Ye Chen could only accept it.

Now that it's accepted, let's take a look, or it would be too shameful for the second sister.

So Ye Chen slowly opened the first page and started to read it.

Looking at it, Ye Chen was fascinated.

Because the first page introduces the human body's veins and the methods of sensing aura.

He only glanced at it, and he felt the existence of aura around him.

And the aura seemed to be conscious, all rushing towards his body.

Suddenly, Ye Chen's aura automatically operated.

And every time it turns, the muscle blood will strengthen by one point.

Ye Chen didn't even need to worry about it, they worked like consciously, endlessly.

After reading a book, Ye Chen felt that his strength had increased again.

At this moment, he felt that a powerful person could stop a speeding car, and felt that the strong skin could hardly hit the steel plate.

It is estimated that even ordinary bullets can hardly cause substantial damage to him.

This is the strength to cultivate to the top realm.

Combat power 999+! The realm is the spirit of Jiudan! Kill any Blue Star people!

"Ding! Fighting power test, 799!"

When Ye Chen looked at Ye Qingzhu, he saw such a number.

799 combat power.

Worthy of being a great commander of the Dragon Kingdom.

"Second sister! I have finished watching, I will practice when I have time, and rest early."

Ye Chen put away the books and got up to go back to the room.

"Wait a minute, wait. I have something else. The Dragon Lord, our Lord Long Country President, wants to betroth the youngest daughter to you, what do you think!" Ye Qingzhu suddenly stopped Ye Chen, and He said a choice that made Ye Chen a big head.

The youngest daughter of the Dragon Lord?

Is that Long Ling'er?

Ye Chen thought of the girl that he met in Mangshan racing that night.

The long one is pretty.

But he already has several women.

She is a princess.

If he knew that he had so many women, would he cause trouble to his upper body and implicate his family?

Thinking of this, Ye Chen shuddered all over.

Although he is strong, he is still under great pressure in the face of the king of a country.

So unnecessary troubles, there is no need to stop them.

Ye Chen immediately shook his head and said, "Second sister, I have a girlfriend, and there are still several, you don't know."

"On the surface, I have Yun Yun, I have Mary in private, and Alice who just brought it back from abroad today. If this is known to the princess, wouldn't it be troublesome? Second sister, you should think of a way to get rid of this marriage. "

Ye Chen's explanation caused Ye Qingzhu to roll his eyes on the spot, and said helplessly: "You little flower-hearted ghost, I almost forgot. Fortunately, I didn't directly agree to the dragon lord. But I can't guarantee whether I can get rid of it. , After all, it was mentioned by the dragon master himself, if you really can’t push it off, you can only marry the princess.”

Ye Chen: "..."

"Hehehe, second sister, I believe you. By the way, second sister, I also have a good thing for you."

With that said, Ye Chen fumbled for a while from his pocket and found out a piece of the best spirit stone.

"What is this?" Although Ye Qingzhu didn't understand, he was still shocked by the exquisiteness of the Lingshi.

As a group capable of cultivating, she also felt a kind of spiritual energy on the spirit stone.

Looking at the inner space of Lingshi, although the space is small, the white mist above seems to contain endless aura. Inexhaustible.

Ye Chen put the spirit stone in her hand and said, "This is a spirit stone. According to the spiritual power you gave me just now, it seems that you can inhale the spiritual power from the spirit stone into your body to speed up the speed of cultivation."

"The legendary spirit stone? It turns out that this thing really exists."

Ye Qingzhu said in shock: "Brother, how come you have such precious things."

"Hehe, I found it by accident." Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Qingzhu looked at Ye Chen, and found that she couldn't see through her younger brother more and more, and solemnly said: "Brother, such precious things, you can keep them for yourself. The second sister is already very good, there is no need to waste good things. "

"Um! Second sister, I still have three yuan, you can rest assured to use it, don't waste it."

Ye Chen smiled and took out three more spiritual stones.

Ye Qingzhu was completely shocked.

Because this thing is only recorded in the classics.

It appeared now, but it still appeared in his younger brother's hand.

Ye Qingzhu sighed as he looked at the other three spirit stones.

She knew that her situation was smaller, and she was far inferior to her younger brother.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingzhu was excited again.

After all, if the younger brother is strong, Ye Jiaqiang.

Ye Jiaqiang, the sisters are strong.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingzhu nodded, and accepted the top-quality spiritual stone.

When Ye Chen saw this, he got up and said, "Second sister, the marriage to the princess, you should think of ways, let's try not to get involved with the royal family. I went back to the house, and you should rest early."

After that, Ye Chen got up and went back to the room.

Ye Qingzhu was left holding the spirit stone helplessly, thinking about what excuses should be found to refuse this marriage.

Ye Chen turned back to the room.

There are computers and TVs in the rooms.

Ye Chen hasn't played computer games for a long time.

Since graduation, the pressure of life has left him breathless.

After I have money, I am smart all day and I don't have time to play games.

Now his career and future are stable, so he will be very leisurely during this time.

It is estimated that until the construction of the future island is completed, he has nothing to worry about.

Take this opportunity to have fun with your favorite game before.

Ye Chen turned on the computer and clicked on the league game.

This game is the only game he has played in college for many years.

I believe it is also a game that many people have played.

Although there have been some very popular games in the middle, such as eating chicken, online games and so on. But these games will eventually be lonely, only the alliance will endure.

Soon, the game was successfully matched and entered the hero selection page.

As a Wannian jungler!

Ninety-nine percent of Ye Chen's positions are junglers.

So after the page jumped, Ye Chen directly chose the expert jungler, the Promise Juggernaut.

As for what the teammates choose, it doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter what cooperation is not.

Anyway, just match the plug.

So when Ye Chen chose the Juggernaut, there was a series of verbal abuse in the chat box.

Greetings from teammates came from the chat box.

"I'll throw you a cross, grab Laozi's place!"

"Sb jungler, did you choose a jungler without seeing me?"

"Lost! It's all in seconds."

"If that's the case, don't blame me for being polite."

When Ye Chen finished reading the content in the chat box, he looked up and found that the other four teammates had also selected characters. And all tm are jungle heroes.

In other words, in addition to Ye Chen's Juggernaut, the other candidates are the jungler Xin Zhao, the jungler blind monk, the jungler Demacia, and the jungler Yasuo.

Ye Chen: "..."

It seems that two strange characters have mixed in!

Demacia and Hayate Swordsman are not jungle heroes at all, well, isn't this messing up?

"Also play a fart!"

Ye Chen rolled his eyes and moved directly to the thought of hanging up.

But at this moment, the sound of the system suddenly rang in his mind, causing Ye Chen to stop shutting down.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has the idea of ​​hanging up, and the host has a unique choice."

"Choose 1: Keep playing and reward one hundred communities! The rewards will be randomly selected in communities across the country."

"Choose two, hang up, reward one hundred Lamborghini sports cars, each worth 100 million!"

Ye Chen: "..."

"F*ck! Playing a game triggered such a big reward."

Ye Chen looked dumbfounded.

The whole country randomly chooses one hundred companies to reward him, or one hundred Lamborghini.

I am afraid that the normal mind will choose the community.

After all, a community can have more than one hundred million, and any community is worth several hundred million. If a better one is selected, it is estimated that a family will be worth several billions, or even several tens of billions.

So Ye Chen chose the first one without a doubt.

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