jobs in the surrounding area, and as soon as I say it, many people are interested. Just wait for me to open the company! Father Gu said with a look of excitement.

"Okay! I'll sign up tomorrow! Dad, you can put up the frame first. If you go to Huahai, you can do things immediately! When

Gu Chen heard this, he said with a smile.


So after chatting with his parents for a while, Gu Chen went back to the room.

First called Chu Xinyi and asked her to rent a façade in the south of the city to help him prepare the materials, and he could directly establish a company after he returned.

Then she asked her to thoroughly check the following suppliers of each branch of the group, be sure to find out the whereabouts of raw materials, and asked his branch here to directly re-select the partner of cooperation.

Probably hung up after talking for more than an hour.

During the period, a total of three calls came, and Gu Chen saw that it was Mr. Liu of Yiyue Group.

Gu Chen thought about it, and when he wanted to fight over, the other party called directly.


"Mr. Gu, I'm really sorry to call you so late."

The other party directly came up to apologize, and his face was extremely low.

"Haha, Mr. Liu is serious."

As soon as Gu Chen heard it, he knew that the other party agreed to the previous conditions.

Sure enough, Mr. Liu's words were confirmed next.

"It's like this, I just received an order from the headquarters, and I have already agreed to Mr. Gu's conditions, I don't know when Mr. Gu has time, let's confirm the cooperation?"

Mr. Liu was afraid of accidents, and his tone was very eager.

"No problem, it's just that I'm not in Huahai now, when I go back, let's sign the contract immediately, how?"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Good! Then I'll wait for Mr. Gu's news! Mr

. Liu was silent for a while when he heard this, as if he was determining whether Gu Chen was pushing back, but after thinking for a while, he found that he could not change anything, and could only choose to believe Gu Chen.


So Gu Chen hung up the phone.

After thinking about it, he opened Taobao, and today he hasn't started the activity yet?

No matter how busy he is, he will find time to open Taobao every day, but he has not pulled out good things in the previous few days.


"Congratulations to the host for winning the high-quality industry, Remote Group, a transportation company facing bankruptcy! But the potential is high!

Suddenly, two tones sounded one after another.

Gu Chen looked at it, there was actually an introduction, and he felt that this Taobao was becoming more and more humane.

But huh? Why give me a company that is about to go bankrupt, and also high-quality industry? Are you afraid that there is some misunderstanding of the word quality!

After muttering a few words, he saw the share book on the bedside table.

"100% control? That's not bad! Seeing

this, Gu Chen was still a little satisfied.

Then I found out about the company.

The remote group, the earliest transportation company in China, once controlled the development of the transportation industry.

It's a pity that the later leaders, the vision is not good.

Several times issued wrong orders, resulting in the loss of the leading position, and was overtaken by three successively.

In the end, it does not conform to the development of the times and rests on its laurels, resulting in more and more downfall.

In the end, even the group's transportation costs could not be afforded, so it had to sell all the large trucks.

Therefore, the once brilliant remote group has come to an end, can only survive in this province, and now faces a credibility crisis.

Halfway through a car accident while transporting a business's stuff, all the things transported were damaged.

This directly makes the company face huge compensation, lawsuits, and it will not be long before it directly files for bankruptcy.

After reading this, Gu Chen did not expect that this company would face bankruptcy from the leader.

Such a good card can be played like this, Gu Chen wants to see which talent is leading.

However, seeing this, Gu Chen was stunned.

Isn't that just right for yourself?

The remote group just made up for the last shortcoming of Taiyu Group.

Just as the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter what the long-range group decays into, but at least the bottom is there, as long as there is a chance, it will bloom with dazzling light.

And the headquarters is in Huahai, and when he goes back, he will be busy.

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