After all, on the high seas, the ships sold are basically combat or defensive types.

The kind you can deal with when facing pirates.

On the body of Ye Chen's battleship were written four characters-Future Island.

Yes, it is the island of the future.

This is when Ye Chen named his island, so he engraved these four characters on the ship.

Ye Chen also decided to go back and create a logo for the science fiction island, planning to use a small hill to carve these four characters.

Behind the battleship, followed by a huge fleet.

Blowing pairs have different levels and are loaded with all kinds of things.

Some were loaded with weapons, some were loaded with cement and sand, and some were loaded with large machinery and oil, all of which were purchased by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's purchase alone has filled the entire fleet.

"System, start ten consecutive rotations."

Facing more than 2,000 points, Ye Chen directly chose the turntable.

Soon, the turntable was over, and Ye Chen won 18 consolation prizes, totaling 18 trillion dragon coins. And two third prizes, two pieces of the best spirit stone.

As for the remaining two turntable opportunities, Ye Chen felt that it was a waste to use them.

I am going to continue to make up ten times for the next ten consecutive revolutions.

At this point, Ye Chen already had four top-quality spirit stones, which were cosmic spars.

Although it is not used now, it will definitely be used in the future, and it is still very rare and precious.

Back on the island, the fleet shocked all the original residents.

Under Ye Chen's arrangement, the biochemical man quickly designed the drawings for Ye Chen to choose.

In the end, the biochemical man designed a brand new future island and was selected by Ye Chen.

The village is close to the sea and is the only exit from the island.

And the design of the drawings is to build high-rise buildings and air tracks here.

In the center of the island, an underground research room and an assembly field on the ground are established.

As the name suggests, the research room is a place to study things.

The ground assembly field is relatively large, and it is used to assemble and experiment various technological products. Moreover, the largest assembly site is designed with a rocket launch pad for assembling rockets.

This is the request from Ye Chen.

Because sooner or later he will go to space and activate the god-level selection system.

Thinking of relying on other people's technology to enter space, I don't have a sense of trust in something I built.

Just take precautions.

Even if the boarding is far away, you must plan ahead.

After all this was done, construction of the island began.

All the original residents stopped fishing, and they were all dragged to the construction site by Ye Chen.

They also sent people to Erlong Island to hire workers with high salaries.

For this reason, Ye Chen also deliberately spent two days on the future island.

When everything started to go according to plan, Ye Chen decided to leave the island.

A hundred biochemical people, all stay on the island to assist in construction.

With their high-tech help, coupled with Ye Chen's spending money like earth, I believe it won't be long before this island will be born.

"Hurry up! Work hard and strive to complete all foundation works within three days!"

"Brothers, work hard, strive for an early completion and get the Lord's reward..."

The islands are going all the way up.

Countless workers get together.

And all kinds of cheering words happened in countless teams.

What Ye Chen gave them was not a daily salary, nor a monthly salary, but a direct contract.

For example, who will dig this piece of land, who will mine the stone, who will make the cement, who will lay the line, etc...

For this reason, Ye Chen directly put 100 billion dragon coins on the island for construction.

In addition to basic purchases, 100 billion can be shared by the whole as soon as possible.

And workers who complete the work within the specified time can get double the wages.

Workers who finish overtime can get three times their wages.

Calculating simply, after the island is built, even the lowest-level mason can get tens of millions of Dragon Coins.

And the construction period limit cannot exceed one month at the latest.

In other words, working here for a month will earn at least 10 million yuan.

The top high salary has completely attracted the attention of everyone nearby.

By the time Ye Chen left, most of the workers around the island had already gathered in the future, which amounted to tens of thousands.

And when Ye Chen arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, he received daily news from the biochemical man.

He said that the surrounding pirates heard the wind and asked to join the island construction.

Some pirates even disbanded for this reason.

As of this evening, more than 60,000 workers have gathered on the island.

This number shocked Ye Chen severely.

The charm of money is so terrifying.

"Master, there are still many islands coming in one after another, should we accept it?" The biochemical man asked Ye Chen for his opinion.

Ye Chen immediately said: "Receive, come as much as you need, and after the construction period is over, you can settle down according to the workload and have the official identity of the island. You can figure out the specific things. In addition, I will send you 100 billion in the past, not enough to talk about it. ."

"Yes, master." The biochemical man has no idea about anything.

In his mind, whether it is money or wealth rights, it is all data.

After the phone call with Biochemical Man, Ye Chen's boat also drove to a port outside the capital.

On the port!

People come and go.

Especially the berthing stations of commercial ships are crowded with people.

One by one, beautiful women in suits, leather suits and long skirts were walking on the square.

Some women and girls sent men out to sea, and some parents and sisters raised their feet to watch the return of their loved ones.

In short, the people here are very lively.

Only at this time, a row of luxury convoys suddenly drove to the edge of the square and attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow, look, supercar team!"

"Shit! A great sports car, Lamborghini, Koenigsegg, and Porsche..."

"Damn, so many luxury cars, if you give me one, will I still use it to go to sea? Oh, envious and jealous..."

Everyone's eyes all looked over.

Men envy and jealous, women's eyes shine.

If the appearance of the team only caused a sudden, then the next scene can be called shock.

Because after this convoy stopped, the leading Lamborghini and Koenigsegg opened the doors at the same time, and two super beautiful women came down.

A blue denim with a white T-shirt and a perfect figure. One was wearing a sexy suspender dress and big sunglasses, looking full of seduction.

Both women have top looks.

Just looking at it makes people unable to help but fall into it.

He was stunned to see the man around him.

Even those women can't wait to undergo sex reassignment surgery and become men so they can hook up these two super-running beauties.

"Yueying! If the chairman gets on my car later, don't feel wronged."

The sexy woman in a black suspender dress, holding sunglasses in one hand and pinching her waist in the other, is graceful and graceful.

Of course the other woman wearing youth is Liu Yueying.

Liu Yueying pursed her mouth and said, "That's hard to say, maybe the young master misses me too and wants to get in my car."

"Hey, you're right, you can't say anything. Look at my dress today, not sexy, do you think the chairman is itchy..." Mary rolled her eyes, very confident.

This sentence made Liu Yueying very helpless.

After all, she is really no better than Mary in terms of sexiness.

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