Next, Gu Chen didn't pay more attention, after all, it had nothing to do with himself.

But he saw the licking dog talking the whole time.

After Gu Chen ate for a while, he suddenly saw a figure in front of him, and looked up to see that it was Qin Xuanxuan.

"Mr. Gu, I'll go first, you use it slowly."

Qin Xuanxuan said hello with a smile, and then left.

"Okay, goodbye!" Gu Chen nodded.

He then continued to wipe out the food in his hands, but perhaps he was not fit to be a cook today.

"Boy, I warn you! Be away from Xuanxuan in the future! The

dog-licking man before came to Gu Chen's side and gritted his teeth to warn.

Gu Chen didn't raise his head, and said indifferently: "Only the most useless people will be angry!"

Sure enough, hearing Gu Chen's words, the licking dog man instantly became angry, and put his hands against the dining table: "What did you say?"

At this time, Gu Chen slowly looked up at the man: "I said, what are you?" Dare to yell at me?

At this time, the licking dog man's face turned pig's liver color when he heard this, and the anger in his eyes seemed to breathe fire, and he raised his arm and raised his fist to hit Gu Chen.

However, Gu Chenbing's physical fitness is comparable to this kind of waste.

He directly took the rear, directly grabbed the outstretched hand, turned it hard, and heard a pig-killing sound coming over.


The licking dog man's gloomy face instantly turned pale.

"Waste!" Gu Chen shook his head in disdain, and directly pushed and rolled, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Good, good, good! You kid wait for me! The licking dog man stared at Gu Chen fiercely, but he didn't dare to make any more moves, and could only threaten.

I saw that he took out his mobile phone and began to call someone.

"Hey, Brother Hu, I'm Huang Yun, yes, something happened to me here, right! More people, right here on North Street!

Then the licking dog man sneered: "Boy, you kind of wait for me!" Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, and he scolded an idiot.

He didn't expect that one day he would encounter this kind of superb waste.

"What did you say?"

Seeing that the man wanted to come over again, Gu Chen glared fiercely, frightening the other party to take a few steps back.

Seeing that Gu Chen did not leave, the licking dog man was extremely angry in his heart, and he wanted to teach Gu Chen a hard lesson after waiting for the person to come down.

Until Gu Chen finished eating, the person who shouted from the other party had not arrived.

"I said, what about the person you shouted? If you don't come again, I'll go!

Gu Chen was full of food and drink, and saw the licking dog man sitting in the previous position, and said lazily.

"Hmph!" Sure enough, when the man saw Gu Chen leaving, he immediately snorted coldly, and he was extremely nervous in his heart, why hasn't he arrived yet!

Then Gu Chen didn't bother to play with this kind of person, so he wanted to go to the checkout and leave.

"You can't go!" Seeing that Gu Chen was about to leave, the man licked the dog and quickly stopped Gu Chen.

"How? Still want to get beaten? Gu Chen glanced at the licking dog man and had to get out of the way.

After coming out, Gu Chen saw that the man was still following him, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and directly drove the sports car and left directly in the shocked eyes of the licking dog man.

For this kind of rich second generation, he is extremely clear.

The licking dog man did not expect that the person he threatened was driving a super car, and he was immediately dumbfounded.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that Gu Chen was not simple, and he could afford to drive a car that even he couldn't drive?

I couldn't help but sweat coldly, fortunately the person he shouted didn't arrive, otherwise I was afraid that I would be ugly again.

At the same time, his heart is extremely melancholy, what should he do if he wants to pursue Xuanxuan?

Thinking of this, his heart became gloomy again.

You don't want to get what I can't get.

Took out his mobile phone, showed that he called the previous tiger brother, and told him that he was not using it.

After that, he called a man with a note called Long Shao.

"Hello? Long Shao, it's me Huang Yun, I have a girl here who is very good-looking, yes, it will definitely not disappoint you, what, talk at night? Well, I'll be there!

Huang Yun's flattering tone disappeared with the beeping sound from the mobile phone.

"Hmph! Qin Xuanxuan, since I can't get you, then I'll destroy you!"

Looking at the direction where Gu Chen left, the licking dog man said viciously.

Gu Chen didn't know everything that happened, and he didn't pay attention to this little episode at all.

At this time, he was driving a sports car and received a call from Gan Le.

"Hey, Brother Dust, where are you?"


"Is there anything to do at night, go play at night?"

Gan Le's expectant voice came out.

Hearing this, Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Huh? Where to play?

"Hey, hey, bar!" Gan Le suddenly smiled.

Gu Chen thought about it and agreed, after all, he hadn't gone for a long time.

"Okay, come and pick me up in the evening!"

"No problem!" When Gan Le heard this, he was instantly excited, and quickly assured.

Then Gu Chen hung up the phone.

Driving towards the house, he stayed at home all afternoon.

It wasn't until the evening, when Gan Le came to pick him up, that he casually changed into casual clothes and went out.

"Mom, I have something to do at night, I may not come back!"

