Choose to continue playing.

Isn't it just five junglers? What can you hold back!

For a hundred communities, just play around with the people on the other side.

Ye Chen adjusted his sitting posture and prepared for the game.

For the five heroes on the opposite side, the lineup is barely reasonable, with both middle and upper levels.

They are Stone Man on the Road, Timo in the Middle, Cannon on the Bottom Road, and Ezreal, all heroes with low health.

The screen loads and enters the game.

"Ding! One hundred communities have been successfully distributed, the real estate has automatically established a company, and the company documents are on the computer desk in front of the host."

As soon as you enter the game, the rewards are paid.

Ye Chen looked and found a thick pile of documents on the computer desk.

It is the one hundred communities.

After a glance, the value of these 100 communities is almost 300 billion.

After a while, Ye Chen's heart became excited.

After all, to play a game, it is the joint efforts of several generations.

Therefore, Ye Chen's heart to play games suddenly became hot.

So a big battle unfolded in the game.

The game of League is a game of pushing towers.

So the early teammates have been developing, but there is no big battle.

Until Ye Chen carried out a wave of sneak attacks to get a head, the voice of the system came in his mind, and Ye Chen broke out completely.

"Ding! Killing enemies in the host game is detected, and the host has the following options."

"Option 1: Continue to kill, you can get 100 billion for every person killed."

"Choice 2: Push the tower directly, reward 100 billion for each tower down."

"Wipe! Crazy, the system is crazy."

There are a total of eleven defensive towers in the alliance. It's not crazy what it is.

Moreover, you can get one hundred billion with one head. Is there anything in this world that is crazier than this?

After a battle, take a dozen heads at random, which is more than one trillion.

After Ye Chen figured it out, his mentality exploded on the spot.

The defensive towers are too scattered and difficult to hold.

So Ye Chen decided to take the head.

So such a scene appeared in the game screen.

A swordsman scurried around like a mad dog, seeing whom to cut.

It doesn't matter what level the opponent is, which person it is, and which river channel they encounter.

When the Mad Dog Sword Saint appeared, he opened up, and when he went up, he slashed wildly.



"The Promise Way..."

"woo woo woo woo……"

For a while, Ye Chen's Juggernaut completely exploded in the game and became a feared opponent.

In just over ten minutes, Ye Chen used the Juggernaut to obtain eight heads and obtained 800 billion Dragon Coins.

By this time, the game had progressed more than halfway, and the tower of Ye Chen's side had been pushed for the most part, leaving only the Highland Tower.

After all, five junglers, all with punishment.

The response is really difficult.

Although Ye Chen was holding a human head, he died more often than he took a human head.

The teammates are even more unreliable, one is more than one.

Seeing that it won't be long before the game will be ended by losing, Ye Chen yelled badly.

"No, the opportunity is rare, I will seize the time to kill people."

Ye Chen thought for a while and sent such a message in the chat box.

"Brothers! Be sure to guard them, keep them away, don't let them hug, help me get the heads, I will pay 10,000 heads per head, and transfer the red envelopes to you. Believe my direct signal, I will transfer the money immediately."

"F*ck! Really?"

"Brother, are you kidding me!"

"Brother? Ten thousand per person, are you sure you are serious?"

After a while, a series of strong questions popped up in the chat box.

Did not believe that what Ye Chen said was true.

After all, 10,000 is not a small number.

But Ye Chen asked them to give a prestige signal again, feeling that he wanted to transfer money again.

The teammates struggled for a few seconds, and one after another reported their threats. After all, there is no loss in reporting a number.

"Agshajg5454 chandelier"

"Adiqw44 greatly"


In a short while, the threats of the four teammates all exploded.

Ye Chen added them one by one, and then each transferred 10,000 to them.

When the red envelope arrived, all four teammates were shocked and dumbfounded.

"There are really red envelopes, I received them."

"I also received it, ten thousand yuan."

"F*ck, brothers, the opportunity to make money is here, hurry up and stand up!"

All of a sudden, the teammates were like chicken blood. After resurrecting one by one, no one was running around, they all guarded at the door of the house, preventing the enemy from attacking.

As long as the opponent attacks, they retreat. The other side retreated, they guarded the door and launched a see-saw defensive battle.

After a see-saw! The enemy no longer attacked strongly, and began to scatter to the wild area to harvest.

Taking advantage of this time, teammates began to help Ye Chen to catch people.

"Boss, this residual blood, come here soon!"

A word appeared in the chat box, Demacia frantically signaled on the map.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen hurried over there.

"Boss, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore!"

When Ye Chen arrived, Demacia was already bloodied.

In order to give up this head to Ye Chen, he did not resist one by one, letting the opponent attack.

Fortunately, before he was dying, Ye Chen's sword sage suddenly jumped out of the grass and displayed an Alpha assault, taking the opponent's head.

"Ding! A hundred million arrived!"

After receiving the money, Ye Chen hurriedly transferred another ten thousand to that person.

"Damn! No way, the money was made by Dema! I don't want to stay home anymore."

"Brother! Brother! Let's talk about it, let's talk about whether we can help the boss take the head for one, or else we will lose the game if we don't guard the house."

"Well, three people guard the house, one person will help the boss take the head, and the next one will be replaced after death!"

After a while, the teammates discussed a plan.

In order to make money, they want to get rid of their minds!

But Ye Chen is also busy!

Busy taking heads, but also busy transferring money to teammates.

But when Ye Chen was in full swing, suddenly he didn't know that there were two more Longqi vehicles downstairs.

Some guests came to visit at this time.


The arrival of the Longcheer represents the arrival of Longting.

Because normally, only Longting and officials will drive Longqi vehicles.

And those who open the Dragon Banner in the capital are basically high officials, or their family members.

The people who came were no one else, but Long Ling'er and Long Aotian.

The two brothers and sisters are all targeting Ye Chen.

It's just that both parties didn't show their thoughts, thinking that the other party was looking for Ye Qingzhu.

Ye Qingzhu got the report and hurried to greet him.

"Sister Qingzhu, hug."

Long Ling'er was very excited to see Ye Qingzhu, and asked for a hug.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two sisters is still quite good, there is no courtesy of superiors and subordinates.

It's just that when Ye Qingzhu saw Long Aotian who was following him, his brows wrinkled slightly and said, "His Royal Highness is also here."

"I heard that the Qingshuai family was reunited and moved to a new house. I always wanted to find time to come and see, who would have wanted to be free today."

Long Aotian didn't have any airs, and said with a smile: "This is a little gift. It is a joy to congratulate Qing Shuai on the housewarming. I hope Qing Shuai will not dislike it."

"His Royal Highness is polite, please come inside."

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