After staying at the exchange for half a day, Nie Fei left.

However, he did not make any moves.

This makes many interest groups that pay attention to him a little inexplicable.

Will Nie Fei be such a boring person?

Think about it, many people find it strange!

Also, think impossible!

It’s just, what is Nie Fei going to do?

This makes them feel very puzzling!


However, soon they understood what Nie Fei was going to do.

The next day, the stock market opened, and Nie Fei’s team began to act.

A steady stream of money went directly to Wall Street.

In a few days, nearly $5 billion in cash flow was smashed into the stock market.

There is no doubt that this is Nie Fei’s handwriting.

His goal is very clear, just a few stocks.

And these stocks are all state-owned by country M.

As a result, in just a few days, the stock prices of several stocks skyrocketed.

Countless people also followed the trend and bought wildly.

What’s more interesting is that probably country M is too confident.

They actually chose to issue additional shares at this time.

Or, cash out?

The stocks that Nie Fei bought also rose by at least half.

“I see how far you go!”

Muttering a word, Nie Fei had a smile on his face.

A playful smile!

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of November.

Several stocks continue to rise.

Compared to the previous transaction price, it has now more than doubled.

And at this time, Nie Fei made a move.

Order your team to sell the stocks directly.

On November 31, all the sales were completed, directly accumulating more than 6 billion US dollars.

Excluding commissions, Nie Fei’s pocket money is already as high as $10 billion.

As the saying goes, some people rejoice and some people worry!

Now, Nie Fei is making a lot of money.

However, as he sold his stocks, it also caused a series of chain reactions.

Now, several stocks have plunged a lot.

Countless shareholders, heavy losses.

The market value of a few stock companies has directly evaporated tens of billions of dollars.

Indirect losses, more.

Faced with this situation, countless people were stunned.


Frankly speaking, it was really unexpected!

The major media have also made crazy reports on this.

Wall Street Journal: “Shock! Several large state-owned listed companies have directly evaporated tens of billions of dollars! The hands behind the scenes may amass billions of dollars! ”

HSD Post: “Several stocks that continued to rise have actually plummeted!” All because someone is selling stocks like crazy! Perhaps, the other party has already amassed billions of dollars! A few state-owned stocks have become junk stocks! ”

Asahi Shimbun: “Perhaps, the rules of the global stock market will change!” The destructive power of capital is too strong! Several city companies in country M, such as direct losses, indirect losses are numerous! ”

“The Sun”: “According to the information I received, perhaps, the change in the city is the same as the previous Sniper of the R Yamamoto family!” ”

Le Monde: “Shock! Wall Street is being frenzied! Who is the other party? So tough? ”

The World Economy: “Mysterious, who is it?” Actually directly manipulated the stock market of country M with billions of dollars? ”


It is also because of these reports that this matter has been popular all over the world.

The high-level executives of several major companies, as well as the high-level of country M, are not very good-looking.

Slap in the face!

It’s a slap in the face!

Now, they’re also investigating the matter.

Who dares to soak their wool?

Moreover, let them lose a lot!

In the hotel suite, Nie Fei leisurely watched the news.

Unconsciously, a smile appeared on his face.

“Who told you to have to provoke me?”

Muttering to himself, Nie Fei stretched lazily.

Country M HSD.

In a building, a group of stock market executives and ZF executives have gathered here.

“Did you find out? What the hell is going on here? Well? ”

Sitting on the chief, an old white man asked.

His face can be described as very gloomy.

Hearing his words, everyone fell silent.

“Mr. One, for now, according to our investigation!”

“The capital behind this comes from RS Bank!”

“Moreover, everything in the stock market is legal and reasonable!”

After hesitating, a blonde middle-aged man replied.


Hearing his words, everyone present was speechless for a while.

The look in his eyes is also strange.

Who doesn’t know that this is legal and reasonable?

The problem is that this time country M is a disgrace!

That’s the problem, okay?

What’s more, this time Country M said that it suffered heavy losses!

Otherwise, why would they be sitting here for a high-level meeting?

“So, who is the person behind the scenes?”

After a moment of silence, M One asked.

“Didn’t find out!”

“However, it may be related to Nie Fei!”

After hesitating, the middle-aged man replied.

Hearing his words, everyone couldn’t help but look at each other.

Is it related to Nie Fei again?


“Does he have a feud with several of our state-owned tech companies?”

After a moment of silence, M One asked.

“I’m afraid, it’s because of the X-Technique thing!”



Hearing this answer, everyone gasped.

In this way, Nie Fei has a lot to do with X technology.



Very impressive!

This is their mood now.

Also, I feel very uncomfortable.

You know, no matter what, X technology is a M country enterprise.

At least, in their eyes, it is so.

On the Internet, there is also a discussion voice now.

Hallelujah: “Beautiful! I made a million dollars! Thank God! Unexpectedly, stock trading also has a day to make money…”

Slam Dunk: “Lose to death, all your wealth is gone!” I never dreamed that there were such powerful stocks a few days ago! Now it’s all plummeting! Alas…”

Ignoring everything: “WOW I said, this stock is not up normally!” My friend still doesn’t believe it, but it’s good I didn’t buy it! ”

Trader: “This reminds me of the R country before, is it the same group?” That’s awesome! ”

Fly: “There is one to say!” It is definitely the capitalists who make money this time! Absolute! ”

Laugh at Fengyun: “Awesome!” Ha ha! ”

Back home, seeing the TV news report, Arya couldn’t help but grin.

Of course, she understood that this was Nie Fei’s handwriting.

To be precise, it is because of the trick that helps X-Tech take revenge.

Otherwise, why specifically pick state-owned technology companies in country M?

This is not without reason.

Arya knew this.

“Huh! Deserve! ”

Even, Arya gloated and laughed.

She doesn’t have the slightest sympathy for these tech companies.

If those agents come to X-Technique and finally get the information, who will they give it?

This is an intriguing question.

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