Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1027: : The shock of singing

"Be simple... the way of speaking is simple, please omit the progressive emotions, you are not an actor, don't design those plots... No problem, I just want to see how you are round. Your sadness is too superficial, like an untalented actor, the audience can see at a glance..."

In the zoo, the live broadcast is still in progress.

When Lei Yinniao just sang "Ten Years", the drum beat of the red monkey and the guitar rhythm of the other two monkeys immediately changed to the next one.

Without any pause in the middle, Lei Yinniao continued to sing another song.

When I heard this song, no matter it was the visitors at the scene or the fans in the live broadcast room, everyone was shocked.

You know, they haven't heard the song "Ten Years" just now.

Some people even searched the Internet for the key lyrics of this song, but they were all wrong.

Now I have another song, how can these people not be surprised?

"Sister Morty, what are the names of these two songs? Why can't I find them on the Internet?"

"Yes, Sister Morty, do you know the title of the song?"

"Both songs are very good, and the lyrics are also well written, how can you not find it!"

"Isn't it the song written by this Thunderbird himself?"

"Puff! Old man upstairs, your words almost made me squirt out the water I just drank, and the birds would write songs?"

"Birds can sing, why can't they write songs?"

"Hahaha, do you think it is really refined? To me, if these two songs did not appear on the market, then they were definitely written by the zoo itself. As for who they are, you don't have to guess? The answer is obvious. what!"

"No? The handsome director is so talented? Not only can he manage the zoo well and vividly, he can also train those animals. Now he can even write songs? He is a male god."

"Male god? These skills have far surpassed those unused male gods, so cut?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, Sister Morty, does the handsome headmaster have a girlfriend? I want to be his girlfriend!"

"Hey, sister Baozhao!"

"Yeah, a picture of Sister Bao, let us see if we can be worthy of our handsome principal!"

In this way, from the topic of just chatting about songs, it quickly shifted to the topic of whether Lin Fan had a girlfriend.

At this time, Morty didn't even watch the live barrage.

Instead, I was engrossed in watching the concert on stage, especially the song I sang now, the lyrics of which have touched her more than once.

It made her eyes become a little moist.

"I should cooperate with your performance. I turned a blind eye to the performance. I was forcing someone who loves you the most to improvise... When did we start to put away the bottom line and watch those botched performances in line with the changes of the times, but you used to be so Why do you love me, the details of the performance, what should I become to slow down tiredness, it turns out that these are the tests when Love puts down its defenses..."

I don’t know how many people’s voices sang this song. Among these people, whether it’s men, women or children, which one has not experienced love?

And in the world of love, have they never experienced those singing in the song?

In fact, it is not only in the relationship between two people. In many cases, as long as there are people, are they doing all kinds of performances as much as possible?

Performance to relatives and friends, performance to superiors in the company, and performance to yourself.

In today's society, the pace is getting faster and faster.

Although everything is developing rapidly, people's hearts are also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

I want to live hard in this materialistic society.

Almost everyone wears several layers of masks to disguise themselves on their faces.

Faced with different people, things, and things, we must change into different ways of expression to perform different performances and disguise.

Over time, people have gradually forgotten what they were.

They all live in their own acting skills, from being jerky and clumsy at the beginning to becoming more proficient.

I am afraid that even they themselves cannot find their former self.

Morty is a very emotional girl. After hearing this song, it seemed that something was touching her heart.

Although she is doing live broadcast now, in her heart, is it not all helpless?

But this song by Lei Yinniao is just right, perfectly interpreting what has been buried in her heart.

"No problem, I can do whatever you want, and your acting skills are limited, and you don’t need to say testimonials, but the separation will be flat... I should cooperate with you in the performance, ignore the acting, and don’t force an impromptu who loves you the most. Performance, when did we start to put away the bottom line, and follow other people’s lies to be passive and not look pitiful, but why have you ever loved me so much for the details of the performance, what should I become to cooperate with the performance, it turns out that when love puts down its defenses All of these have a deadline..."

When this follow, enter the chorus part.

Morty's eye sockets became moist a little, and her sight gradually became blurred.

The mobile phone in his hand was shaking slightly.

Every sentence of lyrics is like a hammer, which is beating her heart hard.

The secrets she had buried in her heart for many years were relentlessly knocked out.

"Actually, I’m the only audience in the audience. Actually, I can see that you are a little bit reluctant. The scenes are also used to us pulling back and forth and worrying about something... In fact, it’s not always inseparable. In fact, the feelings are the most. What I’m afraid of is dragging. The more the scene is played, the more I can’t cry. Is it worth it...

Just when Morty immersed his emotions in the lyrics of this song.

My mind is like a movie film, forming a picture, playing back and forth.

All the things in the past have all emerged in one mind.

Teardrops gradually formed in front of the blurred eyes, running across his cheeks and dripping to the ground.

It made her voice sound | trembling.

As a result, at this time.

A figure quietly appeared next to her, holding a tissue, and said with a smile: "You can listen to songs like this. It seems that you are also a person with a story?"

When the voice fell, Morty turned back quickly in surprise.

When she saw the person next to her, it was the director of the zoo, Lin Fan.

Morty quickly wiped away the tears with his other hand.

With a smirk, he said, "Hehe, it turned out to be Mr. Lin. I just want to ask you, what is the name of this song?"

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Tell you the title of the song, can you tell me your story?"


Hearing this, Morty was slightly startled, and a trace of movement flashed in his eyes.

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