After waking up, Nie Fei washed up, ate breakfast, and walked towards the exchange.

At this moment, a group of people in suits and shoes walked towards him.

At the head was a thin old white man wearing a black top hat.

“Hello Mr. Nie!”

“My name is Monchi!”

Looking at Nie Fei, the old man said hello and introduced himself.

“Well, we know each other?”

Startled, Nie Fei asked casually.

“Don’t you know each other now?”

Looking at Nie Fei, Meng Qi said with a smile.


Shrugging his shoulders, Nie Fei’s face was full of indifference.

“Is there something going on?”

Glancing at Monchi, Nie Fei asked curiously.

“Let’s talk at the café?”

Pointing to the café not far away, Monchi suggested.

“No problem!”

Nodding slightly, Nie Fei said casually.

He was a little curious, why was Monchi looking for himself?

Also, how does the other party know themselves?

At the same time, Nie Fei also secretly guessed the origin of Monchi in his heart.

Afterwards, the two groups walked directly into the café.

Then, finding a spot, the two sat down.

The entourage stood around the two.

“Mr. Nie, I want to cooperate with you!”

Staring into Nie Fei’s eyes, Monchi said seriously.


Hearing Meng Qi’s words, Nie Fei smiled.

“IMHO, I don’t even know who you are, how can you cooperate?”

Looking at Monchi with a smile, Nie Fei asked playfully.


Hearing Nie Fei’s words, Meng Qi couldn’t help but be speechless for a while.

His subordinates were full of strange faces.

“I have a venture capital firm in NY with a market capitalization of tens of billions of dollars!”

After a moment of silence, Monchi said.

Hearing Meng Qi’s words, Nie Fei couldn’t help but be slightly startled, and then thought of Kubo.

“So it’s a speculator?”

In his heart, Nie Fei muttered secretly.

“And then?”

Coming back to his senses, Nie Fei asked with a smile.

“W City and K Bar are two groups, are you interested in getting them listed on Wall Street?”

“I can help you!”

Looking at Nie Fei, Meng Qi said with a smile.

“Not interested!”

Without thinking about it, Nie Fei shook his head directly.


Are you kidding?

What’s more, he didn’t think that the other party would be so kind to help him.

You know, it has always been very difficult for Hua Guogong to go public on Wall Street.

Moreover, the two groups seem to be underqualified.


Probably, the other party intends to take the opportunity to control the two groups?

In his heart, Nie Fei secretly guessed.

Don’t say that there are no doors, no windows!


His industry will not go public!

He’s not bad for money!

He also likes absolute control!


Hearing Nie Fei’s answer, Meng Qi couldn’t help but be stunned.

Also, it’s puzzling.

Refusal to list?

Is it bad to go public with money?

“Mr. Nie, I think you misunderstood!”

“I’m not interested in controlling the company!”

“As long as your two companies are listed, you can completely AB share model!”

As if guessing Nie Fei’s thoughts, Monchi explained.

“In this way, while crazy money, you will not lose control of the company!”

He then added.

“Sounds good!”

“Only, why should I let the company go public?”

“Why are you so kind to help me? My company doesn’t seem to be qualified enough, right? ”

Glancing at Monchi, Nie Fei asked with a smile.

Nie Fei’s question gave Monchi a bit of a headache.

“First of all!”

“I help you do an IPO, and the company can profit from it, there is no doubt about it!”


“Qualification issues, you don’t have to worry at all! Because, I can do it! ”

“Finally, going public can make a lot of money, why not go public? Especially, your company is Hua Guo Company, full of gimmicks! ”

“What do you think? Mr. Nie! ”

Looking at Nie Fei, Meng Qi said slowly.

“Still not interested!”

Shaking his head, Nie Fei smiled.


Subconsciously, Monchi asked.

In my heart, I also felt very puzzling.

“Because, I like absolute control!”

“It’s that simple!”

“At the same time, I hate trouble!”

Spreading his hands, Nie Fei replied lightly.

“Thank you Mr. Monchi for your kindness!”

“First of all!”

After speaking, Nie Fei directly stood up and left.

Once again, he walked in the direction of the exchange.

“What an interesting guy!”

“It is worthy of being such a miserable young man who pit the Yamamoto family!”


Looking at Nie Fei’s back, Meng Qi muttered.

A meaningful smile also appeared on his face.

After thinking about it, he dialed a phone.

“Hey! Old man! ”

“Monchi-kun, how’s it going?”

On the other end of the phone, an impatient voice sounded.

“Nie Fei refused to let his company go public!”

Shaking his head, Monchi said.


“How is that possible?”

“He doesn’t agree to this?”

Hearing Monchi’s words, the other party felt very puzzled.

“That’s the truth!”

Shaking his head, Monchi said.

“I owe you the favor of the Yamamoto family, and I pay it back!”

“Next, love can’t help!”

“I’m so sorry!”

After speaking, Monchi hung up the phone directly.

That’s right!

In fact, the reason why he invited Nie Fei to do an IPO was to pit Nie Fei and help the Yamamoto family take revenge.

Unfortunately, Nie Fei refused.

So, he didn’t have a bad time!

Threatening Nie Fei?

This question, Monchi did not think about, nor did he think so unexpectedly.

For Nie Fei, he still knows a little about it.

A true genius!

A true hero!

As a qualified businessman, he felt that such a young man with unlimited potential would still be less troublesome.

R. Yamamoto family.

Hanging up the phone, the patriarch of the Yamamoto family sighed unconsciously.


“Monchi this bastard!”

“It’s really ungrateful!”

“This is also called returning favors?”


“What a bastard!”

In anger, he began to smash things like crazy.

However, after calming down, his face unconsciously showed helplessness.

He understood that Monchi’s choice was understandable and very correct.

The mall is like a battlefield!

Profit is the first thing!

Others, not important?

At least, the patriarch of the Yamamoto family also thinks so.

In the conference room, I saw the crazy performance of the patriarch of the Yamamoto family.

Everyone was so frightened that they didn’t dare to penetrate the atmosphere, for fear of provoking him.

Because everyone knows that during this time, the patriarch is very emotionally unstable.

“Nie Fei!”

Exhaling, the patriarch of the Yamamoto family showed helplessness on his face.

How to take revenge?

For a while, he really didn’t have any good solutions.

Nie Fei?

This guy has now stepped into the hall of the Wall Street Exchange.

A smile also appeared on his face.

Indifferent smile! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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