Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1018: : The mysterious orangutan chef

"Don't litter, don't spit anywhere, start with yourself, I believe that after seeing these chimpanzees cleaning staff, everyone will feel a certain amount of emotion!"

"Then next, Morty will take all the friends into the zoo restaurant in person, to meet the legendary orangutans who can cook!"

"Before this, I believe that many friends have a lot of curiosity and a lot of doubts about this, thinking that those are zoo gimmicks, under the guise of orangutans cooking, in fact, there are real chefs behind them, and some Would you think that the sanitary quality of the meals made by these chimpanzees will pass?"

"These are not problems. Today Morty will personally take everyone to the back kitchen of the restaurant and let you witness the authenticity of this with your own eyes!"

Morty held his phone and smiled and said to the camera.

After hearing these words, the fans became anticipating one by one.

They pay attention to this matter, but not a day or two.

Especially in the recent period, the topic of ‘whether orangutans can cook’ has become more noisy and hotter on the Internet.

Many netizens are expressing their opinions, and they have all kinds of opinions and analysis.

Therefore, in order to verify the authenticity of this matter, this is also the highlight of Morty's live broadcast today.

I have to say that Morty is a beautiful girl who is also very smart.

She didn't like to win more eyeballs by twisting her waist like those female anchors who seemed to sell meat.

Instead, she will seize the hot spots and selling points on the Internet to increase her popularity.

Just like now, she offered to stay in the zoo for a period of live broadcast.

And inadvertently, creating a topic of chimpanzee cooking.

Now, she is using this topic to attract the attention and curiosity of many fans.

It must be admitted that she did this.

It has indeed received a high degree of attention, and many fans have concentrated on her, waiting for the last veil to be unveiled.

See if the chimpanzees can keep a hygienic in the kitchen and make delicious dishes.

Because I had already greeted Lin Fan in advance and got Lin Fan's approval.

When she came to the restaurant, she was not stopped by anyone or apes.

In the lobby, Li Qiang, the person in charge of the restaurant, was standing not far away. When he saw Morty, he came over quickly.

"Miss Morty, are you here to live broadcast the chef?" Li Qiang said with a smile.

He is in his forties this year, and he is a rogue himself.

But since he corrected Congliang, he has not been as arrogant as before.

Especially now that she is wearing a suit, she looks more mature.

Morty smiled and nodded: "Manager Li, I have already greeted Director Lin, and want to do some live broadcasts in the back kitchen of the restaurant to see how the chimps are cooking!"

"No problem, Brother Fan has already told me that all arrangements have been made, and you can just go directly!" Li Qiang nodded with a smile.

However, while they were talking, the live broadcast was still on.

When the female fans inside saw Li Qiang, there were people who fell over...

"Wow, that uncle just looked very mature and handsome!"

"Puff, no, you actually like this uncle? I think the director of this zoo is the real handsome guy. He is handsome, young, and rich in gold, which is what a girl thinks. Male god!"

"Cut, the male **** is the male god, that is the sacred existence in the heart, the uncle is different, it is more grounded!"

"Ahem, your taste is really strong!"

Looking at their barrage, Morty didn't say much.

Quietly came to the back kitchen.

Before this, the back kitchen did not allow anyone to enter casually.

Even Li Qiang, the manager of the restaurant, is not allowed to enter the kitchen casually without permission.

You know, those chimpanzees are very grumpy.

If they don't agree, they can chop you with a kitchen knife.

But this time is different, because Lin Fan's permission has already been obtained.

When Morty came here, he would not be treated like this. On the contrary, when Morty just came to the back kitchen, there were two chimpanzees in chef's uniforms, welcoming.

"Dear friends, we have come to the most mysterious place of this restaurant, which is the back chef that everyone is most looking forward to!" Morty said with some excitement.

Hearing this, fans who were still arguing in the live broadcast room just now.

All quieted down one by one.

Through the live broadcast, they can see clearly.

The area of ​​the back kitchen is very large, with dozens of square meters, even though it is quite full.

More than a dozen chimpanzees in chef uniforms are constantly busy.

Some chimpanzees are in charge of cooking, some chimpanzees are in charge of layoffs, and some are just like human chefs, making miscellaneous things.

During their work, they did not make any noise.

Fully concentrate on your own work.

Only occasionally, I will see the chef turning his head and yelling to the deputy ‘squeakyah’.

Such a scene is proceeding in an orderly manner.

"Wow, it's true, these chimpanzees can actually cook?"

"Yeah, look over there, there is a chef of orangutan cooking, looking so appetite!"

"Hey, have you noticed that the chef uniforms on them are a little different from what we usually do!"

"Yes, I also found out. The chef uniforms worn by these chimpanzees look like conjoined ones. All their bodies are wrapped in it, with only one head exposed!"

"This is to prevent them from having unhygienic bacteria flowing into the dishes?"

"And their hands, they all wear a kind of gloves?"

"Also, they wash their hands in that basin before doing everything? Why is that?"

When these barrages just came out.

Morty also noticed these small details.

In order to satisfy the curiosity of the fans, I hurried over to check.

After lowering his head and smelling it lightly, Morty frowned slightly and said, "My friends, these are all disinfectants. That is to say, whether they are cutting vegetables, picking vegetables, or cooking, they will first Once disinfected, you will get started!"

"Wow, if you say that, there won't be any problems with hygiene here!"

"Yeah, there are those orangutan chefs, their cooking skills are so skilled, they are even better than human chefs!"

At this moment, a chimpanzee came over with a plate of freshly fried dishes.

He squeaked and pointed at the dishes on the plate.

Seeing that, it seemed that he wanted Morty to taste it himself.

Morty smiled and nodded. Under the camera, she directly pinched a small piece of it in her mouth.

As a result, all her expressions changed.

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