Gu's mother, who was watching TV in the living room, said something and turned away.

At night, the city is illuminated by colorful neon lights, illuminating the land eroded by darkness.

The streets are bustling with traffic and crowds.

At the intersection, inside a flamboyant and handsome sports car.

"Brother Dust, this time I called me and the good ones over, most of their families are scattered in all walks of life, maybe there will be what you need, just so they are very curious about you."

In the car, Gan Le and Gu Chen explained.

Gu Chen looked at the traffic light in front of him, heard this, and said with a smile: "Thank you for having fun!"

"It's okay! Just in time to play, I haven't been there for a long time, if it weren't for using you as an excuse this time, the old man wouldn't let me go out and fool around! Gan Le smiled, quite proud.

Gu Chen shook his head and did not speak.

"That's right! This time my dad praised you and asked when you had time and wanted to have a meal with you! "

Green light pass, Gan Le Matsushita clutch, change out of the car and start directly, on the way, without looking back asked.

Gu Chen thought about it and said; "It's okay, I have time."

"Then tomorrow night!"

"Not tomorrow night!"

"Eh?" Hearing this, Gan Le's eyes were black lines.

Gu Chen didn't expect the other party to directly say that he only had no time, and said, "Tomorrow I want to see a distinguished guest!"

"Then the night after tomorrow!" Gan Le didn't get tangled, and then changed the time!

"Yes!" At this time, Gu Chen didn't even think about it, and directly agreed.

Then the car fell silent again, but it didn't take long to arrive.

Gu Chen looked at it, this bar covers a large area, and the decoration outside is also very luxurious.

"This is the biggest bar in Huahai, I heard that the owner behind it has a lot of energy, but we haven't seen it!"

Watching Gu Chen stop and not move, Gan Le, who parked the car, came to his side to explain.

Gu Chen swept around, surrounded by all kinds of sports cars and luxury cars, really rich people together.

"Huh? Wouldn't it, even a kid like you doesn't know the owner of this bar? After hearing Gan Le's words, Gu Chen was slightly surprised.

"Brother Chen, our group of people are not the top rich second-generation circle in Huahai City!" Gan Le said with a wry smile.

The first time Gu Chen said this, he was immediately interested, and he was not in a hurry to enter: "Oh? So what level are you on? How are circles divided?

"I'm at most on the second ladder, the rules of each circle are different, only one point, that is, look at the influence of the family business, the upper circle I don't know, after all, I rarely contact, but my circle, there are no tens of billions in the family anyway, it can't come in, and it's still industry-based."

Gan Le explained honestly.

"Oh? Wouldn't I be able to move up the first ladder? Gu Chen said jokingly after listening to it;

Unexpectedly, Gan Le nodded and shook his head: "Brother Dust, according to the division of wealth, you can squeeze into the first ladder, but it is not as long as you have money to enter, and you can also see the influence and status."

"This way!" Gu Chen suddenly realized.

Isn't it the difference between an aristocrat and an upstart?

Then Gu Chen didn't care anymore, so he followed Gan Le and walked in.

When I first entered, it was a long passage, which was relatively dark, and then there was a gate, and I could faintly hear the lively DJ.

Pushing open the door, Gu Chen faintly saw that this was a huge dance hall, with bloody DJs, dark scenes, and a lively atmosphere, and suddenly Gu Chen also accelerated with the blood.

Then he felt Gan Le pat him, and then pointed in the direction, and he realized that he was following him.

Gu Chen agreed, nodded, and walked all the way through the crowd at the bar and onto the box on the second floor.

It's not as noisy and comfortable as below, but you can see the best results.

When I walked in, I saw about seven or eight young men of similar age, all of them bohemian and vulgar.

"Fun? Or is it really you? We all thought you were good? Seeing

Gan Le, several people joked one after another.

"Haha, that is! Although I have a good life, it is okay to do it once in a while!

Gan Le said with a smile.

Gu Chen looked at it, except for Du Liang, who had a relationship before, he didn't know anyone else.

He saw Du Liang smiling and nodding to himself, and he also went back.

"That's right! Let me introduce you to my eldest brother, Gu Chen!

Then he pointed to Gu Chen and introduced.

At this time, everyone looked at Gu Chen, and they were all extremely curious.

Which immortal can directly convince Gan Le, and also recognizes the eldest brother, except for Du Liang who knows a little, the others do not know.

"Brother Gu is good!" However, everyone was also very face-saving and shouted in unison.

"Hello!" Gu Chen nodded with a smile.

There is no contempt in the novel, and no one who can become a rich second generation this year is a fool.

Maybe they are arrogant, but they are by no means brainless to beat people.

Then he called a group of girls over.

Qi Qi stood in front of him, and several people skillfully pulled a girl each, each playing his own.

Gu Chen had also been one of them, but this time she looked at it, and she was really not interested.

After all, you can see Chu Xinyi's level of appearance every day, and looking at these now, it's like fluorescence and Haoyue.

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