For a while, everyone was stunned on the spot, only Fan Yuxi was the first to react, she had only one thought in her mind at this time, that is, the old lady was about to send it.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gu, Director Lin, is what you said the truth?"

She was the first to ask.

"Naturally! That's what I'm holding today's press conference for! Gu Chen replied with a smile.

At this time, Fan Yuxi's question instantly ignited everyone's enthusiasm, and they raised questions one after another, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

If this is news that shocked the world, how could they miss this question!

At the same time, they were extremely excited in their hearts, and they had to thank those seniors for not wanting to come, so it would be their turn.

So Gu Chen answered many questions and ended the press conference.

All the reporters ran outside for a while, they wanted to publish it as soon as possible, and then it would make their fame soar instantly.

Even Fan Yuxi is the same, what question Gu Chen asked, has long been left behind.

Is there anything more important to edit the interview in hand into a news release?

"Director Lin, you may receive a lot of attention after today!" Gu Chen looked at Director Lin and quipped.

"President Gu, you are the same, after today, you will enter the world of the big guy!"

The two laughed when they heard this, and blew a wave of rainbow farts at each other.

"Editor-in-chief, I have a big news in my hand!"

After Fan Yuxi returned to the stage, he quickly edited it, and then took the finished film to the editor-in-chief's office.

"Xiao Fan! How long have you been here, why are you so impatient!

The editor-in-chief glanced at Fan Yuxi lightly and criticized.

"Editor-in-chief, see for yourself, this is the interview I went to today, this will be a news that shocks the world!" Fan Yuxi then gave the finished draft to the editor-in-chief and explained.

The editor-in-chief first looked at it unhurriedly, and then his face changed drastically, and he stood up from his chair in shock.

Seeing the editor-in-chief's gaffe, Fan Yuxi was very relieved.

"This... This, Xiao Fan, is this true of you? The editor-in-chief quickly asked.

Fan Yuxi was very sure when she heard this: "It's true! I also specifically checked the director Lin, who was the Nobel Prize nominee that caused a sensation last year.

"Good, good, good! Hurry, hurry up, this is news that shocked the world! This time, you have done a great job! Xiao Fan, you did a good job this time!

The editor-in-chief praised with a smile on his face at this time.

"Yes!" Fan Yuxi nodded and went to release it, she knew the impact of this news.

The outside world, all the channel websites of Huahai at this time, are all a piece of news at the top.

"Congratulations to our scientist Lin Yang for overcoming the chip difficulty and solving the situation that there are no chips in China!"

"Unparalleled in the country! It's him! Unexpectedly developed an epoch-making chip!

"Congratulations to our country for breaking the chip blockade abroad and finally having its own chip!"

The various titles are full of gimmicks, but the content is all similar.

It instantly attracted many water friends.

"Groove! Really fake?

"Bull batch! Big guy cow batch! "

A true national warrior is unmatched!"

Many netizens were also shocked, and then praised one by one.

Soon, the major electronic groups shook and held major meetings.

This is a game-changer!

ZTE Group naturally also knew the news, and the high-level meeting at this time.

There was silence, and everyone's faces were different.

As the boss of Director Lin, he naturally did not hide it, and indeed developed the chip.

"Talk about it! What do you have to say? At

this time, the chairman of ZTE Group was very distressed.

"Chairman, I said a long time ago, don't sell! And the result!

The head of one of the departments said first.

"It is!"

As soon as this remark came out, several people echoed it.

"Poof! Director Liu, I didn't see you insist at that time!

One of the executives who advocated selling looked confused and retorted.

So for a while, the conference room was like a large quarrel scene.

"Enough! Since they have all been sold! There is no point in saying more! The

chairman's face was even more ugly!

He left the conference room directly, his heart was really dripping blood!

It's not that he didn't think about getting the chip technology back through means, but he didn't expect that the young man was so cunning that he directly held a press conference to announce it, so that many domestic forces that were about to move stopped the means.

This matter is getting more and more fierce on the Internet, and the top ten hot searches are all about chips.

Many netizens did not know the impact of this incident on the country, and some science bigwigs have explained.

"Chips have always been China's weak link, can only rely on imports, now good, China's chips stand up, very significant!"

Many authoritative officials of the country have also forwarded and issued praise for the heavy weapon of the country.

The role of chips is undoubtedly very important, especially in the military, widely used!

For a while, it really made this matter known to the whole network.

In general, it was the Longteng Group founded by Gu Chen that became famous instantly.

Gu Chen's phone was also exploded.

"Mr. Zhang, yes, yes! Good! There is a chance to cooperate in the future! "

This just hung up a phone call.

Before he put it down, it rang again, which gave him a headache, these bosses are really powerful, they really don't know where to get their own phones.

