Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1020: : Scared silly

The headquarters of Xiongxiong TV live broadcast platform is located in the city center of Fengshi, in a twenty-storey office building.

Originally this was just a small platform.

It is said that when they were just established, their team had only a dozen people, and they rented a small office in a very inconspicuous place in Feng City.

Not to mention the poor conditions and the backward equipment.

It seems that the second-hand equipment purchased from other places can barely maintain the website.

However, with the development of these years.

The Xiongxiong TV anchor platform has emerged in a rapid manner, and has also been supported by several large domestic companies.

Among them, Xiao Shiyu now controls the Xiao enterprises.

The reason why I invested in this company at that time was nothing more than seeing the future of this emerging industry and simply investing some money in it.

This amount of money is not even a dime for Xiao family.

But for the raging TV that just appeared at that time, it seemed like a charcoal in the snow.

In this way, their team can not only upgrade all the equipment, but also invest a lot of money to carry out all-round advertising after receiving the funding from Dabi.

Thanks to the management in place, Xiongxiong TV has risen rapidly in just a few years, and eventually became the largest live broadcast platform in China.

Of course, Xiongxiong TV can come close to this level. Almost everyone knows that all this is the strong support and help from Xiao's enterprise back then.

Otherwise, how difficult is it for them to get ahead in this society like a big dye vat?

Cao Bin, the initiator of Xiongxiong TV, is also the chairman of the current live broadcast platform.

This year he is only in his forties, but he has reached such a high level.

At this moment, he was sitting in his luxurious office, turning off the computer with a gloomy expression.

He was also watching Morty’s live broadcast just now, and he saw the end from the beginning, without saying a word in the middle.

In front of him, there was a man standing with a big belly.

It was Morty's former agent, Fatty Meng Dameng.

"This Morty is really interesting, Meng Da, is this the female anchor you told me before?" Cao Bin said coldly.

"Yes...yes, chairman!" Fatty Meng nodded.

But looking at the cold sweat on his forehead, it was about to flow out.

Nowadays, Morty borrowed from the zoo to conduct the first day of live broadcast, which shows that the effect of the live broadcast is quite good.

Not to mention the skyrocketing popularity than before, the small gifts received that day have also reached hundreds of thousands of sales.

Compared with that yoyo, this kind of performance is one of the few on this platform.

"Very well, an outdated female anchor can not only bring her popularity back to life, but also climb a tree like Mr. Lin, not bad!" Cao Bin smiled and nodded.

Seeing him like this, Fatty Meng felt even more embarrassed.

He didn't know whether his boss was happy or angry.

"Oh, by the way, Meng Da, I want to ask you, who do you know Lin Fan is?" Cao Bin asked back.

"Acknowledge, know...We just met at the zoo today, it's the boss there!" Fatty Meng nodded.

"Oh? Listen to you, you just met Mr. Lin today? Ha ha..." Cao Bin smiled coldly.

At this moment, Fatty Meng's heart was even more shocked, his legs were limp, and he almost didn't sit on the ground.

"Today I will share a little bit with you, let you know who this Mr. Lin really is, and let you understand by the way how much trouble you caused Cao Bin to this company... "

As soon as the smile on Cao Bin's face receded, his tone of voice also increased a lot.

Fatty Meng shivered and his face became paler.

"Mr. Lin, as one of the top ten outstanding entrepreneurs in this city and even in this province, he is also a younger generation whom Mr. Ye Jia Ye in Beishou City highly values. Well, Ye Peng of Pengcheng Group is his eldest brother. The person who wants to close our company. He is the representative of the Ye family who is outside. His name is Wei Wu. I think you are familiar with it, right?"

Strictly speaking, the name Wei Wu seems to be bigger than Ye Peng.

Ye Peng is always relatively low-key. He is famous in Beishou City and Feng City. If he is outside Jiangbei Province, only those upper-class people will know about it in other places.

Wei Wu is different. He represents the Ye family.

Over the years, I have been to many places, under the banner of the Ye Family, and have done many things.

Because of the Ye family behind it, its status and identity are very powerful no matter where it goes to all parts of the country.

And Wei Wu has a very strange personality.

Feelings, anger, sorrow, and joy are unpredictable. You never know when he will become very happy, let alone when he will anger him because of a sentence, an action, or even an expression.

This is also true. How many bosses and business owners have suffered his losses?

Moreover, with the energy of the Ye family, it is extremely easy to block a small live broadcast platform.

When Fatty Meng heard that in the zoo before, the person who kept saying to seal up the company turned out to be Wei Wu, the representative of the Ye family.

The cold sweat on his back pierced his clothes through.

Fortunately, this matter was suppressed by Lin Fan in a few words.

Otherwise, if the company is really going to be seized by that Wei Wu, Fatty Meng will definitely carry this scapegoat.

Even if he was crushed to death by such a big pot, he would never be able to recite it.

Thinking of this, Fatty Meng had a lingering fear in his heart.

Seeing Fatty Meng’s look of uncertain, Cao Bin continued: “In addition, Mr. Lin also has his own identity. Have you heard of the Lu family in Beishou City? Well, it’s the same name as the Ye family. The family is no less powerful than the Ye family...I heard that the jewel in the palm of the Lu family father, his granddaughter Lu Yingxue, is also Mr. Lin’s girlfriend, and Lu Yingxue’s father is the head of our Jiangbei province.. ...."

"Of course, there is also the Xiao family enterprise, which is our company's second largest antique. Now Xiao Shiyu, the owner of the Xiao family, is also willing to be Mr. Lin's lover, and heeds Mr. Lin's words...other than that Besides, Mr. Lin’s personal greatest power cannot be underestimated!"

"Meng Da, the time you have been with me has not been long. You have seen a lot in the world, big and small. There is a leader in the world. I think you don’t know it, the mysterious killer from Citigroup, J Group, I think you should know?" Cao Bin said with a smile.

Hearing these words, the sweat on Fatty Mengzi's forehead, as if he had just washed his hair, rushed down.

He nodded quickly and looked at Cao Bin in horror.

Cao Bin smiled softly: "I think you have guessed that now that killer, the real BOSS behind the scenes is Lin Fan, who you just met in the morning and took the initiative to find someone to provoke..."

When the words fell, I saw Fatty Meng's face pale.

After shaking for a few times, he sat on the ground with a thud, and almost fainted in darkness before his eyes.

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