Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1017: : Be a civilized person

"Hahaha, happy, to deal with such a person, you should do this!"

"The little monkey did a great job, just throw it down the mountain!"

"Hahaha, cool..."

"I really like this little monkey more and more. Where can I buy it? I beg the great **** to inform!"

"It's a pleasure, but if you throw them down from the mountain, if something happens, it won't be great, right?"

"Students in front, you may not have been to the zoo yet? Although it is on the mountain, the slopes are not very steep, and the rest is neat. There is no danger in throwing it down!"

"That's good. Although those people are hateful just now, it would be bad if they were killed!"

In the live broadcast room, many people shouted for joy and expressed their high support for Sun Xiaosheng's behavior.

And here, many people were clapping and cheering.

It's just that there are a few of them, I originally wanted to learn from the previous two men and one woman, and took the opportunity to mix in.

As a result, after seeing his end, they all shrank their necks in fright and didn't dare to come out.

One ticket per person is more than one hundred yuan.

Although not expensive, it is not cheap either.

However, instead of being thrown directly down the mountain, it is embarrassing not to say that I have to get hurt.

At that time, who do you want to make sense?

Do you want to find a monkey to beat the secretary? Or is it to ask the zoo directly for compensation?

It doesn't make sense for reason or reason. In itself, they want to avoid tickets first. If they really go to the zoo, there are countless reasons for people to wait for you.

At that time, I'm not sure I still have to suffer.

All in all, this is nothing more than one or two hundred yuan, but it is not worth the gain to make it so complicated.

Those who want to take a small advantage are all silent ruins.

The team who bought tickets to enter the zoo continued to return to normal.

Seeing this scene, Morty was a little relieved. She herself didn't expect that when she came to the gate, she would have captured so many interesting things in just ten minutes.

At the same time, she looked at the number of people in her room, and it turned out that the number of people online had reached nearly one million.

Such a number of people, but she has never had it, can be online nearly one million at the same time, what kind of concept is this?

Even when she was the hottest year, she did not reach such a number at all.

In addition, all kinds of small gifts are constantly on the screen.

This made her mood immediately become extremely excited.

"Well, dear friends, we have already seen the chimpanzees who are responsible for collecting tickets at the entrance of the zoo, so next, Morty will take everyone to see the chimpanzees who are the cleaners. Existence keeps the zoo hygienic and clean all the time. It can be said that they belong to those who silently pay behind their backs, but they are all chimpanzees..." Morty said as he turned to the zoo Go inside.

Not long after I walked, I saw two chimpanzees in front of me, wearing clean clothes, cleaning melon peel and confetti on the ground...

The two chimpanzees have a serious work attitude. They did not use any tools, but bent down, reached out and picked up the melon husks on the ground, and threw them into the trash can.

Such a scene is repeated constantly. As long as there is **** on the ground, they will immediately rush over, clear the rubbish, and keep the ground in a sanitary and clean state.

Chimpanzees are no better than humans. When humans are working, they may be lazy.

These chimpanzees do not. Their job is mainly responsible for the hygiene of these zoos.

Therefore, their work attitude seems extremely serious.

Nowadays, the climate is warming a little bit, especially in the daytime when the huge sun hangs in the sky, emitting waves of heat.

Humans are still unbearable, let alone these chimpanzees?

However, they are extremely serious and responsible for their work. After clearing one place, they will immediately go to the next place.

And with Morty's shooting, it was found that they were all two chimpanzees as a group.

And inseparable, work together and walk together.

From time to time, each other can make some squeaky sounds.

It sounds like it's communicating.

"Huh, these chimps are so pitiful, Sister Morty, can't you let them rest?"

"Poor? Don't Virgin, is this their job, okay?"

"Yes, although chimpanzees are animals, this is their job too!"

"But don't you think these chimpanzees are very pitiful? The weather is so hot, but they have to clean up there. It's really hard!"

"Hehe, instead of feeling distressed about chimpanzees working in the sun, it is better to reflect on why littering in such public places?"

"That is, in recent years, there is often information saying that every day those tourist places cause tons of garbage. Everyone can be civilized and hygienic. Take a garbage dump and dispose of it. Okay, or just throw the garbage in the trash can. Why would this happen?"

"Without rubbish, there would be no chimpanzees picking up rubbish!"

"Don’t feel pitiful when you see everything. In fact, chimpanzees are very capable of working. If they can be trained well, they are more willing to work. This means that there are chimpanzees. Just imagine if the cleaners you see now are not Chimpanzees, but we humans, how much work do they have to endure every day? Can they afford it?"

"Yes, in a word, I don't want to see these chimpanzees work too hard, so start by yourself, don't litter, don't spit, and be a civilized person with quality!"

When Morty saw a barrage like this in the live broadcast room, he almost didn't laugh.

The content of the live broadcast today is nothing more than looking at these chimpanzees, their daily work progress and daily routine.

How did you get involved with protecting the environment, not littering, and being a civilized person?

But think about it carefully, there is really nothing wrong with this statement.

If everyone can be strict with themselves and not litter.

Why bother to make environmental pollution spread so quickly around the world?

And the global ecological crisis will not be so serious?

Morty chuckled. It seems that today's live broadcast content is not only novel, but also has a certain educational effect.

That being said, this is really an unexpected gain!

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