Many people who have money will buy some people back to enrich their power.

Of course, Ye Chen didn't know.

It wasn't until Ye Chen entered the talent market that the elders around him quickly explained to him.

After hearing the explanation, Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and still chose to go in.

After all, he wanted to take a look at such a special existence.

As soon as Ye Chen entered, the crowd blocked the door again.

Only some people who thought they were awesome followed in, pretending to be shopping, and looking around, in fact, their eyes were still on Ye Chen secretly.

The store owner of the talent market obviously knew the news of Ye Chen’s crazy purchasing. He greeted him and said with a smile: "Sir, welcome, what kind of sir would you like to buy. Do you need a nursing home or a servant slave? Or It’s a scientist..."

Ye Chen glanced lightly.

I found that high-level talents are sitting in their seats, as if applying for a job.

Only the low-ranking people are crowded together.

After the store owner explained it, Ye Chen realized that it turned out that high-level talents need to be paid on a monthly basis, and low-level talents are basically a one-time buyout.

"The biologist *** has won the Nobel Prize twice, aged fifty-six...fleeing the country due to crime..."

Suddenly, Ye Chen saw an elderly man sitting on a comfortable leather sofa.

And his profile attracted Ye Chen's attention.

Are biologists all here to sell themselves?

Seeing Ye Chen's puzzled gaze, the biologist said lightly: "I just want to find a quiet place where I can study biology without being disturbed!"

"I bought it." Ye Chen pointed at him, and then said lightly: "All the scientists want it."

"Good." The store owner was so excited that the scientists packed up and prepared to go with Ye Chen.

After buying the scientist, Ye Chen was ready to leave!

But at this moment, a person suddenly stopped Ye Chen and said in an excited voice: "Sir, buy me, buy me."

Ye Chen turned around and found that it was a man in a suit and leather shoes.

In his introduction, he wrote: "Top architects, proficient in house design, etc."

Seeing this title, Ye Chen asked: "I just need to design a building for my island, can you do it?"

"It works, absolutely works. I am a master architect known as an infrastructure madman, and I absolutely satisfy you. Look, this is my design blueprint, but I haven't had a chance to build it yet."

The architect took out a drawing. The building painted on it has a unique shape, which looks very attractive, and even has a sci-fi feeling.

It seems that if this building is built, the world will enter the age of science fiction ahead of schedule.

Ye Chen had a heartbeat. Just as he was about to speak, the biochemical man beside him suddenly said: "Master, I can design this kind of drawing at hand, and the design is even more high-end than this."

"Oh?" Ye Chen was stunned. The biochemical people rewarded by this system still have this kind of function?

However, the system seems to have said that the biochemical man has all the knowledge that Bluestar currently has, and it is estimated that the design drawings are not a problem.

But can a biochemical man really be able to do something that requires brain power?

Seeing Ye Chen's doubts, the biochemical man knew that it was time for him to act, so he picked up the pen and paper on the table and scribbled.

In just one minute, he drew a more sci-fi tall building.

Comparing the two drawings, immediately judge which one is stronger and weaker.

"Fuck! This young man's subordinates are so powerful?"

"Where is he sacred... What a great drawing."

"This kind of building actually has a suspension lane? If this kind of building can really be built, will we immediately enter a new era?"


Everyone was shocked and stunned looking at the drawings.

Because this kind of blueprint only appears in those comics with open minds, it can't really be implemented at all.

The architect was also dumbfounded.

He is a student of architecture. Whether it can be built or not can be understood by looking at the drawings.

So after seeing the biochemical man’s picture, he was dumbfounded and his self-confidence was greatly affected. He muttered to himself: "It's impossible...It's unscientific...No one is crazier than me? No, I don't believe it. ..."

"It seems that this master architect is far worse than his own biochemical man."

Ye Chen understood right away, and said lightly: "The performance is good, the construction of the island will be left to you to design in the future, and the design will be based on this science fiction."

"Yes, Master." The biochemical man replied blankly.

"Let's go!" Ye Chen turned to leave.

But the architect hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, sir. The building he designed is flashy. Although it looks good, it is useless and a waste of materials."

"Oh? Where is the material waste?" Ye Chen also wanted to hear what the architect could say.

The architect hurriedly said: "Look, sir, there are traffic lights upstairs. Isn't it a waste to install the traffic lights on the half-floor and the top floor? Whose car can drive into the sky?"

"Also, there are so many display screens on the roof. Who can see dozens of floors of tall buildings? Isn't this a waste?"

The architect pointed out several problems in succession, which made everyone suddenly realize.

Of course, only Ye Chen was expressionless.

Ye Chen glanced at the display screen and the traffic lights in the air. He did not notice these details just now.

Now I noticed it, but found that there is no violation, because he has obtained the suspension technology and anti-gravity technology.

It seems that the biochemical man does have all the technologies already available on the Blue Star, otherwise he would not have designed these things.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen was even more relieved.

Because of these technologies, coupled with the biochemical man, he will be able to create a science fiction island.

Ye Chenqing couldn't help but grinned and said: "You don't understand, these will be used soon, and then my island will be famous all over the world."

Having said that, Ye Chen didn't have the slightest nostalgia, turned around and left.

The architect was left with a dazed look, and he didn't just believe that, after decades of research, he was no better than a young man's hand-drawn drawings.

"Oh no..." The architect screamed up to the sky.

The shop owner hurriedly covered his ears, frowned and said, "Big brother, keep your voice down."


Leaving the talent market, Ye Chen continued to stroll around.

Even the remaining half a day was all spent on purchasing.

In addition to regular purchases, Ye Chen also bought many yachts, ferries and helicopters.

He sold everything he didn't have on the island.

After this purchase, I almost sold out Erlong Island's high-end things.

At night, all the items were loaded on the ship and headed towards Ye Chen's private island.

Ye Chen sat on the boat and counted today's expenses.

I don't know this, but Ye Chen is very excited. Because he actually spent 220 billion Dragon Coins...

Two hundred and twenty billion, converted into points is two thousand two hundred points.

Twenty-two draws are ready.

Even if it were all consolation prizes, Ye Chen could get RMB 22,000.

This money is spent.

Not only has there been no loss, but it has made even greater profits.

Ye Chen sat on a battleship, facing the sea, blowing a cool breeze.

This battleship is the best ship on Erlong Island.

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