This moved the old man for a while.

Soon, the old man took Ye Chen to the place where his nephew often solicited customers.

After a while, the eldest nephew came back.

Had it not been for the old nephew of the old man, No.1 and Alice would think this taxi driver was not a good person.

Because he is so vicious.

But the long fierceness is also one of the roots of standing here.

He sent Ye Chen to the middle of the island, and Ye Chen gave him a thousand grape coins as the fare, and shocked his elder nephew once more.

The outer periphery of the island is a pier, the inner periphery is a residential area, and most of the residential area is a small courtyard.

In the depths is the trade zone. Tall buildings are built in the trade zone. It looks like a big city with a good sense of sight, and it has a breath of dragon architecture.

This made Ye Chen suspect that the island was built by the people of Longguo.

There are many asphalt roads with high-rise buildings.

Various things are sold on the facade on the first floor.

Ye Chen strolled around slowly.

Along the way, Ye Chen saw a lot of contraband items for sale.

And here, it was sold so blatantly.

No matter if you encounter a commissary, there is a chicken shop, and you can tell what it is for at a glance.

Moreover, the hardware store here not only sells hardware, but also accessories for firearms and weapons.

"Can everyone here be equipped with a gun?" Ye Chen was suspicious.

The old man immediately explained: "You can equip a gun here, but you can't use it. If you don't, you will be arrested by the patrol, and severe cases will be executed on the spot."

"Buy some guns."

Ye Chen looked at the door of the hardware store for a while, then turned and went into the weapon shop next door.

With the demonstration of the hardware store, the weapon store will definitely not be a toy, it must be a real weapon.

So Ye Chen and his party took the lead in entering the weapon shop.

The trading area is small, with only a dozen high-rise buildings for sale.

But at a glance, everything you can basically think of can be bought here.

When you enter the weapon shop, all types of guns such as pistols, rifles, and sniper rifles are placed on the counter.

The ones placed on the ground are even more outrageous. What about howitzers, bazookas, mortars, landmines, etc.

This weapon shop contains most types of weapons.

Even the advanced weapons reported in military news-air defense missiles are sold.

For a moment, Ye Chen was dazzled.

Even Number One was dazzled.

Although she is very knowledgeable, they are all issued by the state, and she has never seen so many different weapons.

"Sir, you need something. We basically have everything you can think of."

The shop owner smiled slightly and introduced him neither humble nor arrogant.

Ye Chen glanced around, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said: "Pack all, the weapons available in the store, I want them all."


The shop owner was taken aback and didn't react.

"My master said, all the weapons available in the shop are needed." Number One repeated at this moment.

Although the owner of the shop is from Longguo and Ye Chen is also from Longguo, this is an area on the high seas and does not belong to any country, so the communication is also in English.

Fortunately, everyone basically knows English.

Even elders who have never set foot on land can understand some simple things.

"All? Are you sure? Do you know how much my weapons are worth?" The shop owner still couldn't believe it.

"Don't you know how much money is, don't worry, don't talk about your small store, I will pack the things in this building." Ye Chen replied faintly.

This frightened the store owner.

"The whole building? Just talk about his shop, or even a few billions. After all, just talking about a few anti-aircraft missiles and rocket launchers and radars are very valuable."

The shop owner was silent for a moment, and looked at Ye Chen more carefully, and finally he half-trusted the clerk to count.

After all, such a large order is rare.

After a while, the clerk came up with the statistics and whispered: "Forty-five pistols, 170 rifles, 200 grenades, anti-aircraft guns... rocket launchers... radar system vehicles... a total of forty-five. Billion seven thousand six hundred and nine..."

The clerk reported a number, and the audience was silent.

At this time, a few customers just walked in, and were shocked by the clerk's report.

"Can I swipe the card?" Ye Chen took out a bank card.

The shop owner was immediately dumbfounded.

"Kari really has so much money?"

"No other places, but Erlong Island can definitely be credited."

The shop owner took a deep breath, accepted Ye Chen's card, and swiped away several billion with a single swipe.

"Well, this is my phone number. Pack everything and send it to the dock before dark. I will buy a boat and get it on board." Ye Chen nodded.

"Okay sir, welcome to come again next time." The shop owner directly sent Ye Chen to the door.

After Ye Chen left, he quickly returned to the store, dialed a phone call, and said gravely: "Boss, there is a Longguo man who bought all the weapons."

"Oh, I see."


After Ye Chen left, the shop owner made a mysterious phone call.

But Ye Chen didn't know all of this.

Of course, even if Ye Chen knew it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, it is normal to spend billions of dollars at a time.

Leaving the weapon shop, Ye Chen went to the hardware shop again and bought all the existing bullets and accessories.

After buying an empty hardware store, Ye Chen entered the other shops next to him one by one, and strolled over one by one.

On the contrary, Ye Chen basically bought everything that could not be bought in China.

After a while, Ye Chen's movements attracted the attention of a large number of people.

The guests and locals on the street all followed Ye Chen curiously, wanting to see how much he had to buy.

Not long after, Ye Chen followed a dark crowd behind him.

"Look, he entered a building materials store..."

Everything sold in building materials stores is normal. There are all kinds of reinforced concrete, stone bricks and porcelain slabs.

The crowd didn't look shocked when they saw this, and they gathered around the door. After Ye Chen came out, they would continue to follow Ye Chen to stroll around.

What everyone didn't expect was that after Ye Chen entered the building materials store, he looked the same as in other stores. He still said lightly: "I want everything in the store, and leave another phone call. It’s not enough. Buy again."

What an ordinary sentence, but appearing on Erlong Island is indeed so shocking.

After all, the things sold here are very special and expensive.

"Look, he has gone to the talent market, is he going to buy people?"

"Really, he really entered the talent market. He won't buy all the people in the talent market..."

When everyone saw this, their eyes widened.

For other shops, they were just shocked, but for the talent market, they were all very yearning.

Because the talent market here is different from other places.

The talents here can be bought and sold.

You can buy scientists, beauties, and guards.

Because these talents basically have criminal records, there is nowhere to escape and come here to sell their own.

Of course, there are still many people who were sold here by high-level leaders in their own countries, and even more were caught here with sins on their backs.

In the talent market, real people are bought, which can be regarded as a kind of golden cave for the people here.

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