Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1021: : Only ask her for help

Fatty Meng probably never dreamed that the director of a small zoo would have such a big identity and background.

Not only has an irreversible relationship with such powerful characters as Ye Peng and Wei Wu.

The relationship with the Ye family and Lu family in Beishou City is not shallow.

And Lu Yingxue is Lin Fan's girlfriend, and the current helm of Xiao's Enterprise, which is spread outside, is Lin Fan's public lover.

The most important thing is that Lin Fan has something to do with Citi’s killer?

You must know that Team J may not be a big deal in Lin Fan's eyes.

But in the eyes of those other people, the J group is synonymous with horror.

Basically, all the targets they wanted to assassinate did not fail, and the methods were sophisticated and vicious.

Therefore, the reputation of Group J is a terrifying existence in the eyes of those upper-class figures in the world.

Fatty Meng has joined the company when Xiongxiong TV first emerged.

From an inconspicuous little employee, he gradually became the leading agent in the company today.

And the relationship with Cao Bin seems very good.

There are private rumors that this Fatty Meng and Cao Bin are also related to cousins.

But it is a rumor, and there is no definite evidence.

Even if there is evidence, they can't say anything, this Fatty Meng does have his own strength.

Almost all the female anchors he has brought, basically all have been popular.

It can be seen how strong this Fatty Meng's vision is and how strong he is to operate.

However, when he heard about Lin Fan's so many identities and figures.

Even he was so scared that he sat limply on the ground, looking weak, as if he had become dying.

Looking at Fatty Meng on the ground, Cao Bin's expression was also gloomy.

"Now you know, how much trouble did you cause me and our company? What kind of existence did you cause yourself?"

"Biao, cousin...please, please help me, help me!" Fatty Meng came back to his senses and said in a crying voice.

"Save you? Haha, Meng Da, let me be honest with you, don't think I am the chairman of Xiongxiong TV, but in the eyes of Mr. Lin, I am afraid that I am not even a fart. What do you want me to save you? "Cao Bin said with a gloomy expression.

He did not lie. With his current status and status, he may have a lot of reputation in the live broadcast industry.

But only in these live broadcast platforms, it is still a bit of face.

In front of big families like the Ye Family and Lu Family, he was nothing, and in front of Xiao Shiyu's old and large enterprises of the Xiao family, he still didn't count as anything.

It is not an exaggeration to say that once Xiao decides to withdraw shares from Xiongxiong TV.

Xiongxiong TV will definitely face a huge blow, even devastating...

Hearing this, Fatty Meng was completely dumbfounded.

Originally, he didn't think so much at all. Although Morty was brought out by him back then, it was flourishing for a while.

However, with the rapid development of the Internet, coupled with fierce competition between various platforms and anchors, if it is just a simple live broadcast, there will be no development and improvement at all.

Fatty Meng has also told Morty many times to change some of her live broadcast styles and her own characteristics.

However, Morty is a very conservative girl in her bones. She will definitely not accept the excessive live content.

Gradually, her popularity became less and less, and the people who followed her became lower and lower.

While Fatty Meng was disappointed in her, he found a new female anchor, who is now Yoyo.

Yo-yo is young and beautiful, and she is very fond of fans.

So, Fatty Meng decided to give up Morty and bring Yoyo out.

Seeing that the quarterly competition is about to begin, Fatty Meng intends to take this opportunity to kick Morty out of the game, and naturally, he will support Yoyo.

However, it is at this juncture.

But Morty ran to the zoo for a short live test of the water that evening.

The effect is surprisingly good.

In this way, Morty will definitely pose a big threat to Yoyo for the quarterly comparison two days later.

Ever since, they decided this morning.

I also went to the zoo to contract a site to drive Morty away.

In their opinion, as long as the money is in place, everything can go well.

Unexpectedly, they offended a big boss like Lin Fan.

Moreover, the background of this big boss is even more profound than Fatty Meng had imagined.

Not to mention him, even his cousin, the promoter of Xiongxiong TV, and the current chairman of the board, dare not provoke anything...

Seeing Fatty Meng's dull expression, he sat there without saying a word.

Cao Bin frowned and sighed softly.

In any case, this Fatty Meng is also his cousin, and he has to think about the company if he is not for him?


Cao Bin lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and spit out a cloud of white mist.

The white mist slowly transformed into various forms, rising in mid-air, and gradually disappearing from sight.

After a long time, Cao Bin said, "Meng Da, there is only one way to save you now!"

Hearing this, Fatty Meng's eyes lit up.

As if caught a life-saving straw, he hurriedly asked: "Cousin, what is the solution? As long as it can save me and the company, I, I would rather go through water and fire, and I will do it!"

"Hehe, it's not that serious, but it's really tricky. Whether you can make it depends on your own ability. The only person who can save you at the moment is the Morty you just offended... You can go to her and ask her to help you say something nice in front of Mr. Lin. I think that since she can broadcast live in the zoo, she must have a close relationship with Mr. Lin. Why don't you ask her for help !" Cao Bin said.


Hearing this, Fatty Meng was also taken aback.

Ask Morty to help? This is something he never thought of.

You know, in the last two days, he and Morty have been a little bit froze.

Especially this morning, she was in front of Lin Fan and the others, saying that she would fire herself.

This dismissal means that he no longer uses his agent.

Such a situation has not yet ended.

But let herself go to Morty, begging her to help rescue herself...

"As the so-called Feng Shui turns, when you were her agent yesterday, you could do whatever you want, but now, if you want to live well and want the company to continue, you can only ask her for help. , Maybe there is still a little chance, otherwise... With Mr. Lin's energy, if he really wants to deal with you, no one can help!" Cao Bin said softly.

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