Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1077: : Sit back and enjoy

After a few months.

When these villagers returned to the village again, they all looked extremely excited.

The first thing they have to do is not an ecstatic sibling dance.

Instead, they hurriedly returned to their respective homes, shed tears of excitement.

In these two or three months, they have suffered all kinds of torture.

All of them looked extremely thin, and they were about to become skinny.

Looking at these people, Wang Jianmin and Yang Xin also sigh endlessly.

"Well, these villagers have become like this, alas!" Wang Jianmin smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"There is nothing to be pitiful. If they hadn't just driven the mother and daughter into the mountains back then, how could these things happen? If you really want to say it, you can only say that it is the reincarnation of heaven, retribution is unhappy!" Lin Fan sneered Said.

Although he rescued these villagers, he did not show any mercy to them.

As long as they are not stupid, they can see that the reason why they were trapped in that cave this time has not been let out for months.

This obviously has an absolute relationship with the mother and daughter.

Of course, most of the villagers who made mistakes are no longer there.

But revenge, will it fade away? Obviously it is impossible.

Wang Jianmin frowned, and don't look at Lin Fan deeply, and then at the villagers.

But he didn't say anything. After all, he was the deputy director of the provincial department and the deputy leader of the task force. Some remarks could not be said directly from him.

"By the way, Lao Wang, where is the leader of your task force? From starting with you until now, it seems that you haven't seen your mysterious leader appear. Why, that's a name?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Oh, you don't know, our team leader... is my immediate boss, so I really let you get it right. He is not so much as the team leader, but rather a Throw away the shopkeeper!" Wang Jianmin said with a wry smile.

"Oh? If that's the case, if this case is successfully solved, your team leader can sit back and take the credit for him. If the case is not successfully solved, it is your deputy leader who leads the team that is most responsible?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

Wang Jianmin nodded, a chuckle flashed across his face.

How can Lin Fan not know what he said?

What can I just know? Who would call someone a senior level, and myself a deputy?

Seeing Wang Jianmin’s melancholy expression, Lin Fan smiled and said, “Although I feel that this matter is a bit unfair to you, but I’m sure that it’s your credit forever, and no one can take it away. !"

Hearing this, Wang Jianmin's eyes lit up.

Lin Fan's ability to say such things shows that he is confident that he can do such things.

Moreover, with Lin Fan's current ability, once the case was solved, it would be a piece of cake to give all the credit to Wang Jianmin.

"Let's go, what are you doing stupidly standing there? Find a place to have a good rest. Tonight, I am afraid there will be a more troublesome battle!" Lin Fan said as he walked.

"Ah? Big battle? What do you mean?" Wang Jianmin was startled, a little unresponsive.

"Don't forget, the real culprit behind the scenes, we haven't found it yet, let your team members ask these people first, and see if you can ask something, there are clues about the real culprit behind the scenes!" Lin Fan said.

Hearing this, Wang Jianmin nodded and turned around to arrange work for his team members.

The unexpected return of these villagers did give all these members a glimmer of hope.

This is enough to show that this case will soon be solved.

Otherwise, before this, they were at a loss for this case and the mysterious disappearance of the villagers.

When Wang Jianmin arranged the task.

They respectively found the villagers who had just returned and the head of Meihua Village to question.

And all their dictations were written down and recorded.

Lin Fan did feel a little tired.

After busy working all morning, the spirit seemed a little tired.

When he found a house, Lin Fan took a temporary rest in it.

As a result, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep very quickly.

Even Lin Fan himself did not expect that he would sleep until the sky was completely dark.

Until Yang Xin ran to wake him up in person.

"Xiao Fan, Xiao Fan? Wake up soon, it's time for dinner!" Yang Xin said softly.

Lin Fan slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw Yang Xin in front of him, he was slightly startled.

He quickly turned around and looked at the window.

As a result, there was a row of black paint outside the windows.

Lin Fan shook his head and quickly sat up: "It's getting dark so soon?"

"Hehe, you haven't slept for a short time this night, get up quickly and have something to rest before returning!" Yang Xin said with a smile.

Lin Fan nodded and said softly: "Okay, but wait, I'm afraid there is no chance to sleep!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yang Xin was startled.

Lin Fan didn't explain anything, but went straight to the bathroom and simply washed his face before turning around and walking outside the house.

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