"Hello? Who is it?

"Is it Mr. Gu Chengu?"

"Yes, I am!"

Gu Chen admitted directly.

"Hello, I'm from the Chinese Academy of Sciences."

Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, "Is there anything wrong with me?" He

didn't expect that there would be this great god looking for him.

"That's right, we also paid attention to Mr. Gu's press conference, and would like to invite Mr. Gu and Director Lin to meet once."

That's straight to the point.

Gu Chen had long known that he would deal with the country, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

He thought about it and agreed: "Well, I don't know what this one is called?"

"Good! The old man's name is Deng Xianming! A happy voice came from the other end.

After a few words, he hung up the phone.

Gu Chen smiled bitterly, so he told Director Lin, but he didn't expect that the other party still knew each other.

Back in the office, Gu Chen thought about the direction of development after that.

There is no doubt that now that he has chip technology, he naturally grasps the door to enter electronic products.

I believe that no electronic product will reject itself.

But now he has to recruit, but unfortunately he has not drawn a company about electronics for so many days.

"Lezi, do you know where there is an electronics factory that you want to sell?"

Gu Chen looked at Gan Le and asked.

When Gan Le heard this, he knew Gu Chen's plan as soon as he thought about it, and shook his head after thinking about it: "Brother Chen, without my family has not been involved in this industry, so it is not clear." Hearing

this, Gu Chen was disappointed, and it seemed that he had to find a way on his own.

"Don't worry, if Brother Dust has news, I will tell you!" Gan Le thought for a while and said to Gu Chen;


Then Gu Chen saw that there was another phone call, so he turned off the phone directly.

He never thought that one day he would also have the troubles of a star.

In the evening, return home.

Unsurprisingly, Chu Xinyi also followed.

"Gu Chen, when did you have another research laboratory?"

As soon as Chu Xinyi came in, she looked at Gu Chen intently.

"I know, I know!"

Xu Shishi on the side was the first to speak when she heard this.

Apparently, she also saw the news.

"Just half a month ago, my brother was the ZTE Group who asked me about it!"

Seeing everyone looking at her, she smiled and said everything she knew.

"Good! When I heard about the project in Ganle's mouth, I had a plan.

Gu Chen could only use Gan Le as an excuse.

After all, he had nothing to do with this line before, so he naturally had to be careful.

"So you're trying to get into electronics?"

When Chu Xinyi heard this, she nodded and directly saw through Gu Chen's plan.

"That's right! But I don't have an electronics factory today?

"Don't worry! I'll keep an eye out for you! Chu Xinyi didn't need to mention it, so he spontaneously explained.

"Brother, you are now very well-known on the Internet, all praising your handsomeness! If he debuts, it is estimated that he will become a big hit.

Xu Shishi smiled and teased Gu Chen.

"That is!" Gu Chen was unceremonious.

Chu Xinyi couldn't help but glance at Gu Chen.

A few people chatted a few words and then dispersed.

The next day, the sky clears, and on Sunday, there is a holiday to rest.

Gu Chen planned to go out for a walk.

Driving his own supercar, this time is Gan Le driving, he has not touched the steering wheel for a long time.

Directly in the outer ring for half an hour, enough addiction.

It's close to noon, ready to go to a restaurant to eat.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure.

"Teacher Qin?"

To Gu Chen's surprise, he actually met the neighbor he met in his hometown, Qin Xuanxuan, here.

When the woman heard this, a look of surprise flashed.

"Mr. Gu?"

"Hmm! What a coincidence! When did you get back? He

had heard his mother say that she was from Huahai.

"I was transferred back the other day!"

Qin Xuanxuan explained with a smile.

"Xuanxuan, who is he?"

Seeing Gu Chen and Qin Xuanxuan talking, the man next to him frowned, and his tone was not good.

"Huh?" Gu Chen then discovered that there was another person on the other side.

"Who he is has to do with you? Also, please call me by name. When

Qin Xuanxuan heard this, a flash of disgust flashed.

"Sorry to disturb you guys to eat!"

Gu Chen shrugged and sat down at a table next to them.

When the man on the opposite side heard Qin Xuanxuan's words, his face instantly became gloomy, and he glared at Gu Chen fiercely, but Gu Chen turned a blind eye.

"Xuanxuan, don't worry, I will definitely help my uncle's factory!"

Seeing that Gu Chen did not sit down, after he snorted, he showed a bright smile to Qin Xuanxuan again.

"Well, thank you!"

Qin Xuanxuan's brows furrowed when she heard this, and she slowly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this.

"Nope! How to say that our two are also family friends, just for you and I will also help! The

man was not affected in the slightest, but became more enthusiastic.

Gu Chen was funny to watch, it was really affectionate licking the dog!

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