Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1028: : People with stories

The appearance of Lin Fan shocked Morty.

The conditions that Lin Fan put forward also made Morty extremely moved.

She looks like a very cheerful, a little careless girl.

In fact, there are many stories hidden in her eyes.

Although she tried to conceal it, a careful person could still see something.

"Mr. Lin, I, I..." Morty hesitated, and didn't say why for a long time.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan smiled slightly: "Just kidding, the name of this song is "Actor", the previous song is called "Ten Years""

"Ah? The actor and ten years? Mr. Lin... wrote it?" Morty said in surprise.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "You can say so!"

These two songs do not exist in this world.

It was Lin Fan's popular songs in another world. He didn't expect to make a fortune from these.

Occasionally, he taught Leiyinniao all the songs he knew.

And Leiyiniao seems to like these songs very much, as long as there is nothing wrong, it will sing a few words from time to time.

Morty was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect Mr. Lin to write songs. It is really impressive. From the lyrics, Mr. Lin seems to be a person with a story too!"

Lin Fan smiled softly: "Story? Ha ha, everyone has more or less, there are several stories!"

Hearing this, Morty was slightly startled.

Just as Lin Fan said these words, a sad look flashed in his eyes.

Although it was only fleeting, it did not stay in his eyes for long.

But it was still captured by Morty.

She also did not expect that the big boy who usually looks extremely sunny would have such a sentimental scene.

"Okay, let's broadcast it first. I have something to do. Oh, by the way, I may go to Citigroup in the two days. As for your live broadcast at the zoo, I have already arranged it. Don't worry!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Morty nodded, although she was also curious why Lin Fan wanted to go to Citigroup.

But she knew very well that she and Lin Fan were nothing more than a cooperative relationship.

It's far from reaching the point where you can ask about private matters.

Without continuing to say anything, he turned and walked towards Qianshan.

The concert on the back mountain lasted until noon before it could end.

After the end, those tourists still looked reluctant, especially those fans in the live broadcast room.

"Wow, the song that bird sang just now is so nice!"

"Yes, yeah, Sister Morty, when will you have another concert?"

"I really want to go to the zoo. I really envy those who can watch live concerts in the zoo. Those monkeys and that bird are amazing!"

Looking at these barrage, Morty said with a chuckle: "Next time the concert, I will consult with the zoo managers. I hope it will be held in the near future, but after all, it is an animal, you all know it!"

"Well, I love Sister Morty the most. Before the next concert, I have to say in advance, I want to go to the scene!"

"And me, I want to go to the scene too!"

"When I go to the scene, can I take a picture with Morty?"

Looking at these fans, with extremely excited expressions, Morty's face also had a chuckle.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million.

If this continues, Morty believes that he can easily win this quarter's competition.

In fact, her biggest competitor Yoyo.

Because of what happened the last time, I was devastated, and the live broadcast was not conducted for several days.

Fans have already fallen a lot.

Moreover, Morty has been on the top lists of the entire Blazing TV.

In this state, Morty has no rivals, even though he is the second place in the popularity list, he can only sigh with excitement.

When the live broadcast ended, Morty returned to Qianshan with a tired look.

At this time, the zoo is not closed, and many tourists are playing around in the zoo.

The little fox and Linda are also busy with each other.

Morty came to the door of the hotel and was about to go back to rest.

In the lobby, a person came into her sight.

This man had a big belly and had a shiny head, wearing a suit that didn't fit well.

He was standing there with an anxious face.

This person is the agent before Morty, Fatty Meng Dameng.

When Morty saw him, Fatty Meng had also seen Morty.

He hurried to the front and said with a big grin: "Oh, Morty, you finally came back. I have been waiting for you here for a long time!"

Morty frowned, "What's the matter with you coming to me? Didn't I already say that I will fire you?"

"Hey, yes, yes, the company has promised that you can choose any agent in the company, you don't have to be me!" Fatty Meng nodded with a smile.

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Morty became more and more strange.

Fatty Meng looked to both sides and saw that there was no one in the lobby. Then he said in a low voice: "Moti, the previous thing is indeed my Mengda’s fault, but I hope you can look at the company’s face and don’t make peace. I'm preoccupied, it's like this, your contract is about to expire, and the company hopes you can renew it!"

"Oh? This is it?"

"Yes, so I hope you can agree!"

Fatty Meng is in trepidation, and now Morty is in the company, not just as a female anchor.

You know, both he and the company's chairman Cao Bin think that the relationship between Morty and Lin Fan is unusual.

Otherwise, how could Lin Fan agree to let Morty stay in the zoo for live broadcast? And don't take any penny?

This is also true, Morty made them pay more attention.

In Cao Bin's view, retaining Morty is more than just retaining a female anchor who has a high degree of attention.

It is also possible to use Morty as a springboard to directly establish a relationship with Lin Fan.

Regardless of Lin Fan's appearance, he was just the director of a zoo.

But Cao Bin knew very well in his heart that the power behind Lin Fan could be great.

If Lin Fan can become the backer behind Xiongxiong TV, then the live broadcast platform will definitely go sideways in the industry.

After all, getting Lin Fan's support is equivalent to getting the support of the Ye Family, Lu Family, and Xiao Enterprises in Beishou City. This is no small matter.

Of course Morty didn't know this, and frowned, "Let me think about it, isn't it a few months before it expires? Don't worry!"

Hearing this, Fatty Meng frowned, with a touch of embarrassment on his face.

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