Metropolis: Signed To Shenhao At The Beginning Of The Game

Chapter 217 Two Dragon Island Procurement Materials

Roughly speaking, Ye Chen discovered that out of a hundred biochemical humans, every ten of them were automatically formed into a formation, and the team leader was also selected.

It seems to have been selected quickly from the moment of dissolution.

No wonder it is a biochemical person who does things so resolutely.

After secretly remembering these ten biochemical people who were promoted as team leaders, Ye Chen looked at Alice and said, "Alice, you can go and find a local person who is familiar with the sea. We are going to buy some building materials. He needs to lead the way."

Alice got the order and went to do it at once.

Of course, Ye Chen also asked a Qingyunwei to accompany her.

The purpose is naturally to protect Alice.

After all, Alice is just an ordinary person, and it will be troublesome if she encounters danger in the sea.

Qing Yunwei doesn't understand Portuguese, so this mission is none other than Alice.

This also comforted Alice for a while.

She eats and drinks from Ye Chen, and she is Ye Chen's woman. Naturally, she doesn't want to be a vase.

If she could do something for Ye Chen, she would be extremely excited.

The biohazard moved all the money into the house, and Alice also returned.

Alice Ribbon came to a fisherman, an old man.

This old man is a well-known fisherman nearby. He often wanders around and fishes in the surrounding waters. He is experienced and knowledgeable.

Alice offered him a price of ten thousand grapes a day, and the old man was tempted to follow.

"Master, the old gentleman said that he can lead us, but leading the way will delay his fishing, so I gave him 10,000 yuan a day."

Alice whispered in Ye Chen's ear.

After speaking, I felt a little uneasy.

After all, the price of 10,000 yuan a day is a lot, but she will not reduce the price.

She was a little afraid that Ye Chen would feel angry with her for spending too much money.

But obviously, she thinks too much.

Ye Chen wouldn't even think about it because of a little money, especially only ten thousand.

It's already cheap.

He now needs to spend money very much to exchange points for turning the carousel.

"It's okay."

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said to the old man: "I need to buy a lot of building materials, such as cement, stone bricks, steel bars, etc. I don't know where they can be sold on the sea, so I can trouble you to show me the way."

"Your Honorable Lord, the old man is willing to serve you." The old gentleman was very polite, wearing clothes full of patches and conscientiously.

"Lord Lord, there is an island in the center of the Taiping Islands called Erlong Island. You can buy anything on it. It is the famous black market for the entire Blue Star. It's just that it's dangerous and there are no rules. Trouble, you can go to Longguo or Waguo to purchase remotely."

"Remote purchase is too troublesome, you should take me to Erlong Island, I will protect your safety." Ye Chen didn't want to buy something and make it so troublesome, so he immediately chose to go to the nearest Erlong Island.

The old man was quite worried, and said anxiously: "But..."

"It's nothing, I will double you ten times, one hundred thousand yuan, and take us there." Ye Chen waved his hand.

When the old man heard this, his eyes were bright and he quickly said, "Okay, no problem. I happen to have a nephew on Erlong Island. Then I will let him lead the way and it will be safer."

"Yeah! Number One, give him 100,000, and we will set off now." Ye Chen glanced at Number One and found that she was in a daze, so he coughed: "Ahem, Number One."

"Huh? Good master."

One was stunned, his face flushed again, and he hurriedly went to the room and retrieved one hundred thousand grape coins.

It's just that everyone was quickly stumped by another problem.

Because they don't have a boat.

When I came, I landed by plane.

The warships of the officers stationed on the island have already left.

This is a semi-primitive area, and there is no big deal on the island.

Not to mention buying a good boat, I am afraid it will be difficult to buy a larger wooden boat.

After discussing for a long time, it was the old man who decided to use the fishing boat at home to solve the problem.

The old man’s fishing boats are similar to those of other villagers. They are all wooden and only equipped with simple engines for driving.

The only difference is that his ship is relatively large and can take a few more people.

That's it.

After putting the money back home, the old man drove the boat in the port and waited for Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't bring too many people on this trip, only No.1, Alice and a biochemical person.

The biohazard is one of the captains of ten teams.

Because these biochemical people have all the known knowledge on the blue star, take him to guard against occasional needs.

"Da da da da..."

The engine of the horizontal bar made a vibrating sound, and the whole hull could feel the obvious vibration.

The group of people gradually disappeared into the vast sea.

Although there are many islands in this sea area, the distance is not close.

And if you get lost at sea, if you have bad luck, you might not even be able to find an island.

However, this group of people has the old man to lead the way, so it goes smoothly along the way.

Soon, everyone saw a misty island in the sea.

On the edge of the island is a large port, and many large ships dock at the port.

Ye Chen's wooden boat leaned over, as small as a slap.

People come and go in the port, and there are even a lot of heavy industry machinery moving containers, etc., which looks very lively.

Ye Chen and the others parked the boat in the parking area and boarded the shore.

"Lord Lord, this is Erlong Island. There are all kinds of businesses on the island. We are now going to the depths of the island, where there are many trade shops." The old man led the way while introducing Ye Chen.

However, as soon as the crowd left the pier and came to the road square, a few people immediately gathered around and greeted warmly: "Dear guests, may I ask where to go and whether to take a taxi."

Upon hearing the inquiry, Ye Chen was about to agree, but the old man quickly stopped and said, "No, we have a taxi we know."

After that, he waved away everyone.

After everyone heard it, they were disappointed.

Faced with Ye Chen’s doubts, the old man quickly explained: “Lord Lord, it’s not that I deliberately drove them away. It’s just that there are too many bad guys on the island, especially the first time they come, if their car is robbed and returned. Fortunately, there may still be life-threatening."

"That's it, this island is so messy." Ye Chen sighed.

From beginning to end, Ye Chen lived in a big country and enjoyed the stability brought by the big country.

Except for Putao Guo, which was the only chaotic place he had ever seen, it was also very dark here.

It seems that there are not many dark corners in the world.

The strong is still respected, and the winner is king.

"Old sir, how should we go? Is there a car seller nearby?" Ye Chen looked around and asked suspiciously.

And Lu Yechen's words shocked the old man even more.

Buy a car?

In order to go to the trading zone deep in the island, he thought of buying a car. How rich this owner should be.

The old man relieved for a moment before he really suppressed the shock in his heart, and explained: "My lord, the trading place is deep, and you can't buy anything outside. But my nephew rents out here, let's go and sit in his The car is ready."

"Well, okay, you can arrange it." Ye Chen nodded, expressing peace of mind for him.

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